Liu Hongxin nodded silently after hearing this.

indeed so.

Mizuki Kyoda is one of the two most well-known institutions of higher learning in the country, but its reputation has obviously been declining in recent years.

For example, Shuimu University is even known as the "Liumi Preparatory Class".

Many students who study abroad at public expense never return.

This point has been particularly criticized by the outside world.


Because these people have been trained hard by the country, and they use the tax money of the people across the country to study abroad.

The result is good.

With the support of the state, these people completed their studies, but ended up not coming back and choosing to work for America~.

Isn't this cultivating talents for America?


Shuimu University is still one of the most famous universities in our country, and the funds it receives every year are even worse than other universities.

Besides, the domestic investment environment is indeed filled with a kind of "anxious" atmosphere.

Projects that obviously take a long time to produce results are required to be cashed in within a short time under the coercion of capital.

What should I do if I can’t cash out in a short period of time?

Of course it’s easy!


In the end, the veil was lifted, leaving a pile of chicken feathers on the ground, and the capital had already taken the bucket and ran away.

have to say.

What Lu Yi said made Liu Hongxin look askance.

This is not something that ordinary entrepreneurs or businessmen can say.

What Lu Yi said hit the point completely.

No wonder Lu Yi can dominate the Internet technology industry. There is really no one else with such vision.

"Of course, America has its advantages, but its shortcomings are also outstanding."

At this time, Lu Yi changed the subject.

"The fundamental flaw of America is that its industrial capabilities are no longer good."

"America has very good technology, but from an economic point of view, no matter how good the technology is, if it cannot be turned into a best-selling product on the market, it will always be something that can theoretically make money."

"To put it bluntly, technology that cannot be commercialized is just a piece of waste paper."

"Waste paper is useless."

"This is the flaw of America. It has strong innovation capabilities but weak industrialization capabilities.

"Because 40% of the industry has left America forever. It is short of things. This is a critical place."

"This is why starting from Clinton, Clinton, Bush, and Opama all want to get the industry back."

“But as of now, it’s unsuccessful. It’s not successful so far.

Having said this, Lu Yi took a sip of water to moisten his throat.

Saying so much in one breath made his voice a little angry.


He continued: “The hollowing out of America’s industry is serious.”

"According to relevant data, America's third service industry accounts for 80%, while industry accounts for only 19.1%."

"Obviously, America's industrial manufacturing now only accounts for less than 20% of GDP."

“Once encountering certain emergencies, Black Swan America will be faced with a situation where there is nothing available.

"And precisely, at this point, it is our country's advantage."

"Our country has a large population and a complete range of industries. This can ensure that when our country encounters some black swans, it has enough resistance and will not be overwhelmed all at once!"

"If America's industry is not hollowed out and the manufacturing industry quickly returns, America's dominance will be truly unshakable. The country that will open the door to the fourth industry will definitely be America."

"But there are no ifs."

"America has been promoting the reshoring of manufacturing over the years, especially after the subprime mortgage crisis."

0…Please give me flowers…

"But it's a pity that it didn't happen."

"But I speculate that America will never just watch it, and will definitely take corresponding measures.

Liu Hongxin raised his eyebrows and asked curiously: "How to say?"

Lu Yi said: "For example, trade war!"

"America has rich experience in this area."

“The US-EU trade war in the 1970s, the US-EU steel trade war at the beginning of the millennium, etc.

"As the largest Liumang country in the world, if America tries to play Liumang, no one can resist her!"

"If America starts a trade war with us, they can find ways to take the industrial chain out of our country."

"Obviously, America's biggest competitor in the future is not the European Union, nor Maozi, nor the island country or Han Country, but our Dragon Country."

"Then America's idea is very simple and crude - if the industrial chain cannot be returned to me, America, I will break you to pieces, and you won't have it either."

"It even started to cheat, punishing us legally, suing us, arresting our people, and resorting to administrative means to order all allies not to buy our products or related technologies, engaging in unilateral trade, and destroying the world. process of transformation."

"This is what the public knows as Eastern jealous thinking!"

These words made Liu Hongxin's expression become serious instantly.


not necessarily!


Liu Hongxin decided that he must write out the report and hand it in when he went back this time.

The people of the Dragon Kingdom have always prepared for a rainy day.

Still can't have too much hope for America, we have to have defensive means to predict. .

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