Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 829 Ff Online Real-Time Translation, Breaking Barriers To International Communication

America's two press conferences were spread around the world through the Internet, causing completely opposite comments.

The Silicon Valley Alliance's OpenStack platform has been scolded by everyone.

Future Group’s FF online translation software has received unanimous praise from everyone.

at the same time.

All major mainstream media have also started to take action.

[OpenStack was released, and online reviews were mostly negative. Netizens said that the OpenStack platform is the monkey version of the WisdomStack platform.

——Fox News Network

[Evaluations are divided into two levels! The OpenStack platform received negative reviews, and FF online translation received rave reviews!] - ABC News

[FF online translation software costs 2 billion meters to break through global language communication barriers. 】——Roadside Club

[With the FF online translation software in my hand, I can go anywhere in the world. 】——Sohu News

[OpenStack platform is suspected of plagiarizing the WisdomStack platform of Future Group. 】—Xinlang News

[The release of the OpenStack platform will launch a strong challenge to the WisdomStack platform! - Gu Ge News

[Reskin? OpenStack platform evaluation suffered a disaster!]————Titanium Media

With online and offline news reports, news is also constantly fermenting around the world.

And this has a consequence.

The OpenStack platform was completely criticized by almighty netizens and was ridiculed by the crowd.

Some netizens even posted a comparison video.

An all-round comparison was made between the WisdomStack platform and the OpenStack platform.

The result is.

OpenStack is identified as the monkey version of WisdomStack!

This comparison video was directly posted on the homepage of VideoSpace. The number of people who clicked to view the video exceeded one million in a short period of time, making it very popular.

The big guys in the Silicon Valley Alliance were very angry when they saw the outside world's reaction to OpenStack.

They never expected that the outside world's evaluation of OpenStack would be so low.


Their OpenStack is indeed plagiarized from WisdomStack, but can a scholar say that it is plagiarized?

This is obviously a reference!

All right.

Although looking at these mocking comments, Eric Schmidt and others were very unhappy.

But they can’t make it up themselves.

Although he was ridiculed by the crowd, something finally came to fruition.

That is, no matter how OpenStack is ridiculed by everyone, it has finally been released and will pose a certain threat to the WisdomStack platform.


WisdomStack will no longer be the only one!

Dragon Kingdom.

Domestic netizens, looking at the overwhelming news, also called him a good guy.

"This is so funny! More than a dozen giants joined forces and spent two or three months to come up with something like this!"

"I was quite worried at first, but now, I'm not worried at all!"

"Future Group is worthy of being the face of our country!"

"To evaluate OpenStack in one sentence, if you can fail the open-book exam, there will be no one else."

"Haha, the brother upstairs has the right answer."

"Aren't there any discussions about FF's online translation software? I have to say that Future Group's online translation software is really powerful."

"No! After all, it cost 2 billion meters to build (agec). It directly unifies the rhythm of the translation industry."

"A small translation software actually cost 2 billion meters of money. It's a waste. It's really a waste. Wouldn't it be better to donate this money to build the northwest of our country?"

"That's right! I don't think Future Group is laundering Q in this way! It's just a translation software. Does it really need 2 billion meters of gold? Anyway, I don't believe it!

"Hey, everyone, come and see, the walking 500,000 is here again!"

"Already reported!"

“The efficiency of the Information and Industry Office is not very good, and there are still fish that have slipped through the net!”

"Haha~ If we tell the truth, we will be slapped with a label and no one will tell the truth!"

"Exactly! There is no freedom of speech at all!"


Domestic netizens are very concerned about this!

This time, Future Group not only succeeded in adding obstacles to the Silicon Valley Alliance, but also stabbed the enemy in the heart.

The two products were released on the same day, and the results were completely opposite.

It is conceivable that the Silicon Valley Alliance is probably furious at this moment and their lungs are exploding with anger.

Spark Building.

Future Group Headquarters.

CEO office.

Lu Yi clicked the mouse and took a break to browse online news.

Regarding the news that the OpenStack platform has been criticized as a dog by everyone, he is also very happy to eat it.

He watched the live broadcast of the OpenStack platform conference.

After only watching the first half, he felt confident.


It is not surprising that OpenStack was ridiculed by the crowd.

Dong Dong~

At this time.

There was a knock on the door.


Lu Qi opened the door and walked in.

"The old road is heavy?"

"Director Lu, I'm here to report to you about the FF online translation software.

"Sit down and talk."

The two sat on the sofa, and Lu Qi briefly reported on the status of the FF online software.

Lu Yi said: "I have read the online reviews, and most people have praised our FF online translation software. Next, you should seize the time and spread the advertisement."

Lu Qi nodded and said: "Advertising has been rolled out on a large scale around the world."

Lu Yi smiled and said: "I read the plan that the public relations department handed over before, and the advertising words are very good - FF online instant translation, breaking the barriers to international communication. It's very appropriate.

"If the people in the public relations department hear your evaluation, Director Lu, I think they will be very happy." Lu Qi also said with a smile. .

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