Friday, May 22nd.


The Longguo Hotel is very busy today.

Because the first Longguo Cloud Computing Conference is held here.

Early in the morning.

The staff of Longguo Hotel began to get busy.

Although the conference venue has been arranged long ago, it is still necessary to check and fill in the gaps and do a good job in reception.

Around 8:30 in the morning.

Cars appeared at the entrance of Longguo Hotel one after another, and a distinguished and dignified figure got out of the car.

The hotel where Lu Yi lives is only 5 minutes away from Longguo Hotel.

Around 8:50.

He came to Longguo Hotel.

As soon as Lu Yi appeared, the media reporters around him immediately took photos.

Amidst bursts of flashing lights, Lu Yi walked into the Longguo Hotel.

Under the leadership of the waiter, we arrived at the main venue of the conference.


There were no less than six or seven hundred people in the venue.

People gathered together in twos and threes and talked.

223 As soon as Lu Yi arrived, he immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the room.

Although the people who came this time were all big names in the industry, including many billionaires.

But compared with Lu Yi, these people are obviously far behind.


Some big guys came over, greeted Lu Yi with smiles on their faces, and handed over their business cards.

"Director Lu."

"Director Lu is here."

Don’t reach out to hit the smiling person.

Although Lu Yi didn't know many of them at all, they all smiled and nodded in response.

Speak the truth.

Lu Yi really doesn't like this kind of situation where he is smiling but not smiling.

If it wasn't for the official platform, he wouldn't be interested in this conference or that conference at all.


The conference was officially held.

There were many people attending this meeting.

More than 1,000 professionals from government officials, academic members, experts, chief information officers, cloud computing researchers, software (agfg) engineers, etc. attended this cloud computing conference.

The host is a director of the Electronic Society.

First we exchanged a few words on the stage, and then got down to business.

Follow the conference procedures.

Industry leaders began to take the stage to give speeches on cloud computing.

The first person to take the stage was Li Deyi, a member of the Faculty of Longguo Engineering Academy. His speech was titled "From Turing Computing to Network Computing" and elaborated on the development history of computers.

Immediately afterwards.

Wang Yang, Global Vice President of IBM and Manager of Longguo Development Center, gave a speech on "Cloud Computing from Ideal to Application Practice".

Wang Yang's speech report was much more informative than Li Deyi's.

after all.

IBM is one of the first companies to enter the field of cloud computing, and its position in the entire industry is not small.

Its 'Blue Cloud Platform' also has a lot of independent innovation technologies, and its cloud computing technology strength is stronger than Microsoft and Gu Ge.

Wang Yang talked about some useful information, which attracted continuous applause from everyone present.

Of course.

On such occasions, everyone would not expose their special skills to the public casually.

But even if they just brought out some insignificant things, many people at the scene were excited.

The third person to take the stage was Huang Xiaoqing, dean of Longguo Mobile Communications Research Institute.

With the title "Longguo Cloud Computing: Opportunities and Challenges", he expounded his views on the development of Longguo Cloud Computing and made some predictions for the future, which received a lot of applause.

As the most populous country in the world, Longguo has a large market that cannot be ignored by any company.

Lu Yi sat in the C seat in the first row, watching the big names in the industry give speeches on stage, and nodded from time to time to their opinions.

Although Future Group is a leader in the field of cloud computing, it must not rest on its laurels. It still needs to understand the technological development views of other companies and competitors in the field of cloud computing.

Sitting next to Lu Yi is a government official with a high rank.

From time to time, he would come over and ask Lu Yi some questions in a low voice.

after all.

Lu Yi is an expert in the field of cloud computing and has a deeper view of cloud computing, which can also help relevant departments make some references.

As Huang Xiaoqing stepped down, Zhang Yaqing, Microsoft's global senior vice president, stepped up.

"Everyone, good morning."

"I am very happy to be invited to participate in this cloud computing conference."

"Today I want to talk to you about the future development trends of cloud computing."

Zhang Yaqing looked around with a smile, full of energy and infinite confidence.

His words immediately made everyone present perk up and show interest.

Even Lu Yi was looking at Zhang Yaqing on the stage, wanting to see what other person's opinions were on the future development trend of cloud computing.

"First of all, let me directly express my conclusion on the future development trend of cloud computing."

“That is, the ‘cloud-end’ trend will be the mainstream of cloud computing development in the future.

As soon as these words came out.

Many people at the scene had their eyes fixed.

Even Lu Yi's eyes lit up.

Zhang Yaqing continued: "In recent years, the rapid development of the Internet has greatly expanded the uses of PCs, and at the same time, it seems to be gradually replacing its position as the [core of personal computing applications]."

"Some people believe that in the next decade, computing resources, including software, hardware, and services, will continue to converge on the Internet through popular, personal, and multi-point (terminal) distributed applications."

"That is, computing will move from [end] to [cloud], and eventually all will be aggregated into the cloud, becoming a 'pure cloud' computing era."

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