Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 814 The Key To Realizing The Dragon Kingdom Dream Lies In The Fourth Industrial Revolution

Two days later.

Liu Hongxin came to Sioux City again to visit Lu Yi.

In the room, the two of them were sitting on the sofa chatting.

After a few polite words, Liu Hongxin got to the point and said: "Comrade Lu Yi, after discussions within the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, everyone has unanimously agreed that 50 billion will be handed over to you for operation. It shouldn't be too late now."

"It's never too late to come in."

Lu Yi said with a smile.

Since the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission is willing to hand over the money to him, it means that it has agreed to the three conditions he proposed.

That being the case.

There is no reason not to collect the money.

In the chip and semiconductor industry, the more money, the better.

"The entry of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission into "070" is also a good thing for the Blue Venture Capital Fund.

"With official endorsement, the momentum will immediately rise to a higher level. I can't help but wish for it."

Hearing this, Liu Hongxin laughed.

In his heart, he was scolding Lu Yi for being an old fox.

The words were nice to say, but they didn't give in at all.

It's really too much to ask for. Why didn't I just agree when I came to visit last time?

"Comrade Lu Yi, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission will leave this 50 billion to you.

"This is the tax money of the people across the country. We must be worthy of the people and the country."

Liu Hongxin said seriously.

Lu Yi smiled and said: "Thanks to the trust of all leaders, don't worry, Director Liu, I will use this money where it should be used and will never use it randomly."

Lu Yi put forward those three conditions just to put on a pair of gloves for himself.

As for where the money should be used, he will naturally not use it randomly.

In this meeting, things went smoothly.

after all.

The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission came to send money, and they also agreed to the conditions. There was no reason why it would not go smoothly.


The two parties are signing the contract.

The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission came in with RMB 50 billion, accounting for 23% of the equity.

Of course.

For the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, the amount of equity is not important.

They also didn’t want to control Lu Yi’s Azure Venture Capital Fund.

The main reason why Lu Yi was given this money was because he saw Lu Yi’s determination to develop a localized chip semiconductor industry.

This is not a matter of one person, but of the country.

Everyone in Lu Yi has invested a lot of money in it. The country can't pretend to be deaf and indifferent!

With a trustworthy person like Lu Yi taking the lead in boosting the domestic semiconductor industry and even the development of major technology industries, the country will naturally provide strong support.

After the business was settled, both parties seemed very comfortable.

Liu Hongxin did not leave in a hurry, but had a long talk with Lu Yi.

"You said that the fourth industrial revolution will inevitably be brewing in the five major fields of new materials, artificial intelligence, genetic engineering, quantum technology and controllable nuclear fusion..."

As they chatted, Liu Hongxin became serious.

Lu Yi nodded and said: "Yes, the fourth industrial revolution will use artificial intelligence, new material technology, molecular engineering, graphene, virtual reality, quantum information technology, controllable nuclear fusion, clean energy and biotechnology as technological breakthroughs. of the Industrial Revolution.”

“The fourth industrial revolution is based on the emergence of cyber-physical systems.”

“Cyber-physical systems combine digital technologies for communications with software, sensors and nanotechnology.”

"At the same time, the convergence of biological, physical and digital technologies will transform the world as we know it today. y

"Therefore, I suggest that Director Liu can make suggestions to his superiors to make an advance layout in artificial intelligence, new materials, genetic engineering, quantum technology, etc.

"Seizing the opportunity of the upcoming fourth industrial revolution will transform our country from a manufacturing power to an innovation and technology power, and enhance our country's core competitiveness."

Liu Hongxin nodded, but frowned and said: "These fields you mentioned are not ordinary. It is very difficult to make a real breakthrough in any of them."

Lu Yi smiled and said: "It is precisely because of the difficulty that we have to plan ahead and gain more time. Only by seizing the initiative can our country be invincible.

“Why do countries rise and fall?”

"The answer lies in whether we can achieve a leadership position in previous industrial revolutions, which in turn depends on whether we can achieve breakthroughs in core technology areas."

“The First Industrial Revolution – The Age of Steam – Eagle Country.

“The Second Industrial Revolution—The Electric Age—The Kingdom of Hans and America.”

"The third industrial revolution - information technology, new materials, aerospace, etc. - America."

"We can see that during the three industrial revolutions, the center of technological innovation and economics gradually moved from the Eagle Country to the European continent and the American continent."

“Whoever can take a leading position in the industrial revolution will be able to rise to the top in the international community and become a super power and a powerful country.

"The end of one era is also the beginning of another."

"Realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is the greatest dream of the Chinese nation in modern times, and it is the dream of each of us in the Dragon Kingdom."

"To realize our Dragon Kingdom dream, we must take the lead and take a leadership position in the upcoming fourth industrial revolution!"

Lu Yi's words made Liu Hongxin's eyes suddenly freeze.

Dragon Kingdom Dream?

This was the first time he heard of it.


I have to say that the Dragon Kingdom dream summarized by Lu Yi is very appropriate. .

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