Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 837: The First Quarter Financial Report Was Announced, And Those Who Were Optimistic About I

A prime example is the grain pigeon.

the first two years.

In the IT world, it has the title of "Eastern Future West Valley Pigeon".

Guge and Future Group are both called the twin stars of the Internet technology industry in the East and West.

But with the advent of the subprime mortgage crisis.

Both Future Group and Guge have suffered heavy losses because most of their revenue comes from advertising revenue.

But one thing that Future Group has better than Guge is that Future Group walks on several legs.

The grain pigeon walks on one leg.

So you can see it.

With the subprime mortgage crisis over, Future Group's revenue is back on track.

Gu Ge, on the other hand, is still at the bottom of the valley, still struggling in the quagmire.

at this point.

This can be seen from the 2009 Q1 quarterly financial report data released by Guge a few days ago.

According to the Q1 financial report released by Gu Ge.

Guge's revenue in the first quarter was 3.19 billion yuan, an increase of only 6% compared with the same period last year, which was lower than the 8.9% expected by the outside world.

06 Although Guge’s revenue in the first quarter increased by 6% year-on-year, it fell by 3% month-on-month.

Net profit in the first quarter was 590 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 9%.

By comparing the two financial reports, it can be seen that there is currently a huge gap between Guge and Future Group.


Guge also said that during the current economic recession, Guge's profit growth was mainly due to the reduction of employees.

That is to say.

The reason why Guge's profits increased by 9% was due to the reduction of employees and cost savings, not from the business segment.

On the other hand, look at Future Group.

Whether it is revenue or net profit, there has been a significant increase compared with the same period last year.

The key is.

During the subprime mortgage crisis, Future Group did not lay off employees globally, but instead hired a lot of employees.

That is to say.

The reason why Future Group's first-quarter financial report is so eye-catching is entirely due to the growth of business in various sectors.

This is obviously different from the grain pigeon.

This comparison makes a judgment call.

Lu Yi continued to look at the group’s Q1 quarter financial report,

The material data is very detailed, and many of them cannot be released to the public.

Total revenue in the Q1 quarter was 4.027 billion gold, and net revenue (the remainder after subtracting non-operating income such as non-recurring income from all income, such as land sales, equipment sales, tax refunds, etc.) was 3.51 billion gold.

"Not bad."

"Old Road, the group can quickly get out of the quagmire, you are indispensable."

"Tell me, what reward do you want?"

"How about I give you a salary increase?"

Lu Yi put down the materials in his hand and said with a smile.

What he said was not a compliment at all to Lu Qi.

Because for more than a year, Lu Yi basically focused his energy on Blue Star Electronics.

The Future Group basically left it to Lu Qi to manage.

It's just about steering the most important strategy.

Lu Qi shook his head and said: "Director Lu deserves the award. If you really want to say it, Director Lu deserves the most credit."

"The strategies of the group are all designated by you, Director Lu, and I am just implementing them according to the strategic plan you have formulated."

Lu Yi said: "Lao Lu, what you say is too modest."

"Let's just go. I'll give you a salary increase and then raise it further."

These words made Lu Qi smile helplessly.

His salary is the highest in the entire group.

As for Chairman Lu Yi, he only receives a symbolic salary of 1 yuan.

Lu Qi asked: "Director Lu, when will the financial report be released?"

"May is only two or three days away, and the outside world has generated a lot of speculation about our delay in disclosing Q1 quarterly financial report data."

"Especially since Guge announced its Q1 quarterly financial report data a few days ago, the results were not as good as outside expectations. So now the outside world is speculating whether our group's Q1 quarterly financial report data is worse than Guge's."

Lu Yi smiled and said: "Let's disclose it on the last day, and then it will be a surprise to the outside world."

Lu Qi nodded: "Okay."


The outside world's eyes are fixed on Future Group.

Especially after Guge disclosed its Q1 quarterly financial report data some time ago, the outside world was in an uproar.

Because Guge’s Q1 quarter revenue was lower than expected.

It’s almost the end of the month. “Future Group has yet to announce its Q1 quarterly financial report.

This has led to constant speculation from the outside world as to whether the first quarter financial report was explosive.

Like the first quarter of last year.

Future Group has been slow to disclose relevant data because of a cliff-like decline in revenue and profits.

Now the outside world is speculating that the group's future Q1 quarter financial report will definitely be very ugly.

So much so.

During this period, Future Group's stock price fell sharply, and its market value once again fell below the 200 billion meter gold mark to around 180 billion meter gold.

time flies.

In the blink of an eye, April 30th came.

this day.

Future Group, which has not disclosed its Q1 quarterly financial report for a long time, finally disclosed it on this last day.

And when countless investors saw the Q1 quarter financial report data of Future Group, they went into an uproar.

It's not because Future Group's first-quarter revenue data is too ugly to cause an uproar.

But the data is so eye-catching!

It was completely beyond their expectations.

Because Future Group has not disclosed financial reports for a long time, they all speculated that Future Group's first-quarter revenue would definitely fall short of Wall Street analysts' predictions.


Not only the well-known analysts on Wall Street were slapped in the face, but they also had their faces swollen. .

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