Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 841 Wall Street Analyst: Future Group Target Price Sees 440M Gold

"Shet! Fake! Bitchi!"

"Damn institution, I want to kill their whole family."

“I went all-in at the opening, and I couldn’t bear the loss of 6 points and left the market. When I saw that the sideways market was not moving, I thought the institution was taking over, so I went all-in again, but I was beaten again, and I left the market with a loss of 10 points. In the market, the stock price turned around and rose crazily. I couldn't help but chase it at 8 points. The result was a 90-degree dive. At minus 7 points, I couldn't bear to cut again... all day long. , I was slapped in the face back and forth by the main institutions, and I lost 50 points. It was really a big deal!"

"Damn it! We were dragged out and walked like dogs repeatedly by the agency today, Shet!"

after closing.

Investors in the U.S. stock market rushed to relevant forums to complain, complaining that the major institutions were really bad today.

Totally inappropriate!

It’s not that the main institution is not an individual.

It's that the main institutions don't treat them as individuals at all.

Just think of them as golden retrievers walking back and forth.

Zhennima is walking the dog!

Not to mention some newbies who have just joined the game.

Even the old leeks, who have profound inner strength, were walked until they vomited blood and died today. Frankly speaking, they couldn't control it.

On a stock trading forum.

Many U.S. stock traders have posted their delivery orders that were harvested today.

A loss of 10 points is considered a gain in comparison.

Most people were slapped in the face repeatedly today, fucked until they were unconscious, and there were many people who lost twenty or thirty points.

can only say.


Retail investors are losing money.

And the main institutions are really making money.


at the same time.

Chinese people who are celebrating the May Day holiday also noticed the news that the US stock market has been harvested.

When many investors called up the trend chart of May Day Future Group and looked at the ups and downs, and from time to time a pillar of energy bursting out, they were also stunned by the show.


Future Group once again became a hot search on Weibo.

"Walk the dog! The leek in the U.S. stock market has definitely been repeatedly taken out for a walk by the main institutions as a dog."

"After looking at the intraday time-sharing trend chart of Future Group yesterday, I have to say, our big A is better, how friendly it is to us leeks! Although we are always cut off repeatedly by institutions, most of them are cut in half or in the thigh. , Knee chop, Heel chop, the leek root is still left. But the US stock market is different, it directly uproots the leek root.

"[Biao Tears] Oh my god, Big A is friendly to leeks! Brother upstairs, do you have any misunderstanding about the word friendly? That is to say, Big A has a limit on the rise and fall. If it is the same as the US stock market, there is no limit on the rise. Lower the limit and implement the T+0 trading mechanism. I dare say that you will shovel all the dirt out of big A's main institutions!"

"God, you've shoveled all the dirt! [Biao Tears] [Biao Tears] [Biao Tears]"

"It's so true, I'm speechless."

"The food chain of Big A is like this: leeks - main institutions - foreign-funded institutions."

"Leeks have such a characteristic, that is, once they are cut, another one will grow quickly, and they will grow again when the spring breeze blows~ [face covering"

Related topics that are hotly searched on Weibo are very lively.

According to survey data released not long ago, there are currently 125 million investors in the country.

Although most of them are leeks.

But Liek also likes to watch the excitement.

In particular, happiness comes from contrast.

Domestic leeks are often ruthlessly harvested by major domestic institutions.

But when I saw that on May Day, the leeks in the U.S. stock market were repeatedly harvested by major institutions, even the roots of the leeks were dug up and the soil was shoveled, I suddenly felt that domestic institutions were still friendly and loving towards them.

after all.

Happiness is all about comparison.

Look at how America’s stockholders have been cut off by Wall Street institutions!

Many stock investors liked the comment that said Big A is friendly to leeks.

Because this comparison is indeed friendly...

5.2 and 5.3 are two days, which happen to be Saturday and Sunday.

U.S. stocks are also closed normally.

The American stock leeks who were repeatedly harvested on May Day can be considered relieved.

As long as the market is not open, the main institutions cannot cut me off.


Well-known analysts on Wall Street took advantage of the two days of the market break to come out.

These analysts have expressed their views on the future group's Q2 quarter.


In the future, the group's Q2 quarter performance is expected to double that of Q1 quarter.

The reason is very simple.

FF online translation software has gradually begun to gain reputation and has been praised by many users.

Up to now.

Future Group has sold 60 or 70 sets of FF online translation enterprise-level solutions.

Even if each set averages 8 million meters of gold, that is an income of 500 to 600 million meters of gold.


This is only for enterprise users.

Individual consumers are not yet included.

at last.

These analysts made a big move and said that they were very optimistic about the future of Future Group. This is a high-quality stock with potential, and it can be a bull stock that will not waver for ten years.

The current stock price of 300 meters of gold seems to be a top of 1.2, but if time is extended, this is a periodic bottom.

they expressed.

Their target price for Future Group is 440 million meters, which corresponds to a market value of 350 billion meters.

The current stock price is still 32% higher than the target price.

The underlying meaning is also very simple.

Hurry up and enter the market. The current stock price is nowhere near. The target price is 440 meters gold. Even if you buy it now for 300 meters gold, you can make more than 30 points in three months.

A stock with such potential, if you don’t buy it now, wait until later!

after all.

With the performance of FF online translation software supporting it, there is nothing to be afraid of!.

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