Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 826 Lin Qingya: How About Taking The Opportunity To Dig A Hole For The Enemy?

The news continues to ferment.

More and more people are participating in the discussion.

Many people have expressed that they are not optimistic about Lu Yi's cross-border operation this time.

after all.

A small step is okay.

The span this time is really too big.

The complexity of the financial circle is much more complicated than that of the Internet technology field.

Of course.

Stimulated by this news, global stock markets experienced a surge.

Not that.

Lu Yi’s 200 billion contribution.

But it’s Lu Yi’s fame.

Even if the outside world is not optimistic, smart people will use this news to create benefits.

Following the trend, the five major directions proposed by Lu Yi were speculated to gather popularity.

The popularity has exploded, and the "six, seven, seven" takers who entered the game can't help but leave, then they can just leave.


can be seen.

These days.

Whether it is Europe, America, Daohan, or Big A, related concept stocks are going very fast and attracting a lot of popularity.

Many retail investors in Leek did not dare to pursue high prices at first.

But seeing the skyrocketing prices for several days in a row, with an increase of thirty or forty points, and a seemingly irreversible rise, I couldn't bear it any longer.

Being empty is very uncomfortable.

With the entry of retail investors in leeks, the main institutions began to sell goods at the same time.

at the same time.

More relevant details were revealed.

The Internet is even more popular.

After seeing the conditions for these capital institutions to enter the Blue Venture Capital Fund, everyone called those capital institutions really crazy.

Because the entry conditions are very harsh.

simply put.

Just give me the money.


It's that simple.

These capital institutions have no decision-making power. Like the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, they only have the right to know.

They can know how Lu Yi uses the money and where it is used, but they cannot make any intervention.

Even if you lose blood in the future, you have to accept it.

This condition has simply dumbfounded the vast number of people who eat melons.

It is absolutely impossible to say that these capital institutions did not know such harsh conditions before giving money.

But on the premise of knowing it, he still jumped in.

All I can say is that this is true love.

All of them are waving hundreds of millions of dollars in banknotes to demand entry into the trap, without the right to intervene. They are the only scorpions in the investment world.


Thinking of the institutions that invested in Future Group, Lu Yi also requested the same thing.

Everyone seemed to be relieved.

This is Lu Yi's consistent style.

Give me the money, don't say anything else, don't ask any questions, just lie back and wait for the money to be counted.

And it turns out.

The capital institution that gave the money to Lu Yi did make money while lying down.

Moreover, he makes a lot of money and his mouth is full of oil.

This.........Melon-eating netizens have nothing to say.

This really makes some public or private fund managers burst into tears.

Look at Lu Yi, and then look at myself: "Why is there such a huge difference in treatment?"

In the villa.

Lu Yi and Lin Qingya each held a glass of red wine and shook it.

"Judging from the fishing boats on the Internet, you have really stunned countless people this time."

"Even some well-known fund managers on Wall Street said they couldn't understand it."

"In the end, all this can only be attributed to the 'Lu Yi effect'."

Lin Qingya said with a smile.

"Haha, it's an honor for me."

Naturally, Lu Yi is also concerned about the fishing boats on the Internet.

This incident caused an uproar at home and abroad, and countless people took advantage of it.

Especially when some cooperation details were exposed, the enthusiasm that had been going down was boiling again.

Lin Qingya took a sip of red wine, with an inexplicable luster in her eyes, and said: "Now the market and investors are showing more and more blind worship of you, and there are more and more followers. This can actually be exploited. "

Lu Yi heard the words and immediately understood the meaning of these words.

"You mean, let me take advantage of the blind worship of me by the market and investors to dig a big hole for my opponents and bury them?"

Lin Qingya nodded lightly: "Yes! Such a good opportunity, why not do it?"

"Your small treasury, plus the 90 billion from the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission and investment institutions, totals only about 240 billion..."

"This amount of money is indeed an astronomical figure, but you also said that emerging industries such as chips and semiconductors are all gold-devouring behemoths."

"With this little money, it's not even enough to put a hole in my teeth."

"In this case, wouldn't it be wonderful to use this opportunity to dig holes and tear off a big piece of flesh from the enemy to increase your own capital pool?"

Lu Yi nodded: "Your idea is good, and there is a lot of room for maneuver. It will definitely be able to trick a large number of people, but the layout is small.

These words made Lin Qingya raise her eyebrows and look at Lu Yi, waiting for Lu Yi's next words.

"You can't just look at one side of everything, you have to look at both sides."

"This operation can indeed make a lot of money, but it has a huge negative effect and ruins the reputation.

"Next time I call everyone together to raise funds, will others follow?"

"If we don't follow, how can we have fun alone?"

"on the contrary."

"If I continue to maintain this halo, just like this time, next time I yell louder, people will come in droves again, willing to hand over their money to me for operation, and willing to be a tool man.

"Others in the market 5.6 will also follow suit and invest money one after another to make the market bigger and stronger."

"In this way, won't we make more money?"

"There is no need to smash the whole plate just for a small profit."

"Just like the chip and semiconductor industry, the 240 billion yuan I have is just three or five starting points.

"I never expected from the beginning that with just a little money, I could start the domestic chip and semiconductor industry."

"What I want to do is to set an example and take the lead, so that other investors can see that there is real meat in this area and be willing to invest money in it. Together, we can change the current situation of the domestic chip and semiconductor industry and promote domestic production." In the process of globalization, making the cake bigger and stronger, this is what I want to do."

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