Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 823 This Cake Is Too Big, My Stomach Can’T Hold It!

Wang Defa?

Everyone in the audience was confused!

Investing in the Fourth Industrial Revolution?

Looking at Lu Yi's serious look, everyone felt a little dizzy.

Online photos come into reality!


They are ordinary people, they don't have any lofty ambitions, they just want to make a little money.

Investing in the Fourth Industrial Revolution?

How much money do you have to invest in this?


Even if they are willing to invest, how long will it take for them to get a return?

Everyone thought Lu Yi was joking.


Must be a joke.

The fourth industrial revolution is a national matter, ah!

Richest man Lu, wake up!

"Two ninety-three" however.

As if he couldn't see everyone's confusion, Lu Yi continued: "We all know that the representative of the first industrial revolution is the steam engine, and the representative of the second industrial revolution is the electric

Today we are in the midst of the third industrial revolution, represented by computers. "

“So when is the fourth industrial revolution?”

"Twenty years from now? Or fifty years from now?"

"Perhaps you think I'm a little whimsical!"

"The third industrial revolution has just progressed, and we have set our sights on the fourth industrial revolution, which is a bit too ambitious."

"But what I want to say is that the fourth industrial revolution is really not that far away from us!"

"I predict that in ten years, mankind will usher in the beginning of the fourth industrial revolution."

*In 2030 [the door to the fourth industrial revolution will be pushed up!"

The scene was quiet.

Everyone recovered from their confusion and listened carefully to Lu Yi's words without making any noise.


Lu Yi's idea is too advanced.

It can even be said to be bold!

When did the first industrial revolution begin and end?

From the 1860s to the 1840s!

Lasted more than eighty years.

When did the second industrial revolution begin and end?

Late 1860s to early 20th century!

Lasts forty or fifty years.

The third industrial revolution began in the 1940s and 1950s, marked by the invention and application of atomic energy, electronic computers, space technology and bioengineering.

Fifty or sixty years have passed now.

"People may think that I am talking nonsense, but what I want to say is that I am not talking nonsense, and it is well-founded."

“According to the duration of the first three industrial revolutions, the beginning of the fourth industrial revolution is almost here!”

Lu Yi's words stunned everyone present.


Everyone calculated it in their minds.

Some big shots who are relatively familiar with the history of the Industrial Revolution made a calculation in their minds.

Almost slapped on the thigh.

Good guy!

It’s exactly what Lu Yi said.

Judging from the duration of the first three industrial revolutions, the fourth industrial revolution is indeed around the corner.

all of a sudden.

The eyes of many big shots at the scene changed.

Lu Yi said that he wants to invest in the fourth industrial revolution. Is it crazy?

Before this, they would have felt crazy, bold, and simply whimsical.

But doesn't seem to be the case.

Lu Yi said this because he was prepared!


While everyone is thinking.

Lu Yi did not stop his spiel and continued: "Blue Venture Capital Fund invests in the fourth industrial revolution. I hope to enter the market before the outbreak of the fourth industrial revolution and occupy a good position, follow the wave, and stand on the front line." Be at the forefront of the times and become a trendsetter!”

"The specific investment areas of Blue Venture Capital Fund include five major directions - new materials, genetic engineering, artificial intelligence, quantum technology and controllable nuclear fusion."

“Because in my opinion, these five directions are where the fourth industrial revolution is really brewing, rather than what the outside world calls the Internet of Things, 5G, 6G or cloud computing. In my opinion, these are just the third industrial revolution. It’s just an extension of the revolution..."

"Of course, I will definitely continue to work hard in this field, because we will indeed be inseparable from the Internet in the future. This is an indisputable fact."

Lu Yi's words made many people present feel confused.

Are there any breakthroughs in the five major areas mentioned by Lu Yi?

So exciting!

Let’s not talk about anything else, let’s just talk about the new materials.

If a certain new material achieves a major technological breakthrough, it will definitely have a major impact on the social development process.

To know.

Materials are the material basis for the development of all technologies!

In many high-tech and cutting-edge technical fields, after major breakthroughs in materials are often made, major breakthroughs in other technical directions have followed.

Let’s talk about genetic engineering.

Longevity is what everyone desires to pursue.

If some unknown codes of human genes can be unlocked through genetic engineering, it might be possible to extend human lifespan a lot.

Among the five major areas, everyone recognizes the first four.

The only thing that I am skeptical about is controllable nuclear fusion.

Controlled nuclear fusion is known as "forever fifty years".

What's the meaning?

that is.

2.1 The application of fusion power and ionization will last 50 years.

The Tokamak first invented by Mao Zi in the 1960s and the ITER project in the mid-1980s are all about controllable nuclear fusion.

But now, these projects are still 50 years away from real applications.


Everyone is doubtful that controllable nuclear fusion can really be achieved?

But there is no doubt about it.

If humans can master controllable nuclear fusion, then the entire human society will undergo earth-shaking changes.

Humanity no longer has to be bound by energy.

At that time.

Human beings may be able to truly go into deep space and explore the mysteries of the universe!

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