Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 830 Mr. Fu: I Want To Meet This Little Comrade Lu Yi

These days, Liu Hongxin has focused all his energy on two articles.

One is about Dragon Kingdom Dream, and the other is about the fourth industrial GM.

It took almost a week to revise it repeatedly, and after showing it to the top leader of GZB that there was no problem, the two articles were submitted to the Xinghua newspaper "Internal Affairs News".

Because many leaders of higher-level departments will read relevant news from the Xinghua newspaper "Internal Affairs News".

In order to understand the real public sentiment and social trends in a timely manner, formulate corresponding policies and policies, so as to solve social problems in a timely and effective manner and promote social development.

After Xinghua Newspaper received Liu Hongxin's two articles entitled "Dragon Kingdom Dream, the Dream of the Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation" and "The Relationship between the Fourth Industrial GM and the Dragon Kingdom Dream", it immediately caused a sensation within the Xinghua Newspaper. .

From the editor-in-chief to the president, everyone was full of praise for Liu Hongxin’s two articles.

Especially the explanation of the Dragon Kingdom Dream is even more thought-provoking.


The president of Xinghua Newspaper decided to publish these two articles in the latest issue of "Internal Affairs News" so that leaders of higher-level departments could read them immediately.


The new issue of "Internal Affairs News" appeared on the desks of many superior department leaders.

The superior department leaders were very excited after reading these two articles.

"The Dream of the Dragon Kingdom, the Dream of the Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation" explains what the Dream of the Dragon Kingdom is and what its basic meaning is.

"The Relationship between the Fourth Industrial GM and the Dragon Kingdom Dream" explains that the fourth industrial GM is crucial to realize the Dragon Kingdom Dream.

To this.

Many leaders have criticized these two articles.

at the same time.

On Mr. Fu's desk, there is also a copy of the latest "Internal Affairs News".

Mr. Fu is reading this "Internal Affairs News".

He read "Dream of the Dragon Kingdom, the Dream of the Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation" carefully, and was very interested in the concept of the Dream of the Dragon Kingdom. From time to time, he circled it with a pencil in his hand. "Occasionally, he would even think for a long time.

after an hour.

Mr. Fu just finished reading these two articles.

The "Internal Affairs News" is already full of circles and comments.

However, Mr. Fu felt that it was still a bit unsatisfactory, and some aspects were not yet understood clearly.


He asked Secret Technique to call Liu Hongxin over.

"Mr. Fu."

Liu Hongxin came to Mr. Fu's office with a somewhat reserved expression.

"Xiao Liu, sit down, don't be nervous."

"I'm sorry for calling you over so late.

Mr. Fu said with a smile.


He pointed to the "Internal Affairs News" on his finger and said: "I just read the two articles you wrote above. They were very well written, especially about the concept and connotation of the Dragon Kingdom Dream. It is very good and profoundly demonstrates the aspirations of our people. What is the goal to pursue?”

"I called you here so late just because I wanted to talk to you face to face about this dream of the Dragon Kingdom. I still have some questions about some aspects.


Mr. Fu chatted with Liu Hongxin about the Dragon Kingdom Dream and asked Liu Hongxin his own questions.

Liu Hongxin also answered them one by one.

Although the Dragon Kingdom Dream was not proposed by him.

But these days, he has a deeper understanding of the Dragon Kingdom dream based on reality.

"Oh? You mean, "Dragon Kingdom Dream was first proposed by Lu Yi?"

After hearing Liu Hongxin's words, Mr. Fu was stunned for a moment.

Liu Hongxin did not dare to hide it and said: "Yes."

0…Please give me flowers…

Some time ago, I went to Suzhou City to visit Lu Yi. The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission has raised 50 billion in funds and is preparing to hand it over to Lu Yi for operation."

Liu Hongxin explained the cause and effect of the matter.

Mr. Fu smiled and said: "I know this little comrade Lu Yi.

"He is only 28 this year. He is really young."

"However, no one dares to underestimate young people now."

"At a young age, he started from scratch and founded Future Group and Blue Star Electronics, which has brought a lot of glory to our country.

"The decision made by your State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission is correct. You can be bolder and more radical. This is good. "Don't have the mentality of being bitten by a snake once and being afraid of the rope for ten years.


"After what you said, I want to meet this little comrade Lu Yi more and more in person."

Coming out of Mr. Fu's office, Liu Hongxin took a deep breath, feeling extremely happy and excited.

Mr. Fu gave high praise to the two articles he wrote.

no doubt.

It is certain that he will take over as the head of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission next year.

the next day.

Relevant instructions came from Mr. Fu's office.

I call on everyone to study these two articles in "Internal Affairs News".

Mr. Fu wrote such a comment in "Internal Affairs News".

Realizing the great rejuvenation of the Longhua nation is the greatest dream of the Longhua nation in modern times.

This dream embodies the long-cherished wishes of generations of Longhua people, embodies the common interests of the Longhua nation and the people of Longhua, and is the common expectation of every son and daughter of Longhua.

In the final analysis, the Dragon Kingdom Dream is the dream of the people. It must rely closely on the people to realize it and must continue to benefit the people.

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