The seminar went on in an orderly manner.

Everyone in the audience also listened very carefully.

What Lu Yi and the others said on stage may contain unlimited business opportunities.

For example, the cloud simulation Li Bohu just talked about has great development prospects.

Use cloud computing, big data and other technologies to empower simulation, integrate simulation model algorithms, computing engines, application tools, experience and knowledge and other resources to support the integration of heterogeneous systems and form an elastic and scalable system based on a general cloud. , a simulation service platform based on application-level plug-ins and function-level plug-ins, provides users with a unified service portal and management strategy, enables on-demand use of simulation resources, supports flexible reconstruction and efficient operation of the simulation system, and covers the entire simulation process and cycle. Use all resources to improve simulation performance, and ultimately build new simulation models and new business formats.

no doubt.

The future of cloud simulation mentioned by Li Bohu is infinitely broad.

Future Group's Cloud Computing Division's research on cloud simulation is definitely more in-depth than Li Bohu's.

And the specific research direction in this area is the automatic driving technology of automobiles.

Don’t think that autonomous driving technology was only proposed in the past few years.

In fact, as early as the 1970s, developed countries in Europe and the United States had already begun to take the lead in the research and development of driverless cars.

In the area of ​​autonomous driving, cloud simulation technology is the key to the mass production of the autonomous driving 557.

After Li Bohu finished talking about cloud simulation, Wang Chao said: "Just now, Member Li talked about how to improve efficiency through cloud computing. Now we ask Director Lu to introduce the cloud computing model.

Lu Yi picked up the microphone and said: "The model of cloud computing is very complicated. Cloud computing uses document processing and does not require the assistance of office. Depending on the time you use it, the usage pattern of the software changes greatly. For huge For users, usage patterns have changed significantly.”

Wang Chao asked: "Is there any specific data showing how much the costs of small businesses are reduced when they use this software?"

Lu Yi replied: "As far as our country is concerned, we must vigorously promote the informatization of small and medium-sized enterprises, which is a big problem for Longguo."

"But no matter how big the problem is, if you want to engage in informatization, you have to find professionals, buy some servers, and buy some software to do it."

"But it's not easy to do this. It may cost tens of thousands a month."

"But if you use a good information system cloud to serve him, he can get information services online. You can use CRM and OA according to your needs, which will reduce the cost reasonably."

Wang Chao nodded upon hearing this.

Although Lu Yi did not specify how much the cost was reduced, you can guess from this example that it is definitely a lot.

It’s no wonder that in the past two years, major Internet giants around the world have invested heavily in cloud computing to seize market share.

Because more and more small and medium-sized enterprises are embracing cloud computing.

For these small and medium-sized enterprises, equipment expenses and labor expenses are definitely one of the major expenses of the company.

Using cloud computing can greatly save money in this regard.

This is not only conducive to the development of the company, but also helps the company to survive the period of tight capital chain, and can also create more profits.

Why did the cloud computing business explode in 2008?

This is because countless small and medium-sized enterprises, and even large enterprises, face the risk of bankruptcy during this financial crisis because of insufficient cash flow.

At this moment.

A number of cloud computing players such as Future Group told these small and medium-sized enterprises that using my cloud computing technology can not only help overcome the current crisis, but also increase revenue and reduce expenditure, increase company profits, and turn the company around from losses to profits.

Can these companies that are on the verge of bankruptcy not be tempted?

And with the help of cloud computing solutions, they have indeed passed through the most difficult moments.

So word of mouth spread.

This also attracts more companies to come to us for cooperation.

This is also the reason why companies such as Guge and Microsoft secretly developed cloud computing businesses during 2008.

Wang Chao looked at Lu Yi and said, "Director Lu, can you talk about the changes in enterprise cloud computing?"

Lu Dongdao: "We provide cloud computing solutions to small, medium and large enterprises."

(agbb) “At first I was worried that everyone wouldn’t accept this new idea, but I didn’t expect that many people would be willing to try it.”

“The starting point for everyone, especially enterprises, is to solve the problems involved and then bring us new growth opportunities.

"I will give you two examples to see how cloud computing can integrate enterprise information management or obtain new growth opportunities."

"The first one is a large central enterprise case we have done."

"There are a lot of people in central enterprises and there are many departments."

"The information system data of various departments cannot be communicated. Our solution is to provide a unified data access to allow all business systems to be interconnected. Now the effect is obvious and the business support is also obvious."

"Second, we built a system for a risk analysis software company on Wall Street.

"This company's software was originally sold to Wall Street banks, and their software requirements required customers to change it every month. Customers were very dissatisfied.

"We built a cloud computing system for them, and their customers increased several times, reducing the cost of high-quality services for users."

“The most important thing is that it is easier for enterprises to manage IT themselves than to leave it to others.

As the current leader in the field of cloud computing, there are too many such examples, and Lu Yi can easily name them.

At this time.

Wang Chao looked at Zhang Yaqing and said, "Mr. Zhang, what do you think of this issue?"

Zhang Yaqing said: "I want to talk to the guests here about a question. For example, if we save the data 40 years ago, 40 years later, we will not know what it means when we read it. How can we integrate it in space and time? This is virtualization. .

Lu Yi agreed: "Mr. Zhang is right."

"For example, people do not control the railway line. There are only 6 billion people in the world, but the number of clouds is tens of billions. This is a problem we need to solve.

"Dragon Country's Spring Festival transportation needs to transport hundreds of millions or even billions of people. Our cloud method is that no matter what information is stored in the data center, it can be mobilized elsewhere.

Wang Chao immediately said: "Director Lu, the 12306 website built by your group for the railway department has indeed benefited the broad masses of the people, and it also indirectly demonstrates your group's strong technical strength in cloud computing.

This is not flattery, but the truth.

At present, I am afraid that only Future Group can solve this problem.

International giants such as Guge, Microsoft, and IBM cannot do it!

At the beginning, the railway department invited bids from all over the world. Guge, Microsoft, and IBN all participated in the bidding, but in the end they were unable to meet the relevant technical requirements, and in the end they had to voluntarily withdraw.

However, Future Group took on this problem and successfully solved it.

Currently, the 12306 website has been in operation for more than a year.

Although there were some minor problems during the period, overall the website operation was very stable and no major bugs have occurred.

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