Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 811 In Addition To Being Angry, I Am Still Angry, And My Nose Is Crooked With Anger.

April 10th.

Future Group issued an official announcement and will hold a new product launch conference on the 18th.

As soon as the news came out.

There was an immediate sensation in the industry.

Is Future Group going to release new products again?

This speed is too fast!

The WisdomStack open source platform was officially released early last month.

In the middle to late this month, another new product will be released.

The speed at which this product is put online is second to none!

Although they are shocked by the speed at which Future Group launches new products, everyone is more concerned about what Future Group is releasing this time.

"Does anyone know what the new product of No. 18 Future Group is?"

“Is it the second version of the WisdomStack platform?”

"Why do you have to pay attention to what product this is rather than the time it is released? On the 18th, the Silicon Valley Alliance's OpenStack platform is going to be released on the 18th!"

"Tsk tsk, the Future Group chose this date very carefully. It is preparing to add trouble to the Silicon Valley Alliance.

"Haha, it's true, but I like it!"

"I can already imagine what the expressions of the people in the Silicon Valley Alliance will be like when the news reaches America on the other side of the ocean. The ten moves are very exciting!"

"I did it on purpose. The cliff was intentional. If not, I would have stood on my head and eaten!"

"I have to say that Future Group's R&D capabilities are really strong. From the original Future Technology to today's Future Group, you can think back on whether every new product released by Future Group has become popular all over the world~||? "

"Damn it! When you say that, it's true!"

"I still remember that when Future Group's first product, Xiaonei Network, was launched, I was immediately involved. Later, a lot of big companies such as Goose Factory, Wangyi, and Sohu followed suit. At that time, I remember thinking about Campus Network. , Renren, etc., there are simply countless of them. But Future Technology, a young newcomer with little background at the time, was able to continue to develop and grow amidst the encirclement and suppression of large manufacturers, relying on the strong innovation ability of Future Technology. Click Like, steal food, grab parking spaces, etc., many small functions and mini-games are popular all over the country. Unknowingly, Future Group is already 6 years old, which makes me, a die-hard fan, feel a lot in my heart."

This netizen's comment immediately resonated with countless netizens.


Lots of likes and comments below.

Everyone also recalled how they got involved in the Future Group.

Some started from the school network, some started from fighting for parking spaces, and some set alarm clocks to get up in the middle of the night to steal food. They were so excited after success.


A wave of memories caused related topics to hit the top of the Weibo hot search list.

This left many people stunned.

Future Group’s new product launch preview actually grabbed the headlines due to everyone’s memories, ah

In the Internet age, the transmission of news is very convenient.

As a global news porter, Reddit, news about the Future Group’s 18th new product launch conference appeared on the website almost immediately.


It has attracted countless European and American netizens to discuss it.

Future Group also has many die-hard fans in European and American countries.

"Uh, Phantom! Future Group is actually going to release a new product again."

“I don’t know what the products released this time are.”

"Although Future Group is a Dragon Kingdom company and I hate Dragon Kingdom very much, I really like the products of Future Group, a Dragon Kingdom company."

"Future Group's products have penetrated into every aspect of my life, and I can't live without them."

“We look forward to the group’s new products bringing us surprises in the future.

"Hey man, trust me [Future Group] never disappoints!"

On the Reddit website, related news posts are extremely popular.

Mainstream media organizations in Europe and the United States also immediately reprinted news reports related to signings from the Reddit website.

"Faq! He is provoking and disgusting us!"

When Eric Schmidt, CEO of Guge, saw the relevant news reports, he smashed the phone in his hand and cursed.

"Shet! Damn Future Group, this is destroying our situation!"

Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer was also furious.

"Fake! Shet! Bichi!"

"Damn Future Group, why haven't these idiots such as Fobo Le grasped the handle of Future Group yet?"

"Those people in the Black Palace are just losers. They (Qian Zhao's) should immediately ban Future Group's products and completely expel us, America!"

"The great America has been riddled with holes by the products of the Future Group, but those gentlemen from the Black Palace are still indifferent!"

Jeff Bezos, Larry Ellison, Nioff, etc., all the big guys in the Silicon Valley Alliance yelled at each other.

Of course they can see that Future Group has set the new product launch conference on the 18th, which is the same date as their OPenStack launch conference. This is definitely a disgusting provocation to them.


Apart from yelling and swearing, they couldn't stop it.

In addition to being angry, I was still angry, and my nose was crooked with anger.

This is so annoying!

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