Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 810 Adding Obstacles To The Silicon Valley Alliance

Lu Yi didn't pay too much attention to Luo Tianyi's second concert.


He had no time to pay attention.

Compared with what happened at Pangu Semiconductor, Luo Tianyi's second concert seemed insignificant.


He also believed that Li Han could get things done.


Just worry about the things you should worry about.

this day.

Lu Yi finally ran out of Pangu Semiconductor's laboratory. Before he had time to rest, the Future Group reported important matters to him.

have to say.

Although he has delegated a large part of his power.

But as the boss, he is still very busy.

Come to Future Group and go directly to the online cloud translation project department. 06 "Director Lu!"

"Director Lu, you are here."

People in the project department greeted Lu Yi one after another when they saw him arriving.

Lu Yi nodded in response and walked into a conference room.

The participants were the technical management team of Online Cloud Translation, and of course the COO Lu Qi was not absent either.

"let's start."

Lu Yi sat in the first place and said nothing nonsense.

Liu Jun, the person in charge of Online Cloud Translation, nodded and said: "Two bosses, the online cloud translation project in charge of our department has been successfully completed."

“After various tests, there were no problems.

"Online cloud translation......"

In 2007, Lu Yi promoted a big project - artificial intelligence, codenamed [Azure].

In the [Azure] project, there are three sub-projects, namely online translation, speech and image recognition, and virtual idol.

Voice and image recognition, as well as virtual idols, have all been launched last year.

Due to the complexity of the project, the estimated launch time for online translation was 2009.

The total budget of these three projects is as high as 5 billion meters.

Among them, online cloud translation and speech picture recognition have a budget of 2 billion yuan.

The virtual idol has a budget investment of 1 billion yuan.

It can be said.

Lu Yi attaches great importance to these three projects and has invested a lot of manpower and material resources in them.

Of course.

The three projects currently appear to be very successful.

Virtual singer Luo Tianyi is popular all over the world and has countless fans.

Voice and picture recognition is an epoch-making feature on the fourth-generation pinnacle mobile phones.


The last of the three projects, online cloud translation, has also been completed and can be released online.


Lu Yi listened carefully to Liu Jun's introduction to the online cloud translation software and expressed satisfaction with their work.

This online cloud translation software can not only translate Chinese into English, or English into Chinese.

Instead, various languages ​​can be translated into each other.

Absolute god-level translation software.


The 2 billion meters of gold invested are not vegetarian.

To make a Chinese-English translation software, you definitely don’t need that much money.

In order to make this online translation software good, Lu Yi spent so much money not only on technology, but also established many language groups and traveled to various parts of the world to collect relevant indigenous words, slang, etc. from various countries. .

This is why among the three projects, online cloud translation took two years from development to release.

"very good!"

“You’re doing a great job!”

Lu Yi said.

Then he looked at Lu Qi and said, "Lao Lu, don't forget the bonus for their project."

Lu Qi smiled and said: "Don't worry, I won't forget it."

Liu Jun and others were very happy to hear this.

"Two bosses, now that the online cloud translation software can be launched, when will you hold a press conference?" Liu Jun asked.

Liu Jun was also very excited about the project he was responsible for, looking forward to the day when it would be released online.

Lu Yi tapped his fingers on the desktop, thought for a while, and said with a smile: "Silicon Valley Alliance is planning to release the OpenStack platform on the 18th, so we will cause trouble for them. Let's just schedule the launch on the 18th."

These words made everyone present laugh.

It seems that Director Lu is very dissatisfied with the Silicon Valley Alliance, "They want to cause trouble here after OpenStack is released.

Both sides competed in the ring, and Liu Jun was not weak at all.

Because he has absolute confidence in the online cloud translation software!

Lu Qi also smiled and said: "I think it's okay, 570 will add trouble to them."

Lu Yi agreed: "Then it's settled!"

"Lao Lu, you are responsible for the press conference. Pangu Semiconductor has been very busy recently and I don't have time.

Lu Qi nodded and said, "No problem."

"Okay, so be it."

Just as Lu Yi was about to announce retail investors, his cell phone rang.

I took it out and saw that it was indeed Yu Chengdong calling.

"Hey Tu."

"I said, Director Lu, where have you been? Come to the laboratory quickly, everyone is waiting for your guidance.

"I'm a layman giving them expert advice, and I said, Lao Yu, please spare me!"

"No! You proposed the plan. You know it better than anyone else. Now we are in some trouble. We need you to come over and solve it. Come quickly, we are all waiting for you."

Before Lu Yi could refuse, Yu Chengdong hung up the phone.

Lu Yi looked at the hung up phone, then looked at Lu Qi, Liu Jun and the others, shrugged and said helplessly: "Lao Lu, don't think I'm being lazy, you heard "I'm really busy."

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