Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 863 There Is A Mountain Of Gold And Silver Hidden Inside!

Lu Yi's words resounded throughout the venue.

Also in an instant.

Many people at the scene sat up straight unconsciously.

Lu Yi paused and glanced sharply across the audience.

"In my opinion, computing in the Internet era should be centered on data, users and services, and will have five basic characteristics."

"Let me talk about the three centers first."

"One, be data-centric."

"The purpose is to solve the problems of acquiring, storing, managing and searching massive data, and to make the data more and more intelligent and structured."

“In my opinion, there are no ‘numbers’ in calculations.”

“Different from ‘application-centered computing’, in the future, data analysis and processing will be the core of computing technology research and experience.”

"Related research areas cover platform technology exploration, data segmentation, data mining, Internet data search, etc.

"From 'application' to 'data' is not just an evolution of technical ideas, it also marks the beginning of a more 'humanized' and 'intelligent' computing era.


Lu Yi then stretched out two fingers.

"Two, people (users) are the center."

"This is the inevitable result of data centralization, which means that data and services surround individuals."

“In the past, people were always in a passive position when ‘communicating’ with machines.”

“You not only need to clearly understand what you want to do, but also how to do it.

"Now, as long as you understand your intention, you can leave the rest of the work to the computer or other terminal."


Lu Yi raised another finger.

"Third, service-centered."

"Especially the services based on new business models of advertising and search, which demonstrate the efforts of software companies to adapt to user needs."

"The so-called services can be online games, IP TV, or personalized services required by various users."

"As an extension and upgrade of the '.Net' strategy, Future Group released the Live network service strategy as early as November 2005."

"Through Live, users can enjoy various Internet services and obtain personalized experiences, customized content and diversified communications."

“Recently we are exploring a new model of Live service——LiveMesh, which allows users to easily synchronize data between various terminals and share it with anyone at any time.”

"In addition, we are also trying to provide Internet-based software services to corporate customers."

"Customers do not need to download and install related software, and can use the same functions as local software online through the browser.

Everyone at the scene listened very carefully.

Even people like Zhang Yaqing looked extremely serious.

Said without politeness.

What Lu Yi just said may contain some strategic development secrets of Future Group.

From the above words, we can infer some of the future strategic planning arrangements of the group.

Of course.

Since Lu Yi dares to speak out, he is not afraid of stumbling upon others.

Because of some of the things he said, the layout of the Future Group has basically been completed.


He won't come up with it and give his opponent an excuse for nothing.

"Next, let me talk about the five major characteristics.

"Under this computing framework, the new trends in the global IT industry are reflected in the following five aspects."

"First, as the IT industry moves from the PC era to the Internet (Web) era, information technology has given traditional industries new and vigorous vitality."

“Traditional economic processes that originally took months or even longer to connect can often be opened in just a few minutes after realizing informatization, digitization, and intelligence.

"And transaction execution based on Internet business marketing platforms has been shortened to a few milliseconds, and these can be regarded as the prototype of the future economic model."

"In other words, software and the Internet are bringing revolutionary changes to human civilization with strong penetration."

"Traditional production methods and management methods are constantly updated due to the endless emergence of new technologies."

"Second, the concept of PC is changing towards 'PC+'. 7"

“In other words, PC will no longer just mean ‘personal computing’, but will also become the center of personal communication ‘and personal control’.

“Moreover, the computing power of PCs is constantly migrating to other devices (such as mobile phones, cars, and home appliances), and its uses are therefore being expanded to more fields.

“Third, the computing architecture will be directed towards the cloud

"Would you upload your home videos and store them on a TV station? I don't think anyone would do that."

"From an economic perspective, bandwidth, storage, and computing cannot be completely free, and completely cloud-based services will never meet the needs of all customers."

“From the perspective of communication supply and demand, although bandwidth is growing, data capacity is also growing simultaneously. For example, a 1080P movie is unlikely to be played instantly based on the existing domestic bandwidth conditions.

", "From a technical perspective, the client's strong computing power can bring more exciting applications to users. "

“So I think the computing architecture of ‘cloud service platform + client terminal’ is more reliable and flexible, and represents the development direction of the industry.

"Based on customer needs, future computing and services will exist in the cloud and on the client respectively."

“Fourth, the business models of software and Internet industry participants will shift from ‘software’ to ‘software + services’.

"Software + services are an important way to move towards the future of IT."

"For example, 'software + services' is like a big umbrella, integrating many existing concepts and technology trends, including 'software as a service (SaaS)', service-oriented development (SOA), Web2.0 ° and user experience included.

"Fifth, under the new technology trends and application situations, software technology will benefit more and billions of users."

"Over the past half century or so, most of the users who have benefited from the rapid development of information technology live in developed and some developing countries."

"In the next 5 to 10 years, more users in emerging countries will benefit from the Internet era, benefit from 'PC+', benefit from 'cloud-end' computing, and benefit from the new model of software + service.

The entire venue was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Only Lu Yi's voice kept echoing.

No one dared to desert, and they all worked hard to listen carefully.

The three centers and five basic points mentioned by Lu Yi contain too many things.

If you can seize the opportunity, it is very likely that your net worth will rise to the next level.

Lu Yi's words made everyone feel excited.

Because there are too many things contained in these words, they need to analyze them carefully and figure them out.

There is a mountain of gold and silver hidden inside!

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