Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 831 When Drowsiness Comes, Future Group Will Give You Pillows

Wang Yan is an ordinary young man from the Dragon Kingdom.

He also has an identity, a great writer of the XH Literary Society.

Wang Yan has a hobby.

Every time he finishes a novel, he likes to take a quick trip to relax himself and accumulate some writing materials.


He is not traveling within the country, but running abroad whenever he disagrees.

The key is.

He also doesn't like to travel to America, Eagle Country, Gaul and other countries, but likes to go to those remote small countries.

Sometimes I go to a country where I speak English quite well.

His English is pretty good.

But sometimes.

If he goes to a country where English is not spoken, it will be very troublesome.

This kind of thing didn't happen to him once or twice. "710" but it happened.

Even if there is a language barrier, it still cannot stop him from wandering around the world.

This evening.

Wang Yan sat in front of the computer, typed the words "End of this book" and stretched.

I didn’t read the book reviews from readers in the book review section.

Instead, he went to the balcony and smoked a cigarette.

Looking at the busy traffic and feasting downstairs.

Wang Yan's eyes gradually blurred.

It’s not that I was blinded by the prosperity of this prosperous age.

Instead, his mind was already wandering to which country he would travel to in the next few days to relax.

Another trip that just goes away.

After thinking for a long time, there was no result.

Wang Yan then returned to the house, took out the dart, closed his eyes and threw it out.

Whenever he doesn't know where to travel, he likes to use this method to choose a destination.

Euphemistically called it, destiny!

This time God chose the destination for Wang Yan to be Aerjilia.

Looking at this result, Wang Yan raised his eyebrows slightly.

Because this is not a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, the official language is not English, but Arabic.

"Is it going to be like last time, stumbling along the way and completing this difficult trip in English?"

Wang Yan didn't worry too much.

Since God's will is this, let's take action.

After making the decision, Wang Yan had nothing to do and started surfing the Internet again.

I am going to search for some relevant information about Aerjilia on Jisou and make necessary preparations for the trip.

The world is so big, I want to see everywhere.

As a great author of the XH Literary Society, although he is not as good as the top author.

But the income from royalties in a year can be around 50 yuan.

This royalties are enough for him to waste money everywhere.

Just when he opened Squirrel Browser and was about to search for information on Jisou Search, a small advertisement suddenly appeared.

to be honest.

This kind of operation is very annoying for users.

However, compared with the endless emergence of other free Internet products in China and pop-up advertisements that cannot be turned off, Future Group simply does not have to be too conscientious.

Wang Yan subconsciously clicked the cross and closed the small advertising window in the lower right corner.


When he moved the mouse over, he immediately stopped his hand.

"FF online real-time translation, breaking the barriers to international communication?"

"Covering 214 languages ​​around the world?"

"Here I go, is it true? Are you so awesome?"

Wang Yan stared at the pop-up advertisement for a while, becoming interested.

this time.

For the first time, he clicked on this pop-up advertisement, ready to see the specific advertisement content.

At first glance, it gave him a big surprise.

"I'll go! It turns out to be Future Group's new product, online instant translation software!"

"It cost 2 billion meters of gold to create a translation artifact. It's so lifelike that it's so awesome!"

"If it's a product made by another company, I wouldn't believe a word in the advertisement, but for Future Group's products, that's a different matter."

"God help me. This time when I go to Aergilia, I don't speak English but speak Arabic. With this FF online translator, there will be no problem and I won't have as much fun as before."

"Okay, okay, if I feel sleepy, Future Group will give me a pillow. I must support it and download it immediately!"

Wang Yan feels that Future Group understands him too well.

It just so happens that I am going to travel to a foreign country to learn about the scenery...

Now I just need such a service to solve my troubles, so I immediately sent a divine assist.

It’s so nice!

Say nothing.

Wang Yan took out his third-generation pinnacle mobile phone, opened the app store, and searched for FF online translation.


The download page for FF online translation appears.

Wang Yan immediately clicked to download and install.

2 minutes later.

On the home page of his pinnacle mobile phone, there is an icon of FF online translation.

Wang Yan directly opened the FF online translation APP and logged in with one click.

Follow the operating instructions and complete the entry.


He found an Arabic passage on his computer and conducted an experiment on the spot.

He was very satisfied with the result.

FF is indeed a translation artifact built with a cost of 2 billion meters, and the translation effect is absolutely outstanding.

With this software in hand, Wang Yan feels that he will not be afraid of traveling around the world in the future!


It costs money to activate FF online translation software.

The monthly fee is 60 yuan.

The annual fee is 600 yuan.

This price is definitely ridiculously expensive for ordinary people.

But for Wang Yan, it was nothing at all.

after all.

He is a great author with an annual manuscript fee of 0.9 to 50 taels.

“Good review! It must be a five-star review!”

After paying, Wang Yan could not restrain his joy. He gave FF Online Translation a five-star rating on the App Store and published a review of more than 200 words.


He was still a little excited.

Open WeChat and click on Baicaiqun.

Directly recommend FF online translation software to all my Baicai friends.

Because among the great masters in the group, there are many people like him who like to wander around after the book is finished.

Some people don’t speak English well, let alone speak a minority language, so they can only wander around the country and complain in the group from time to time that they are not having fun.


With FF online translation software in hand, you can definitely enjoy your time abroad. .

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