Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 842 Leek: Want To Trick Me Again? There Is No Way!

Looking at the various analysis articles published by Wall Street analysts, the U.S. stock market leeks were dumbfounded.

What does Shenma mean?

The target price sees 440 meters gold.

The market value sees 350 billion meters of gold.

Damn it!

Is this a blatant attempt to trick us into taking over?

The vast majority of retail investors who are scared of being cut off by major institutions, when they read these articles, the first thing that comes to mind is - cheating.

This is definitely a trick to deceive them.

Although they are leeks, they are also very clear.

Those so-called analysts are actually ‘thugs’ raised by Wall Street.

When they want chips on a certain stock, these analysts will jump out, analyze the stock, and finally pessimize the stock, causing retail investors to panic and throw away their chips.

If you want retail investors to come in and take over the order, these analysts will also jump out at the critical moment and provide another "reasonable and evidence-based" analysis. They are optimistic about the stock and raise the target price.

They have experienced this kind of thing too much and have become immune.


Coming again?

Damn it!

06 Those vampires on Wall Street are really not human beings!

To this.

Most of the retail investors in Chives showed a crooked dragon king sneer——scumbag, you want to cheat me? There is no way!

Of course.

There are also some people who feel that these analytical articles are very reasonable and unlike previous articles.


Future Group's FF online translation software has indeed aroused widespread heated discussion around the world and won unanimous praise from everyone.

Even the hostile Silicon Valley alliance purchased corresponding solutions immediately.

One can imagine.

Future Group is indeed making a lot of money on FF translation software.

And this performance will definitely be reflected in the Q2 financial report.

Suppose that from the launch of FF online translation software to June 30, 500 enterprise-level solutions were sold in these three months.

The average price of a set is 8 million meters of gold.

That is 4 billion meters of gold revenue.

It can really double on the basis of the first quarter.

From this point of view, those analysts on Wall Street are optimistic about the Q2 quarter performance of Future Group and have raised the target price to 440 meters gold. They are not just making random claims. They are really well-founded.


Wait until Monday, May 4th.

After U.S. stocks opened as scheduled.

These investors, who felt that Wall Street analysts' analysis made sense, took action one after another.

Many of them were the targets of the crazy harvest by the vampires on Wall Street during May Day.

But at this time, they still had the courage to end the game.

It’s just a bet!

Start arranging future Q2 performance revenue of the group 3 months in advance.

Bet that Q2 performance will double like those analysis articles.

The current buying point of 300 meters of gold seems to be the peak, but in three months, it may actually be a low point.

Bet on it!


So you can see it.

When US stocks opened on May 4, Future Group opened 0.5 percentage points higher.

After the stock price fell back for a while, a large amount of money began to enter the market, which directly pulled the stock price back.

Close for the day.

Future Group's share price rose 2 percent.

Not much.

After all, there was a record of a 30-point surge one day.


For a super market with 240 billion meters of gold, an increase of two points is really a lot.

after all.

On May Day, all U.S. stocks were cut off by major institutions.

In addition, a large number of so-called analyst articles were optimistic about Future Group in the two days over the weekend, which also made these cut leeks very wary [I feel that Wall Street wants to use this method to instigate them to take over the market and become leeks again.

They wouldn't be so stupid.

Even if the Wall Street analyst article is right.

Isn’t it going to surge by 32 points?

I'll wait a few days to see how the situation develops. I'll try to eat a little bit of meat to avoid being cheated.

So the next three days.

The stock price of Future Group fluctuated upward.

It rises by 0.5 to 2 points every day.

In four days, the stock price rose by 5 points, and the market value also exceeded the 250 billion gold mark.

The leeks who had been observing the future trend of the group felt a little agitated when they saw this situation.

Isn't it really just to cheat?

To end or not to end?

Leeks who are afraid of missing out have many choices.

If they go short, the higher the stock price is, the less they dare to exit.

after all.

There is no first-mover advantage. Once they are beaten, there is no profit at the bottom, and they are likely to lose even their pants.

With a large number of leeks, retail investors went out again.

So on May 8th, Friday.

Future Group's share price rose 4 points.

The retail investors of Chives who got the most out of the market saw that there was no huge shock today. They just stepped back a little to confirm the support, and then continued to fluctuate higher.

This shows that the main institutions did not wield the sickle to cut their leeks at 610 today.

It seems that institutions also recognize the articles of Wall Street analysts, believing that the group has great potential in the future, and recognize the target price of 440 meters gold.

Lu Yi is also paying attention to the situation in the US stock market.

He doesn't care how those vampires on Wall Street cut leeks.

Anyway, it didn't cut him on the head.

Nor did it cut any domestic leek heads.

What are you going to do?

Are you full?

As for those analysts' articles.

Lu Yi smiled coldly.

There is no doubt about the potential of Future Group, and it is not a pipe dream for the future market value to exceed one trillion meters.

But these analysts' articles are definitely designed to trick retail investors into entering the market and taking orders.

There is no doubt about this.

If those Wall Street institutions really thought that Future Group’s Q2 quarter target price could see 440 meters of gold, they would not let their subordinates publish these analysis articles at all, and would only secretly use various means to amass funds, etc. It will blow all kinds of wind when it has been sucked enough.

Wait until the Q2 financial report is disclosed in July, and just take advantage of the good news and leave.

There are so many analysis articles published now, and the only explanation is that I want to dig up all the leek roots. .

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