Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 853 Big Names In The Industry Gathered In The Capital

As the time approaches, the first Longguo Cloud Computing Conference has undoubtedly become the focus of everyone's attention and discussion.

Since early January this year, Salesforce has announced the financial data of its cloud computing business for the first time, which has caused huge waves in the industry like a depth bomb.

all of a sudden.

This has made cloud computing, which was previously as transparent as a small one, rush to the forefront.

From the end of 2006 to the beginning of 2007, because Future Group announced that it would invest in cloud computing business on a large scale, cloud computing came to the forefront for the first time and became the focus of industry discussion.

Although the first one to enter cloud computing was not Future Group, but Amazon.

But who allowed Future Group to crush Amazon in terms of size? Lu Yi’s reputation in the industry far exceeds that of Jeff Bezos.

With the blessing of an unbeatable golden halo, he wears the hat of the son of the Internet.

Lu Yi wants to enter cloud computing on a large scale, and its investment budget is a huge sum of 500 billion yuan. This all-in is no different, and it shocked the country and abroad.


Cloud computing became a hot topic at that time, and countless people in Asia rushed to study and discuss it.

no doubt.

Lu Yi has entered cloud computing with an all-in attitude and is absolutely optimistic about the development prospects of cloud computing.


Although the trend of cloud computing became popular at that time because of Lu Yi.

But there are only a few that are really promising.


In the next two years, cloud computing has been tepid and received little attention.


At the beginning of 2009, the annual report data of Salesforce once again brought the small and transparent cloud computing to the forefront.

At this time, everyone suddenly discovered.

The companies that initially tentatively followed the Future Group to bet on cloud computing actually increased their investment in cloud computing on a large scale during the 2008 financial crisis, a secret development.

If it hadn't been for SAIF's self-destruction, I don't know how long it would have been hidden.

at the same time.

This is the first time that everyone knows that cloud computing is really very profitable.


Didn't Saifushi make a lot of money?

And then.

Cloud computing is completely popular.

Countless new players want to get involved in cloud computing and tap into this mountain of gold and silver.

Cloud computing is on fire.

Totally popular.

Regardless of whether you are domestic or foreign, if you haven’t heard of cloud computing or don’t know about cloud computing, you are really out.

Very obvious

The national level also attaches great importance to cloud computing.


There will not be multiple departments joining together to let the Longguo Electronics Society hold the Longguo Cloud Computing Conference.

May 21st.

Lu Yi flew to Zhongdu with his troops to attend the cloud computing conference to be held tomorrow.

On the plane.

Lu Yi looked at a document in his hand.

This is the process document for tomorrow's Cloud Computing Conference.

This conference was conducted by combining forum speeches and technology demonstrations.

The main forum on the morning of May 22 will invite well-known cloud computing experts at home and abroad to report, exchange and discuss the essence and development trends of cloud computing from various angles.

In the afternoon, multiple sub-forums, including cloud computing service models, platforms and applications, virtualization, and cloud security, will conduct special discussions on uncomputing and its impact on the information industry and society.

Various lectures, displays and demonstrations related to cloud computing will also be held during the conference.

As a heavyweight guest of the conference, Lu Yi will deliver a speech as the finale at the closing of the conference.

As for the content of the speech, Lu Yi had already prepared it and was not panicked at all.

Of course.

During the conference, Lu Yi will also participate in one or two sub-forum lectures [to interact with other industry experts.

Zhongdu International Airport.

These days, the airport is surrounded by reporters and paparazzi.

Because the first Longguo Cloud Computing Conference is about to be held, there will be many bigwigs coming, and these reporters and paparazzi are here to stay.

Lu Yi led people out through the VIP channel, but was still seen by the sharp-eyed paparazzi.


These paparazzi rushed over in a swarm at the speed of a hundred meters sprint.

Seeing this, Lu Yi's bodyguards quickly surrounded Lu Yi.

Facing the paparazzi's questions, Lu Yi picked a few short answers and then, escorted by bodyguards, got into a car prepared by the group's Zhongdu office.

The paparazzi stationed at the airport were a little regretful that Lu Liang escaped after answering a few questions.

But this time.

Another paparazzi shouted that so-and-so was coming out.


After gathering his mood, he ran over carrying long guns and short cannons.

For a while.

News such as Lu Yi's appearance in Zhongdu appeared on the Internet, which added fuel to the fire of the first Cloud Computing Conference.

On all major platforms.

A large number of netizens are discussing this.

*``The richest man Lu appeared at Zhongdu International Airport, and he was obviously going to attend the first Longguo Cloud Computing Conference, which directly increased the value of the conference to (Nono's)~".

"Looking at the organizers this time, it shows that the country attaches great importance to cloud computing."

“Since FTSE announced its 2008 financial report at the beginning of this year and disclosed the financial data of the cloud computing sector for the first time, the fire of cloud computing has become more and more popular.

"Nowadays, I am convinced by those who talk about cloud computing but not cloud computing. Isn't this just old wine in a new bottle? There is no innovation at all."

"There are many big names attending the conference this time."

"Anyway, I feel that the so-called cloud computing is selling sheep over dogs, and there is nothing new."

“I heard that Qiandu is working on a new technology internally to surpass the so-called cloud computing. I don’t know if it’s true or not.

"Cloud Computing: Why was I pulled out again? Is it over yet?

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