"The 12306 website built by Future Group can indeed be said to be the pinnacle of cloud computing technology application. Even if it is placed in a few years or ten years, it will never be outdated.

"Not only does it solve technical problems such as buying and refunding tickets and getting on the bus midway, but the key is that it can also withstand hundreds of thousands or millions of clicks per second, as well as user information security."

Not to mention Wang Chao, Zhang Yaqing, Li Bohu and others couldn't help but give Lu Yi a thumbs up.

Because Future Group’s smart cloud solution is indeed awesome.

at this point.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t agree!

Intel's Yang Cheng said: "We do cloud computing to save costs. In fact, information insecurity is also a cost."

Wang Chao immediately said: "A friend asked a question just now. Under the cloud computing model, the solution for data management and storage will still be a kind of database. Is this kind of database still a relational database? Can Is there any change in the chosen plan?”

Yang Cheng explained: "Traditional databases are basically more like banks, with more organized data. Today's data is not semi-organized or unorganized.

"I personally feel that data is everywhere, and how to store it is a minor issue. The main issue is how to find it, and it can be interpreted once it is found, which is more important.

Fan Chenggong nodded and said: "I agree with Dr. Yang. We have structured data on one side and unstructured data on the other. We search through search engine data." I believe that there will definitely be a technology between these two points in the future. .”

"There are some concepts around the world now, and many academics are studying them. I think this is a very good technology."

Zhang Yaqing also said: "I also agree with Dr. Yang that the form of many databases will change, and some non-database things may appear.

"This is how I do simulations now. I use idle data to verify the system. This is what we do." Li Bohu also said.

Wang Chao looked at Li Bohu and said: "Member Li, a friend of mine wants you to explain the difference between grid simulation and cloud simulation.

Li Bohu said: "My personal point of view is that the ultimate goal of the development of grid is cloud simulation. The scope of application of grid is computing. Now we have to consider the advantages of multi-user, multi-fault tolerance and cloud simulation." longer."

"The grid contains a lot of data when we use it, but it may be unreliable. If it is unreliable, it will affect the application."

Wang Chaodao: "Some people may question the availability and security of cloud computing. A friend, Stowman, believes that it is unsafe to submit corporate and personal data to service providers without being controlled by oneself. Is it cloud security? The service model provides us with the challenge of where we should consider to eliminate this doubt."

Wang Chao's words also caused everyone in the audience to whisper.


Cloud computing users do have this concern.

Using cloud computing service solutions can indeed save yourself money.

But accordingly.

The data is in the hands of the service provider, not in your own hands, which is very unsafe.

Who knows whether these top secret data will be leaked?

This is also the reason why many companies that are obviously very interested in cloud computing services, but at the same time are worried, have been unable to make up their minds to use cloud computing services.

If this doubt can be dispelled.

Even the cloud computing market is bound to experience explosive growth.

Fan Chenggong said: "Why do I compare information to money? When someone raises funds, I am willing to hand over the money to him or not. Only when others hand it over do I start to think about it."

"Relatively speaking, banks are very safe, but the recent financial crisis has made us doubt this view. Banks were still very safe after the financial crisis."

"The same is true for cloud service providers. In order to continue doing business, the first thing to protect is cloud security, so they use professionals."

"It will do better than each of your companies and individuals."

Lu Yi said: "What Dr. Fan mentioned just now is trust. Security actually has another meaning. What if my data is put there and you are attacked?"

"In this way, the cloud is safer, because there are so many clouds, and the risks are smaller."

"A large company doing cloud is more secure than a small company doing cloud."

"It is safer to put a drop of water in the ocean." Wang Chao nodded, and then asked: "What impact will the emergence of cloud computing have on the software and hardware industry?"

Yang Chengdao: "I think that in cloud computing, hardware and software are marginalized, and software and hardware jointly create value."

Wang Chao asked: "What is the impact on the model of software development and sales applications?"

Lu Yi said: "Cloud computing will pay more and more attention to the adoption of SOA architecture and SAAS model development. These are mutually reinforcing. More software services will promote cloud computing even more. These are mutually reinforcing."

"What special opportunities will cloud computing bring to Longguo's enterprises? Longguo is promoting the concept and model of integrating industry, academia and research in technology development. Director Lu, do you have any views on this?" Wang Chao asked.

Lu Yi pondered for a moment and said: "To truly realize cloud computing, we need to unite. If you are willing to participate in joint sharing, it doesn't matter if you don't want to. Also, use concepts to provide services and use software to provide services to form a dragon." High-efficiency, low-cost application for domestic enterprises."

0......Please give me flowers......

"Will the new application model give rise to more entrepreneurial opportunities? If you choose to start a business, which breakthrough point should you enter?" Wang Chao looked at Lu Yi with burning eyes.

The same goes for everyone in the audience.

This question is equivalent to asking Lu Yi to give everyone a way out.

As a leader in the field of cloud computing, Lu Quan has this qualification.

"As Li Deyi, a member of the academic department, said at the beginning, every technological wave is an opportunity to reshuffle the cards, which brings new opportunities to the industry and also brings opportunities to start-up companies."

"During the PC revolution, Lianxiang and Microsoft were created. When the Internet came, Future Group and Gu Ge were created, including a large number of domestic star Internet companies. With the advent of cloud computing, seizing the trend of the times, the next star company It could be everyone.”


Lu Yi said without blinking.

These words somewhat disappointed everyone present.

As if seeing everyone's disappointment, Lu Yi added: "Currently, cloud computing is still in its boom period. For all players who are interested in cloud computing, whether they have already entered the market or not, in fact, there is a huge gap between them. It’s not so big that you can’t get closer.”

"So, don't think that the trend of cloud computing has passed."

"On the contrary, the trend of cloud computing has just arrived, and it will be in the next three to five years!"

As soon as these words came out.

The eyes of everyone who were still a little disappointed suddenly lit up again.

Wang Chao also smiled and said: "Today's discussion has clarified some issues. The amount of information this morning is very large."

"Finally, ask the five guests to describe what cloud computing is like in your mind in one sentence."

Yang Cheng smiled and said: "I will explain it in two sentences: first, because it is not expensive, it is precious; second, because it is not complicated, it is extraordinary."

Zhang Yaqing said: "I paraphrase an advertising slogan of Longguo Telecom, the world is at your fingertips, cloud computing is to make services accessible."

Fan Chenggong said: "I borrowed a saying from Li Deyi, a member of the academic department, which is very poetic. It is tangible when viewed from a distance, but boundless when viewed up close. Cloud computing belongs to all users, and it is tangible when viewed from a distance, but cloud computing is very big, it is an ocean, and it is a very big world. Challenging stuff.”

Li Bohu thought for a while and said: "I think that in order to achieve efficient and high-quality cloud computing, we need to bring greater innovation in applications and technology. Comrades, we still need to work hard, but the prospects are bright.

Lu Yi was the last to speak. His eyes flashed and he said loudly: "Cloud computing is like Longguo Communications. The Internet is the largest in the world today, and cloud computing will also be the world's biggest disadvantage in the future."

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