Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 852 The Wind Of The Dragon Kingdom Dream Blows All Over The Country, And The Cloud Computing

Mr. Fu visited Blue Star Electronics and conducted detailed research.

Also asked a lot of questions.

I have been researching at Blue Star Electronics for an hour and a half before it ended.

Of course.

Mr. Fu did not only research two companies, Future Group and Blue Star Electronics.

In the afternoon, I also went to Huaxing Optoelectronics for research.

This time Lu Yi did not follow.

At Huaxing Optoelectronics.

Mr. Fu emphatically praised Huaxing Optoelectronics for its major technological breakthroughs in the field of LCD panels, which has enabled domestic LCD panel technology to catch up with the international leading level.

same day.

In the "News Broadcast" at seven o'clock in the evening, Mr. Fu investigated the affairs of Sioux City enterprises such as Future Group, Blue Star Electronics, Huaxing Optoelectronics, and was on TV without any surprise.

And the time of appearance is not short.

It can be said.

Let Future Group, Blue Star Electronics, Huaxing Optoelectronics and other companies greatly enhance their presence in front of the Chinese people.

That night.

Several companies such as Future Group were praised by Mr. Fu in 06 and appeared in the "News Broadcast", which became a hot search on Weibo and attracted countless netizens to discuss it.

"What a fool! Several companies from the Future Group actually appeared on "News Broadcast" for nearly 2 minutes, tsk tsk."

"Looking at the video broadcast on the news, Mr. Fu praised Future Group and Blue Star Electronics several times."

"Future Group, Blue Star Electronics, and Huaxing Optoelectronics are also worthy of Mr. Fu's praise. These companies can be said to be the business cards of Longguo's Internet technology field."

"I'm so envious of that guy named He Jun, he was able to shake hands with Mr. Fu."

"I joined the Future Group when I was a classmate. He told me that He Jun decided not to wash the hand he used to shake hands with Mr. Fu for a month.

"Then I have a question. If He Jun pees on his hands when he pees, should he wash it or not?"

Mr. Fu came to the company for investigation, and after two or three days of heated discussions within Blue Star Electronics and Future Group, things became quiet.

Everyone has returned to the previous working state of doing whatever needs to be done.

And at the same time.

Mr. Fu's research in Sioux City and the content of his speech to the leadership team of Sioux City began to become the focus of domestic media reports.

The day before Mr. Fu concluded his visit to Sioux City, he gave a speech on the "Dragon Kingdom Dream" at the Municipal Government Building.

For a while.

"Dragon Kingdom Dream" has become the hottest word in the country.

Everyone is talking about the Dragon Kingdom Dream mentioned by Mr. Fu and understanding the basic connotation of the Dragon Kingdom Dream.

The wind of Dragon Kingdom Dream blew throughout the entire Dragon Kingdom in a short period of time.

Mr. Fu has also explained to everyone what the Dragon Kingdom Dream is in front of domestic and foreign media cameras several times.

For a while.

Not just domestically.

The hot topic of the Dragon Kingdom Dream also directly spread overseas.

time flies.

As we enter late May.

The Dragon Country's first Cloud Computing Conference, which is about to be held in Zhongdu, has become the focus of everyone's attention.

In March, relevant news came out.

The organizer had already sent out invitations to big names in the industry at that time.

after all.

In the past two years, with the popularization and deepening of Internet applications, network information and services are everywhere and used at all times.

While users are getting a lot of benefits and surprises, their needs are also constantly increasing.

In the face of massive data, heterogeneous distribution, complex processing, frequent hardware updates, cumbersome software installation, prominent data security issues, etc., cloud computing, which aims to solve these confusions, is like a spring breeze, blowing rapidly to every corner of the world.

Cloud storage, cloud security, cloud engine, cloud reasoning, cloud services, and cloud entertainment derived from cloud computing are endless.

But what exactly is cloud computing?

Some people say that cloud computing is Internet-based computing.

Some people say that cloud computing is grid computing.

Some people also say that cloud computing is about realizing "software as a service".

Others say that cloud computing means building a cloud center and making a mirror.

Some people say that the cloud and the terminal are equally important.

The industry has different definitions and views on the concept of cloud computing.

Some people even question that cloud computing is just old wine in new bottles, the "emperor's new clothes", and media hype.

In order to understand cloud computing, grasp the essential connotation and development trends of cloud computing, explore the impact of cloud computing on industry, education and social development, exchange the latest research results of cloud computing at home and abroad, and share practical experience in cloud computing applications.


Under the guidance of the Ministry of Information Industry, the Longguo Association for Science and Technology and relevant ministries and commissions, the Longguo Electronics Society took the lead in organizing this cloud computing conference of great significance.

The list of people attending this conference is very valuable.

There are Wu Jichuan, chairman of the Longguo Electronics Society and former minister of the Ministry of Information Industry, Li Deyi, a famous computer engineering and artificial intelligence expert and member of the academic department, Ye Tianzheng, chief technology president of IBM Greater China, Zhang Yaqing, global senior vice president of Microsoft, and Gu Li Kaifu, Vice President of Dove Global and President of Longguo District, etc.

Of course.

Compared with Lu Yi, these big guys are on a lower level.

Lu Yi alone can raise the value of this conference to several levels. .

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