Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 861 The Much-Anticipated Final Speech

A round table seminar came to an end.

For everyone in the audience, they still gained something.

Don’t say anything else.

At least what Lu Yi said strengthened their confidence.

Lu Yi said that cloud computing is still in the hot stage, and it will not be too late to get started within three to five years.

To a great extent, these words dispelled their worries and gave them the confidence to get on the bus.

Before that.

They looked at the people already in the car eating big meat, and they felt envious in their hearts.

I also wanted to get on the bus.


Looking back, I found that the first batch of people to get on the bus was already more than a year ago.

In the Internet industry, let alone one, four, two, three years, even if it is one or two months at night, you may not even be able to drink soup.

So they are very confused.

If you get on the bus at this time, don't drink the soup, and lose your original capital, it will be a big loss.

but now.

Lu Yi stepped forward and gave them the confidence to get on the bus.

not late.

It's not too late!

When Lu Yi said this, they dared to believe it.

Not for anything else, just because this is what Lu Yi said.

As for how to get on the bus?

Future Group just showed off its tickets in March.

As long as you are willing, you can get a ticket and get on the train at Future Group.


After dispelling their worries, they no longer had any worries.

The roundtable ended at 1 o'clock in the afternoon.

There were already many people at the scene who were a little hungry.

The organizer naturally prepared lunch for the participants.

After all, the venue is the Dragon Kingdom Hotel, the place to eat.

Lunch is not a luxury. After all, there are thousands of people attending the conference, which is not a small expense.

To this.

Everyone who came to the conference didn't think it was anything.


All of them are rich or noble, and they usually eat a lot of delicacies from the mountains and seas.

But this time.

The most important thing is to finish your meal early and continue the conference process.

14:00 sharp.

The meeting continues.

The first person to take the stage to give a keynote speech was Zheng Weimin, a professor and doctoral supervisor at Shuimu University. The title of his speech was "A Cloud Storage Solution."

This is a purely technical theory, and only big names with a technical background can listen to it with gusto.

have to say.

Those who can be invited to participate in this conference and deliver a keynote speech on stage must be one or two levels higher than others.

Like Zheng Weimin, although he may not be rich, he does have new ideas and innovations in technology, and he can become a guest of many giant companies.

His speeches can turn theory into practical applications and gain huge rewards.

After Zheng Weimin, Fan Chenggong, general manager of EMC Longguo R&D Center, Sun Yuzhong, researcher of Longguo Academy of Sciences, Li Yan, cloud computing business development manager of Intel Longguo District, etc.

One by one, big names in the industry took the stage to give keynote speeches.

These people are either engaged in cloud computing development or are conducting theoretical research in cloud computing.

The content of the speech is full of useful information. It depends on whether everyone present can seize the opportunity.

After these people took the stage to give speeches, cloud computing experts from Microsoft took the stage.

The content of his speech was about the construction and application of Microsoft's cloud computing platform.

All of a sudden, it attracted the attention of everyone in the audience.

after all.

Microsoft is one of the first players to enter the field of cloud computing.

It is also one of the core members of the Silicon Valley Alliance.

Although the technical strength in cloud computing is not as good as that of Future Group, it is definitely not bad.

This Microsoft cloud computing expert talks about the construction and application of Microsoft's Blue Sky cloud computing platform, which can give new players some ideas and a specific reference.

Time passes minute by minute.

Big names came on stage one after another.

The entire venue burst into bursts of applause from time to time.

The voices of discussion also came and went.

Arrived around 17:30 in the afternoon.

It was another roundtable seminar hosted by Wang Chao.

The topic of this discussion is the business opportunities of cloud computing.

Lu Yi did not come on stage for this discussion.


There is a big gap between this seminar and the one held by Lu Yi and Zhang Yaqing at noon, both in terms of the quality of the personnel and the depth of the content.

But even so.

It still attracted a lot of people to listen.

Some of these arguments are quite bright.

This also shows.

There are still smart people in the country, it just depends on whether they can grasp the key points from the thousands of clues.

Seize it and put it into action, as Lu Yi said at noon, maybe the next star company will be you!

Lu Yi was also a member of the audience.

When the five people on stage talk about wonderful things, they can't help but clap and praise them.

time flies.

Arrived at 19 o'clock in the evening.

The entire cloud computing conference has also come to an end.

And this time.

Everyone at the scene looked at Lu Yi.

There was a look of expectation in their eyes.

Because next, Lu Yi will take the stage to give the final keynote speech.

It can be said.

From the beginning of the conference, everyone has been looking forward to this moment.

For nothing else.

I just hope that from Lu Yi's keynote speech, I can find a shortcut to the end and unearth a mountain of gold and silver, so as to give a satisfactory speech to this conference trip.


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