Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 839 Some People Make Money, And Some People Lose Money

On April 30th.

For investors holding shares of Future Group, it is undoubtedly a day of carnival at KTV.

5% gapped higher in early trading.

Then drive high and walk high without any stepping back.

The closing price is the highest price throughout the day.

The stock price stands above the 300-meter golden mark.

This is also the second time that Future Group has reached the 300-meter golden mark since its listing.

The stock price rose as much as 30.8% throughout the day.

The market value also surged by 56 billion meters in one day, reaching 240.6 billion meters in gold, setting a new high in market value.

no doubt.

On April 30, U.S. stock investors really went crazy trying to grab Future Group’s stock chips.

It’s not just retail investors who are frantically scrambling for funds.

Those institutions that were eliminated before are also re-entering the market at a sprint speed of 100 meters.

It was the concerted efforts of retail investors and institutions that pushed Future Group's share price to soar by 30% in one day.

To know.

Future Group is a giant group with a market value of nearly 200 billion yuan.

If the stock price rises by 1 percentage point, it will cost hundreds of millions and close to one billion meters of gold.

To raise the stock price of such a giant company to 427, too much capital is needed.

Throw tens of millions, one or two billion into it, and it may not even make a splash.

Unlike those small-cap stocks with small market capitalization, if you invest millions or tens of millions, it is possible to raise the limit.

After U.S. stocks close.

On major platform forums, countless netizens posted pictures to express their feelings.

"I don't want to say anything, just look at the pictures."

“In the early trading, go all-in to Future Group and earn 20 points. It’s great!”

"Fortunately, I didn't sell Future Group's stocks before, otherwise I would have missed today's surge!"

Farke! I didn’t get the chips, Shet!”

on the platform forum.

Some are happy and some are sad.

Those who were happy naturally grabbed the chips and got the big meat.

Those who are worried are not fast enough and failed to enter the market. They can only watch the stock price of Future Group soaring by 30 points. They watch others make money and lose money, but they have nothing to do with them. It feels really bad.

Watching others make money, and big money at that, is more uncomfortable than losing money yourself.

The even sadder group of people are those who just endured the pain of cutting their flesh yesterday, but today their prices skyrocketed by 30 points.

The key is.

I knew that Future Group was going to skyrocket today, and I was ready to enter the market.

The result was that the door was welded shut.

They got off the bus but failed to get on.

This time, the loss was not one or twenty points, but forty or fifty points.

How can you feel good when encountering something like this?

People who are depressed and confused almost have to queue up on the rooftop.

America's netizens are talking a lot on the Internet.

Media organizations have not been idle either, and have made crazy reports on Future Group's 30-point surge in a single day.

Domestic media organizations here also reprinted the signings without any courtesy.


Domestic netizens called Future Group a ghost when they saw its stock price soared by 30 points overnight and its market value soared by 56 billion meters.

"Exciting! The U.S. stock market is so damn exciting! A market like Future Group with nearly 200 billion meters of gold can actually increase 30 points overnight. Oh my God, they used Happy Bean to increase the price. "

"U.S. stock investors who hold shares of Future Group really made a lot of money last night (ageh). They are a group of envy."

"Two days ago, I bypassed the wall and surfed the Internet. By the way, many websites on the Internet have purchased Future Group's FF online translation solution, which can directly convert Chinese pages. It is no different from surfing in China. I have to say, FF online translation software is really awesome! I digressed, let’s get back on track. I saw on the Internet that many US stock investors speculated that Future Group’s delay in disclosing its Q1 quarterly financial report was due to its explosive performance, so they all sold their shares. Stocks. As a result, Future Group played such a trick, and those U.S. stock investors who sold their stocks were so miserable that they fell in the dark night before dawn!"

"Okay, brother upstairs, I am the unlucky guy! Watching 30cm walk away from me, you are wrong, you idiot!"

"Haha, I found that there are quite a lot of Chinese people jumping over the wall recently."

"I have always been a staunch holder of the Future Group. No matter how hard it is, I will never hold on. Well, come and pretend to be a comparison. I made a lot of money last night and directly achieved semi-financial freedom. There is a picture and the truth. Picture. jpg.”

Domestic netizens are discussing it enthusiastically.

no doubt.

The news that Future Group surged 30 points overnight directly became a hot search topic on Weibo.

Domestic netizens said they were so envious of U.S. stock investors that they turned purple.

after all.

Future Group is listed on the US stock market, and domestic retail investors can only watch helplessly.

Of course.

There are also domestic investors who have opened trading channels for U.S. stocks and posted delivery charts showing their huge profits.

It’s not that domestic investors can’t buy U.S. stocks.

But ordinary retail investors simply cannot grasp U.S. stocks.

Unlike Big A, U.S. stocks have price limits.

There are no restrictions on U.S. stocks.

If there is a surprise, Big A will lose at most 20cm in one day, and the U.S. stock market may lose 56, 7, 87 or 7 centimeters.

In one night, the principal may be sucked dry.

Ordinary domestic investors cannot bear it psychologically.


Due to the time difference, the opening of U.S. stocks corresponds to 90 o'clock in the evening in China.

If you are not an investor who specializes in stock trading, how can you find the energy to watch U.S. stocks in the middle of the night?

Do you still have to go to work during the day?

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