Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 838: Crazy Rush To Raise Funds, Stock Price Skyrocketed, Market Value Surpassed Microsoft

"Wang Defa?!!"

"Ah yo Kedingmi!!"

"This data is fake!"

The moment they saw the Q1 quarterly financial report data of Future Group, four words flashed in most people's minds - it must be fake.

For a company that delayed releasing its financial report until the last day, the results were so eye-catching that it was simply unbelievable.

Shouldn't such eye-catching data be disclosed earlier to give investors confidence?

Isn’t it said that the later the financial report data is disclosed, the worse the relevant revenue and profit data will be?

"Xie Te, I just sold the shares of Future Group."

"Fake! Future Group doesn't play by common sense!"

"I suspect that Future Group's data has been falsified! It must be reported to the SEC!"

"Damn it! As soon as this financial report comes out, the share price of Future Group will definitely skyrocket tomorrow! Xie Te, why didn't you announce it earlier? I just sold my stocks!"

"It's incredible! Future Group's financial report data is so eye-catching, far exceeding the predictions of Wall Street analysts."

"Oh my God! The net profit in Q1 this year has soared by 152% compared to the same period last year! I only have one sentence: Wang Defa!"


With the first quarter financial report of Future Group officially disclosed to the outside world.


It caused a sensation in the industry.

Foreign media also reported the signings as soon as possible.

Future Group's Q1 quarter financial report data blinded everyone's eyes, far exceeding the previous forecasts of Wall Street analysts.

Guge’s Q1 quarter financial report was lower than expected, and Future Group delayed its announcement until the last day.

Everyone has given up any hope for the future Q1 quarter of the group.

Even on America's 29th, Future Group's stock price plummeted. Countless investors expressed pessimism about Future Group's first-quarter financial report and dumped their stocks.

Because they believe that in the future the group will inevitably announce its first quarter financial report on the 30th.

By then.

Due to the ugly financial report, the group's share price will plummet again in the future.

In order to reduce losses, run a day in advance.


The investors who sold Future Group's shares on the 29th broke their thighs after seeing this financial report that had been reported across the ocean and foreign news reports. They were so heartbroken that they could hardly breathe.


After waking up.

What awaits them will be a retaliatory rise in the group's share price in the future.

after all.

This financial report data greatly exceeded everyone's expectations.

Not only was it not lower than outside expectations, it was greatly exceeded.

Wall Street analysts were immediately stunned after seeing this financial report data.

It’s true that the fruit of ignorance is on the ignorant tree, and you and me are under the unlucky tree.

Wall Street analysts said their faces had been swollen and they didn't want to take on customers recently.

It’s not just once or twice that they have stumbled upon Future Group.

But this time.

Future Group has gone too far.

The delay in disclosing Q1 financial report data has led to outsiders believing that Future Group’s first quarter revenue was very bad.


On the last day, a big surprise came directly to them.

Damn it.

Not for fun like this.

According to past rules, companies that delay disclosing financial reports until the last day "aren't they all falling into the ten categories of explosives?"

America's side.

After a night of news fermentation.

Almost all forums on websites such as Reddit are discussing Future Group’s Q1 quarterly financial report.

Many netizens expressed this on the platform.

Because I was very pessimistic about Future Group's delay in releasing its first-quarter financial report, I reluctantly threw away my shares in the past two days.

I thought I could avoid the sharp decline caused by the explosive revenue of Future Group in the first quarter.


They were all acted.

Future Group simply doesn’t play by the rules.

A big profit hit them directly and they were all dumbfounded.

This is a loss of 100 million, 100 million...

April 30th, America time.

As soon as the market opens.

As everyone expected, Future Group's share price directly opened higher by 5%.


Don't take any turns at all, just rush along the way.


Future Group's delay in disclosing financial reports has made countless investors very pessimistic and chose to cut their losses.

Even some institutions had thrown away their chips because of panic.


Future Group's revenue in the first quarter was not explosive, and its performance was very impressive.


Retail investors and even institutions of Chives who had previously cut meat all ran into the market to collect chips.

Obviously (well done).

Future Group's share price will never rise for just one day.

If you grab the bargaining chip at this moment, you will make a profit.

With more money and less meat, Future Group's stock price cannot soar upwards like a rocket.

This is not a servant.

At the close of the day, Future Group's share price soared 30.8%. The stock price exceeded 300 meters gold. The closing price of 300.84 meters gold was the highest price of the day. The market value soared directly from 184 billion meters gold to 240.672 billion meters gold.

This figure has refreshed the highest market value since Future Group was listed, directly recovering the peak of 240.1 billion meters in 2007.

Not only that.

The market value of Future Group has also successfully surpassed Microsoft today, becoming the company with the highest market value among listed technology companies. .

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