Time flies by like running water.

During this meeting, Lu Yi and Liu Hongxin talked for more than two hours.

Liu Hongxin also has a new understanding of Lu Yi.


Lu Yi is very famous.

Even people like him within the system are familiar with Lu Dao's name.

At a young age, he already has a net worth of hundreds of billions of dollars. It is not an exaggeration to describe him as being as rich as a country.

And judging from the channels he knew.

Lu Yi is very young, too young.

Although he is already the richest man in the world, he seems to be very low-key. He rarely appears in front of the public and does not accept interview invitations from various parties.

Even in the circle of wealthy people, Lu Yi "097" has basically never been to some banquets such as chamber of commerce receptions.


In the circle of rich people, Lu Yi is very unsociable to other rich people.

Liu Hongxin had the same impression before this.

But through this meeting, his impression of Lu Yi completely changed.

Lu Yi is indeed unsociable.

But this "unsociable" is not a derogatory sense, but a complimentary one.

The purpose of those drinking parties and chambers of commerce organized by the rich is nothing more than exchanging what they have and forming cliques.

But although Lu Yi is young, he has already broken away from this category.

Lu Yi's structure is not at the same level as these wealthy people who focus on their own interests.

Those people are businessmen,

And Lu Yi is an entrepreneur, and the situation has risen to the national level, with personal interests placed behind national interests.

No wonder the superiors above would say Lu Yi is a good comrade!

This evaluation can be said to be quite high.

As Liu Hongxin said goodbye, this 50 billion yuan of state-owned assets was transferred to Qingwei Capital the next day.

Moreover, it is a one-time payment.

I have to say that GZB’s speed this time is really fast.

This is the efficiency of express level, no matter what you have to do.

To know.

In China, the efficiency and speed of doing a thing can be said to be very different, and you can do whatever you want.

Slow, it can be so slow that you are exhausted mentally and physically, or even feel despair.

It's fast, and it can be so fast that you can't believe it and doubt your life.

There are many doors here, but they are quite deep.

at the same time.

Liu Hongxin, who returned to GZB, came to the top leader's office to report on his work for the first time.

When Liu Hongxin talked about the Dragon Kingdom dream proposed by Lu Yi, the GZB leader's eyes suddenly lit up and he immediately slapped his thigh.

"This Lu Yi, how long is his brain? He can always come up with some refreshing concepts!"

"The term "Dragon Kingdom Dream" simply expresses the voice of the people and condenses into a national consensus. It can be interpreted in multiple ways from different levels and angles.

"The Dragon Kingdom Dream is both a national dream and a personal dream; it is both a long-term dream and a short-term dream; it is both a dream of grand ambition and a dream of warmth and happiness.

"Okay, okay, the concept of the Dragon Kingdom Dream proposed by Lu Yi is very good."

"Old Liu, based on Lu Yi's ideas, you can further elaborate on the Dragon Kingdom Dream, write an internal reference about the Dragon Kingdom Dream, and hand it over to the superior department at that time.

The GZB leader said.

He could predict it.

When their GZB side submits relevant articles about Dragon Kingdom Dream, what will the leader’s expression be like after reading it?


There's a good chance this article will land on that desk.

Liu Hongxin smiled and nodded: "No problem, I will further elaborate and deepen it based on Lu Yi's work.

The head of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission smiled and said: "Write it well. I estimate that our article will have a high chance of being circulated within the government. I will soon reach retirement age, and I am more optimistic about you as the head of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission." "

Liu Hongxin was a little excited when he heard this.

If the internal reference of the Dragon Kingdom Dream he wrote can really create a huge sensation within the system, then there is no doubt that his position as the head of the G Office will be secure...

"Old leader, you have done a good job in cultivating me," Liu Hongxin said with a smile.

The head of the GZ office waved his hand and said: "Master, let me in. Practice depends on oneself. The most important thing you can get to this point is your own efforts. Okay, let's stop flattering each other here. You continue to talk. .”

Liu Hongxin nodded and continued to talk about Lu Yi's views on the fourth industrial GM.

The head of the GZ office listened carefully, frowning and thinking from time to time.

"Lu Yi's perspective on the problem is indeed tricky, but it goes straight to the core of the problem.

“I can’t imagine that this would be said by a young man who is only 27 or 28 years old.

After listening to Liu Hongxin's words, the GZB leader couldn't help but sigh.

Liu Hongxin also nodded with deep understanding and said: "Yes! If I hadn't had a face-to-face conversation with him, it would be hard for me to imagine that this is the view of a young man under thirty years old on the future direction, but what he said is still... It makes perfect sense and I can’t find anything wrong with it.”

"The five major directions he proposed for the fourth industrial GM were something I kept thinking about on the way back."

"I have to say, 2.7 is indeed very insightful."

"In the first and second industrial GM, nothing happened to us. In the third industrial GM, we caught up, but we only got on the bus halfway and fell behind others."

"As Lu Yi said, the fourth industrial GM will open up a new pattern in the world. Whoever can take the lead in opening the door to the fourth industrial GM can become the leader."

"We have always loved peace and have no ambition to be the big brother. It does not mean that we have to be controlled by others and lag behind others."

"Lu Yi said whether the Dragon Kingdom dream can finally be realized depends on whether we can seize the opportunity, surpass America, and take the lead in entering the fourth industrial GM!"

The leader of GZB nodded with deep understanding and said: "This young man Lu Yi has something!"

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