Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 825: Do You Think The Outside World Is Using Investors’ Money To Waste Money?

As this private dinner ended.

The news that Azure Venture Capital Fund has raised as much as 125 billion yuan has spread like wildfire.

With so many capitals attending the dinner and so many people, it was impossible to hide the news.

Of course.

Lu Yi didn't even think about hiding it.

The outside world will know it if they know it.

It’s not like he’s doing anything wrong, so why should he be afraid of the outside world finding out?

As the news comes to light.

It quickly took the internet by storm.

"The moment I saw the news, three words flashed in my mind - Wang Defa?"

"Me too, my head is buzzing, Wang Defai?"

"In the past, there were 50 billion yuan from the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, but now there are dozens of capital institutions totaling 125 billion yuan. In other words, in just one week, the Blue Venture Capital Fund controlled by Lu Yi raised 175 billion yuan! Damn it, heartless Fundraising machine!”

"Wang Defa?"

"I just entered the Internet world. Who is this Wang Defa? He is so famous!"

"Crazy! Totally crazy! A private dinner raised 125 billion yuan. How would the heads of those fund-raising institutions feel when they saw this?"

"Public fund managers will be in tears after watching it, and private equity fund managers will cry after watching it."

"F*ck! What else can I say besides saying f*ck? Ah, what else can I say!!"

"What the hell, I 'cheated' 125 billion yuan out of a private dinner, which is even faster than robbing a bank!"

"I don't understand the world of rich people. Poverty limits our imagination!"

The melon-eating netizens on the Internet were stunned!

just like.

What was raised was not 125 billion yuan, but 125 billion Happy Beans.

But even if Happy Bean is worthless, it’s still 125 billion!

at the same time.

Domestic news media organizations also published articles and released news as soon as possible.

Because it was a private dinner, although no confidentiality measures were taken, no media organizations were deliberately notified.

Even the news on the Internet was spread by some people at the banquet.

At this private banquet, the major media organizations had no idea at all.

By the time I heard the news, there were already a lot of gossips circulating on the Internet.

And with the entry of major news media.


Whether online or offline, relevant news topics are overwhelming.

The heat immediately escalated to the next level, reaching the sky.

at the same time.

The news also spread abroad through the Internet.

A number of websites, such as Reddit, also reprinted relevant domestic news as soon as possible.


People who eat melons abroad are also dumbfounded.


Where Lu Yi lives, near the group headquarters, there are a large number of Gou Ren.

Everyone wants to interview Lu Yi as soon as possible to get more in-depth inside information.

To this.

Lu Yi ignored him.

This unprecedented financing myth soon occupied the front pages of domestic and foreign news media.

All major mainstream media have reported on this.

Lu Yi has already become a god.

Now it is a rhythm of going further and further on the road to becoming a god and never returning.

Many people's jaws hit the ground directly after seeing the news.

This is not the first time Lu Yi has played cross-border.

But the last time we crossed over was from the Internet to developing smartphones in the ICT field.

Although the two are different fields, they are still somewhat related.

But what about this time?

It directly crossed over from Internet technology to the financial field.

This span is a bit big.

People said they couldn't accept it.

Are you crazy, those capital institutions that gave money to Lu Yi?


Lu Yi is a genius and has never been defeated.

But this time Lu Yi crosses over into finance.

This has nothing to do with Internet technology.

To say that Lu Yi’s cross-border areas have anything to do with technology or the Internet, no one would think so.

0…Please give me flowers…

The key is to be totally unconnected.


Many people think that the capital institutions that pay for this are really crazy this time.

Worshiping Lu Yi has reached the point of being blind and brainless.

in particular.

I attended this banquet, but did not choose a capital institution to invest in.

At this time, I also started to jump out and lead the rhythm.

Hyping up Lu Yi’s idea is too bold and too advanced, and he is preparing to invest in the fourth industrial revolution. This is just using investors’ money to play in vain.


There were also many people who understood, their eyes suddenly brightened, and they took action directly.


Lu Yi is preparing to invest in the fourth industrial revolution. Is it too whimsical?


As Lu Yi said, the fourth industrial revolution is already around the corner.

And at the same time.

Domestic and foreign stock markets.

Because of this news, the price surged.

For stocks related to the US stock market, on the day the news spread, smart funds immediately entered the market to take positions, waiting for Lu Yi's one to two hundred billion capital to enter the market to support him.

In particular, technology companies related to the three fields of new materials, genetic engineering, and artificial intelligence have been directly favored by big funds, and there has been a wave of violent rises.

Future Group was also affected, with its stock price rising sharply and directly reaching the 250-meter gold mark. The group's market value once again returned to the 200 billion-meter gold mark.

And the domestic big A market.

The two major tracks of chip semiconductors and new energy are experiencing changes and violence.

Although Lu Yi said that the main investment directions are in five major fields such as new materials.


The initial investment focus of Azure Venture Capital Fund has already been set - chips, semiconductors and new energy.

And at the banquet, someone asked if the emerging industry refers to chip semiconductors.

Lu Yi's answer at the time was including but not limited to.

The attitude is already very obvious. .

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