Lu Yi's words immediately made everyone present excited.

Everyone is very interested in the cloud policy mentioned by Lu Yi.

Wang Chao said: "About cloud computing, there are two different voices in the outside world. I don't know who has the same opinion? Is cloud computing a hype? Or is it a conceptual idea?"

Lu Yi said directly: "Cloud computing brings many benefits to individual users and enterprises. Cloud computing brings services to everyone, everyone can get services, and services can be better realized. As for whether it is hype, we don't know. Go ahead and comment, we should see this trend."

These words made Zhang Yaqing and others nod their heads.

In fact, whether cloud computing is hype or not, basically until now, there is no debate.

The financial report data of giant companies such as FTSE, GuGe, Microsoft, IBM, and Future Group have already given everyone an answer regarding their cloud computing business.

Capital is profit-seeking.

If cloud computing is really a hype, how could giants such as Gu Ge, Microsoft, and IBM start increasing their investment in cloud computing business in 2008?

Not only Zhang Yaqing and others, but also everyone else in the audience nodded.


At present, cloud computing can be said to be the general trend.

Whether domestic or foreign, cloud computing is now mainstream.

If you want to take the cake in this field, you must see this trend and follow the historical trend.

This is why.

It has only been more than two months since the WisdomStack open source platform was launched. Currently, there are already as many as one or two hundred companies joining the WisdomStack Alliance worldwide.

I want to take a bite of the cloud computing cake, which is in line with the trend of the times.

But because it has no technical support, it can only choose to join WisdomStack of the Future Group or OpenStack of the Silicon Valley Alliance.

But obviously.

Comparing the two, WisdomStack completely beats OpenStack unilaterally.

Wang Chao continued: "Next, we will use the cases experienced and studied by each expert to see how cloud computing applications are different from previous computing models in the information age? Please tell Academician Li about cloud simulation."

Li Bohu nodded and said: "I would like to talk about how to create a network modeling simulation based on the cloud computing concept based on on-demand dynamic scheduling and virtualization technology of cloud computing, called cloud simulation."

“What does system simulation technology mean?”

"That is, the model established by the system under study is carried out on the simulation system."

“The 2006 Presidential Report of the America Presidential Advisory Committee pointed out that system simulation is an important part of computational science.”

“It is proposed here that system simulation technology is becoming a technology for understanding and transforming the objective world after theoretical research and experimental research.”

“At present, system simulation has been successfully applied in engineering, society, environment, life education and other fields.

"Due to the increasing scale, there is an urgent need for planetary distribution modeling and simulation systems with distributed, heterogeneous and other properties. Networked modeling cloud simulation supported by modern network technology has emerged."

"We began to develop networked simulation technology in the early 1980s. Currently, the world is using such a landmark international standard based on HLA to develop our networked modeling cloud simulation.

Having said this, Li Bohu paused and continued: "However, from the current application point of view, the current networked modeling and simulation system based on LHA/RTI has the following shortcomings: lack of use resolution support, lack of support for The dynamic scheduling and management capabilities of online simulation resources and resource sharing utilization are poor."

"The current direction is probably as follows: one is to combine WEB technology with simulation, one is to integrate grid computing and simulation technology, and the other is simulation technology based on cloud computing."

"We have also done a simulation grid, which is a service-oriented grid simulation technology that can indeed overcome some problems, such as the ability to dynamically share simulation resources, self-organization capabilities, and collaboration capabilities."

“But looking further, due to some technical analysis, it is not enough to just schedule nodes. We must also strengthen the ability to support multiple users and strengthen fine-grained resources within grid nodes.

"Currently cloud computing is the development direction of distributed processing, parallel processing, and grid computing."

“One idea we came up with is a cloud simulation platform. Its concept is like this. A huge simulation task is automatically split into countless smaller sub-tasks, and then it is automatically searched through the network and cloud simulation platform on demand, and is composed of multiple parts. A simulation system composed of a simulation cloud forms an interaction with the cloud."

"This concept is the emerging cloud simulation modeling rich state. It is based on the needs of the application field, based on the concept of cloud computing, and comprehensively applies various technologies, advanced distributed simulation technology and other related professional technologies."

"Its features are a working model based on cloud computing concepts, SOS and SOA architecture, while supporting various on-demand dynamic management of the network, supporting modeling and simulation technology, and collaborative operations."

"This is a simulation cloud group that is shared by multiple users on demand and coordinated on demand to run simulations." "

have to say.

Li Bohu is worthy of being a member of the academic department. What he talks about is very conceptual and profound.

If you are not an expert in this field, you may understand every word, but you will be confused when you connect them together.

Li Bohu was still talking nonstop.

"For each user, in the modern network environment, there are networks and portals. They just do it according to their needs. The cloud simulation platform automatically finds the cloud you need and dynamically constructs the application system according to your needs. Then on the platform , organize cloud simulation on top of the running system.

"This is our service-oriented hierarchical architecture."

"In order to achieve what I just said, we need to overcome 12 key technologies, such as the portal level, a problem-solving environment, etc., and in the service layer for cloud simulation, the combination of WEB-based LHA and RTI." (Good, good, good, good. )

“Now let’s take a simple example, which is the landing gear virtual prototype.

"It is based on a cloud simulation platform to build a collaborative simulation application system for the landing gear virtual prototype of a major aviation aircraft model."

"These tools are distributed in different regions such as Zhongdu Simulation Center, Long Institute of Computing Technology, and Shuimu University, forming different simulation clouds. Experts in the field log in to the cloud simulation platform portal and raise questions through the portal, and it will automatically be sent to the system Find where this resource is, find the engine, this engine is at Shuimu University, and then send your calculations to Shuimu University. Find the local access center EASV5 is here, and then send it to me. The system selects the appropriate one from the local Answers are sent to domain experts.'

"The proposed cloud simulation platform can strengthen the on-demand dynamic sharing of resources, autonomous collaboration and security mechanisms of the existing networked modeling vaccination system. Cloud simulation establishes a new user-centered service model."

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