Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 822 Director Lu, Your Treasury Is Really Small.

A few days later.

Lu Yi organized a dinner party.

Many people who attended the dinner had called Lu Yi and were interested in capital institutions that wanted to get on the bus.

For this dinner, all the capital institutions that received invitations came without exception.

Even if they were abroad, many people flew to Sioux City in a hurry.

For those who are unable to attend in person, a client will be sent to attend.

The number of capital institutions invited to come was no less than 50.

The lineup for this private dinner is undoubtedly luxurious.

Banquet scene.

A lively scene.

Men and women were all dressed in evening gowns, and everyone gathered in small groups to chat.

Being in such a high-end place is a rare opportunity for many people.

Maybe you can get in touch with a big boss or negotiate a business deal, which will take your life to the next level.

This is also the reason why most wealthy people are keen on various banquets and receptions.

This is a place where you can broaden your network.

For the participants, they have participated in this kind of occasion countless times and are already familiar with it.

The atmosphere at the venue is very good, with music as accompaniment and good drinks.

Not long after.

Lin Qingya took Lu Yi's arm and the two appeared together.


A large group of people gathered around him.

Although they have expressed their intention to enter the market to Lu Yi on the phone before, they also believe that Lu Yi will not overturn this time, but they still want to hear how Lu Yi's Azure Venture Capital Fund operates and what industries it will participate in. in order to have a clear understanding of the situation.

"Director Lu, long time no see!"

"Director Lu, Mr. Lin."

Big bosses in the capital industry all stepped forward to say hello.

Although they are older than Lu Yi and Lin Qingya, their arrogance is very low.

no way.

Who can stand up in front of Lu Yi?

Are you talking about age?

That's a joke!

Let’s wait until your net worth reaches the same level as Lu Yi.


Can they achieve it?

Basically hopeless.

Even the combined net worth of all of them may not be as much as that of Lu Yi.


Why are you putting on airs in front of Lu Yi?

Only when you have strength can you be strong!

Lu Yi greets everyone.

Lu Yi smoothly took a glass of wine from a plate held by a passing waiter, raised his glass to everyone in the banquet hall, and said with a smile: "Lu Yi is deeply honored that you are invited to come, and I would like to propose a toast to you all. "

Everyone present raised their wine glasses in return.

Then drink it all in one gulp.

After everyone finished drinking the glass of wine, no one spoke, but looked at Lu Yi.

Lu Yi put down the wine glass in his hand, looked around the audience and said: "The outside world has been very lively recently. I once again made the headlines and occupied public resources. I am really sorry.

As soon as these words came out, there was a burst of laughter.

Lu Yi smiled and continued: "Everyone is saying that I have started to cross boundaries again."

"Okay, I admit, I have indeed crossed over again. This time I am going to have fun in the investment world."

Although all the big guys in the investment world were present, no one dared to laugh at Lu Yi's words.

"The Blue Venture Capital Fund was established not long ago, and its previous book capital was only 60 to 70 billion. Anyway, it completely wiped out my small treasury."

Everyone: "


Everyone calls him a good boy.

The small treasury is only 60 to 70 billion. This... it's really annoying to compare people to each other.

There were nearly a hundred of them present, and there were really not many with a net worth of sixty or seventy billion.

For this, Lu Yi also used the term "small treasury" to describe it.

0…Please give me flowers…

They really want to say, Director Lu, your treasury is really small!

"I know."

"Everyone is very concerned about the investment areas of Blue Venture Capital Fund."

“We are currently living in an era of great changes unseen in a century. Technology is developing too fast and is changing every day. If you don’t pay attention, you will feel like you are falling behind.

“What I saw here were countless opportunities, so the Blue Venture Capital Fund came into being.

"Now I can give you a clear answer here. Azure Venture Capital Fund only invests in emerging technology industries.

As soon as these words came out, many people at the scene frowned.

There are rumors on the Internet that the goal of Azure Venture Capital Fund is the fourth industrial revolution. Is it true?

Immediately, someone asked: "Director Lu, what specific emerging technology industries do you mean? Chips, semiconductors, or others?"

This is an issue that many people present are concerned about.

The chip semiconductor industry does have great development prospects.

But as far as the domestic situation is concerned, it's too bad.

If Lu Yi wants to use money to invest in the domestic chip and semiconductor industry, this...

They are capitalists, not philanthropists!

Lu Yi blurted out directly: "Including but not limited to this."

These words immediately made many capital institutions present retreat.

They all know about the domestic Hanxin incident.

Can we really find a way out with Lu Yi's help?

Seeing everyone's expressions, Lu Yi's expression did not change at all, but he increased his voice and said: "Everyone, Blue Ventures is investing in the fourth industrial revolution!"

"Yes, you heard that right."

"There is a rumor on the Internet that I am preparing for the fourth industrial revolution, and it is indeed true!"

As soon as he said these words, the capital institutions on the scene immediately exploded. .

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