Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 862: Grasp The Pulse Of Cloud Computing And Lead The Arrival Of The Cloud Era

Under the gaze of thousands of people, Lu Yi stood up from his seat and walked slowly to the podium.

this moment.

The entire venue was silent.

From those pairs of eyes, we can see anticipation, excitement, trance, and various other emotions.

Lu Yi glanced across the audience.

Under the watchful eyes of all the celebrities, there was no stage fright at all.

Lu Yi's eyes were extremely sharp, even very aggressive.

If someone looked at Lu Yi for one more second, they might not be able to bear the invisible pressure and choose to look away.

But the next moment.

The invisible pressure on Lu Yi disappeared, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

It's like rolling clouds and relaxing clouds, giving people a sense of relaxation.

"Good evening, everyone."

"I think everyone is almost tired of hearing all kinds of speeches today, but I'm afraid everyone has to endure 06 for a while longer."

"Of course, it will be soon, it won't be long!"

Lu Yi's voice sounded in the venue.


There was a burst of laughter.

"It's seven o'clock in the evening, dinner time. I believe there are many people here like me, whose stomachs are already growling."

"I really wanted to sneak out for a meal, but the organizer was keeping a close eye on me and caught me back."

Lu Yi said with a slight smile.


"Director Lu, I'll treat you to delicacies later!"

There was another burst of laughter, and someone shouted that they wanted to treat Lu Yi to dinner.


At this time.

Lu Yi made a closing gesture, and the scene suddenly became quiet again.

"It's getting late, so I won't talk nonsense. Let's get straight to the point so as not to delay everyone's dinner time."

"The theme of my speech today is "Grasping the Pulse of Cloud Computing and Leading the Arrival of the Cloud Era."

Lu Yi's voice became serious, and the smile on his face disappeared.

Everyone at the scene also became serious, pricked up their ears, and listened carefully to Lu Yi's speech.

"Innovations in science and technology have always pushed the wheel of the times forward."

"Cloud computing has grown from a small experiment when Amazon AWS was founded to an industry and ecosystem with huge potential. I would like to describe it as one of the greatest technological advances in the new century."

"The birth and development of anything must have its prerequisites and soil, and the same is true for cloud computing."

"So, what is the reason for the birth and vigorous development of cloud computing?"

Having said this, Lu Yi raised three fingers.

"There are three reasons."

"The maturity of software and hardware technology, huge social value, and great business model."

"These three are indispensable and will jointly promote the rise and prosperity of cloud computing, attract countless industry elites to invest in it, and become an inexhaustible source of cloud computing.

Lu Yi's words made many people at the scene fall into thinking for a while.

Thinking about how to correctly understand these three reasons mentioned by Lu Yi.


Zhang Yaqing, Fan Chenggong and other big names nodded in agreement.


They have figured out why cloud computing was born and why it thrives.

"In recent years, when foreign IT giants have frequently made moves to compete for the right to speak in the field of cloud computing, domestic companies seem to have become bystanders and have made few achievements."

"Some people unceremoniously attributed this 'collective silence' to the conservativeness of domestic companies in their cloud computing strategies."

"Some people even think that cloud computing is just a concept used by businesses to hype up."

“But at this conference, I saw many domestic companies’ actions and remarks that were eye-catching.

"This is a good phenomenon."

"Because there are more and more domestic companies that have grasped the pulse of the times."

Speaking of which.

Lu Yi paused and looked at several places under the stage.

Then he continued: "The global digital transmission network has sufficient bandwidth, computers have ultra-high-speed computing and super storage capabilities, there are massive information resources around the world, plus the needs of widely distributed and discrete small and medium-sized users."

“A ‘cloud computing’ service model with a technical foundation and market pull was born.

"This is the raison d'être of cloud computing."

"Computing power has evolved from the earliest centralized to distributed to the development of network environments. People are doing calculations that require a single computer to the full extent of computing performance.

This is to promote the development of computer computing technology. "

"This is inevitable for the birth and development of cloud computing."

"Our move from Turing computing to network computing is a huge progress in the field of computing, and 'cloud computing' may be a new trend that allows computing and services to be enjoyed by more people."

"The IT industry is moving from PC to the Internet. In the future, applications in the IT industry will be data-centered, people-centered, and service-centered."

“I think that for cloud computing to be successful, if there is no good ecological environment, only physical resources and data will not last.

"The most important thing is to provide a platform."

“The smart cloud operating system currently being built by Future Group is based on this exploration.”

"To this end, I summarize the changes in the IT world into three centers and five basic points."

"Next, I will talk about the three centers and five basic points in detail, hoping to give everyone a different way of thinking."

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