Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 827 The Two Press Conferences Are Just To Cause Trouble, And They Have Changed Their Skin.

Amidst the sound of everyone eating melon, time flies by.


It’s April 18th.

At this moment.

Everyone has shifted their attention from Lu Yi’s fundraising of 125 billion to the two press conferences held today.

One was the OpenStack platform released in America.

The other one was the online real-time translation software released by Future Group in America.

That’s right!

This press conference of Future Group was not held in Sioux City, or even in China, but went directly to America.

The reason...

Since they want to create trouble for the Silicon Valley Alliance, they naturally have to go to the front door of the Silicon Valley Alliance to cause trouble.

For this kind of tit-for-tat thing.

There is no news media worker around the world who doesn’t love him.

Only when there is contention can there be topics.

Only when you have a topic can you attract traffic.

To this.

Major news media organizations around the world said, Future Group, I love you so much.

When the Future Group officially announced that it would hold a new product launch conference on the 18th, it caused uproar around the world.

At that time, everyone was discussing that Future Group was going to create obstacles for the Silicon Valley 06 Alliance.


They still underestimated the courage of Future Group.

It was nothing more than adding to the traffic jam, and he even went to the door of someone’s house.

Isn’t this a bit too bullying!


A group of big guys from the Silicon Valley Alliance scolded Lu Yi bloody.

Just mess with my mentality and cause trouble for me.

As a result, I had to push myself even further and go to my house to cause trouble.

And the most important thing is.

The location where Future Group holds its press conference is right next door to them.

This... no one can bear it.

OpenStack press conference site.

Supporting the launch was Dove CEO Eric Schmidt.

After all, it was Gu Ge who first proposed the formation of the Silicon Valley Alliance.

The host is Eric Schmidt, so there is no problem.

in the venue.

Many reporters and media came, as well as many big names in the industry.

At least.

Steve Ballmer, Nioff, Samuel Palmino, Jeff Bezos, Larry Ellison and many other Silicon Valley tycoons were all present, and they were present in person.

This lineup alone basically exceeds the lineup when Future Group held the WisdomStack platform conference in March.

after all.

They are all members of the Silicon Valley Alliance, and the OpenStack platform was created by everyone's joint efforts.

It doesn’t make sense if you don’t show up in person to support me.

If you don't come.

Maybe what the media reporters will write about it then.

For example: The absence of a certain member of the Silicon Valley Alliance "means that the OpenStack platform is not taken seriously."


Media reporters will abandon their conscience for the sake of traffic.

How to generate traffic?

It will be useless for them to come forward to refute the rumors!

on the stage.

Eric Schmidt held a microphone in one hand and a small remote control in the other.

"Our OpenStack platform manages IaaS cloud resource pools through commands or a web-based visual control panel..."

Eric Schmidt introduced the OpenStack platform to everyone present.

It took two or three months, and in the middle there was a so-called "commercial espionage incident". The people who were recruited at a high price turned out to be nothing, and ten transactions were lost.

Not only that.

It also slowed down the development progress of OpenStack, forcing them to conduct a comprehensive and thorough inspection of the entire OpenStack system.


Their Silicon Valley alliance was almost falling apart, and the OpenStack platform was on the verge of bankruptcy, if it hadn't been for NASA.

"OpenStack supports KVM, Xen, Lvc..."

"OpenStack is developed in Python language and follows the Apache open source agreement..."

The minimum OpenStack system has basic IaaS functions and can be managed through commands. This step only requires the installation of OpenStack's Keystone..."

Eric Schmidt on the stage was spitting.

At the end, the industry insiders who came to attend the press conference were dumbfounded.

Wang Defa?

Oh, Kedingmi?

Isn't your OpenStack just a replica of the WisdomStack platform?

I said why does it sound so familiar?

A strong sense of déjà vu on the WisdomStack platform!

People in the industry were dumbfounded!

Are you sure this is an OpenStack conference and not the WisdomStack conference they traveled back to in March?

Don't lie to us. 590Although we don’t read much, we have also watched WisdomStack’s press conference!

What the hell, isn’t it just a reskin of the WisdomStack platform?

The key is!

You all failed to copy it well and completely!

The industry insiders who were expecting OpenStack to surprise everyone were so embarrassed that they dug out a villa with their toes after listening to Eric Schmidt boasting on stage, as if our OpenStack was invincible. Come.

Those companies that have been waiting for the release of OpenStack and want to take this opportunity to enter the field of cloud computing are in tears.

Damn it!

I originally thought that even if it is not as good as the WisdomStack platform, you can do almost the same thing. Give them ten surprises on certain features.


This is indeed a big surprise.

Just changed the skin!

Just asking if you are surprised!

Should have known.

We should not have had any hope for the Silicon Valley Alliance in the first place and just join the WisdomStack Alliance.


My intestines are so wet!

They copied WisdomStack but didn’t copy everything, which wasted a month and a half of their entry time!.

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