There was a commotion in the conference room of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission.

This isn't the first time this has happened.

Regarding whether to agree to Lu Yi's three conditions, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission was divided into two groups.

One group agrees, and one group opposes.

"I firmly oppose! This 50 billion is the tax money of the people across the country. We must be responsible for the people and the country! If this 50 billion is wasted in the end, who of us can shoulder this responsibility? How can we follow the people~ The state explains?”

"That's it! Besides, we can also hand over the 50 billion to other people to invest in the chip and semiconductor industry. I believe other people will be very interested in this money and will definitely not put forward these conditions.

"Haha~ Others won't mention it, but can you guarantee that giving this money to these people will produce results? What if these people are Chen Jin again? What if the Hanxin incident happens again, this responsibility , who can afford it?"

"You're right! Others may be the next Chen Jin, but Lu Yi definitely won't! As far as we know, he has invested tens of billions in the chip and semiconductor industry. This is all real money. Obviously He is also committed to promoting the localization of the chip and semiconductor industry, but he is much more reliable than others! In order to avoid a recurrence of the Hanxin incident, we can agree to his three conditions and give him the money!"

The quarrel at the meeting was fierce.

Neither faction can convince the other.

The head of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission listened to everyone's quarrel.

In the previous few relevant meetings, he did not express his position.

But this time, he had to show his attitude.


At this time, the leader of the state-owned capital force coughed twice.


The scene of the quarrel became quiet, and everyone looked over.

I know, the top leader has something to say.


The final decision-making power is still in the hands of the top leader.

"The focus of everyone's current debate is actually Lu Yi's three conditions, which are suspected of passing the blame."

"Actually, we can look at it from another angle."

"Since we are going to give money to Lu Yi to operate, we should trust this young man 100%."

"How can this be done if you have a skeptical attitude?"

The words of the head of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission caused the expressions of the opposition to change.

They could tell from the words that the top leader was leaning towards Lu Yi.

"Everyone should know what is the current situation of the domestic chip and semiconductor industry?"

"Comrades, we are severely hampered by Europe and the United States in this field."

"In the last century, in terms of chip semiconductors and even lithography machines, the gap between us and Europe and the United States was not that big."

"However, due to the environmental factors at that time, the domestic trend of buying rather than buying, and renting rather than buying, prevailed in China, so that after entering the millennium, our chip and semiconductor industry has lagged far behind Europe and the United States."

"Currently, the demand for chips in all walks of life is huge, not only in the civilian field, but also in the military."

“If the country wants to develop high-precision industries, it needs more advanced military equipment, which requires the support of high-end chips.

"If we don't have our own domestic high-end chips and use high-end chips from Europe and the United States, especially when it comes to the military industry, is this safe? Can we use it with confidence?"

"The great man has long said that the empire will never die if I want to destroy it!"

"After decades of peace, the surrounding environment has begun to become harsh."

"The Western world, led by America, is pursuing our country, trying to curb our development, and keep our country at the bottom forever. Is it okay to work for them?

0…Please give me flowers…

"So, there are some things that we must keep in our own hands.

The words of the head of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission made everyone present extremely silent.

The current international environment is getting worse and worse for the Dragon Kingdom, and the pressure it faces is also increasing.

Europe and the United States have increased their blockade of the Dragon Kingdom, and some things must be done by themselves.

After the millennium, the country has regained awareness of the importance of the chip industry.

Therefore, a large amount of money was invested to promote the development of localization of chip semiconductors, with the intention of catching up with the advanced levels of Europe and the United States.


People with ulterior motives took advantage of the country's urgent need to develop high-end chips and staged a show of using Motorola's chips and erasing the relevant logos [Hanxin labeled as domestically produced


This incident was a critical blow to the development of localization of the chip and semiconductor industry.

"We can completely trust Comrade Lu Yi."

"The leader above has said before that Lu Yi is a good comrade!"

"50 billion yuan is not a small amount. We should give this money to a good comrade who deserves the trust of the people of the country!"

"Comrade Lu Yi is undoubtedly the best candidate!"

The words of the head of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission undoubtedly made his decision.

"Some of our comrades are worried about this and that, but I don't think there is any need for that."

"Lu Yi himself took out 150 billion yuan from his small treasury and invested it, which shows that there is a high probability that this will happen and that the second Hanxin incident will not happen."

"So, we can definitely be bolder and more advanced.

"My comrades can be completely trusted."

Time passed by minute by minute.

This meeting at the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission ended quickly.

Although the process was very quarrelsome, an agreement was reached in the end. .

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