Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 864 Four Eras Of Cloud Computing Development

“In order to meet these five major trends and seek future growth points from them, as an industry leader, Future Group’s strategy is to embrace both worlds.

“A world of networks and a world of devices.”

"These two worlds will no longer exist independently in the future, but will merge with each other."

"Various devices are connected through networks and software, making everything possible."

"The IT industry has always created demand through the innovation of ideas, and then promoted the development of the industry."

"Compared with innovation in other industries, innovation in the IT field is the most inclusive and can benefit all users."

"All parties in the industry pay attention to cloud computing, which means that they all have their own interests and demands. This is the premise and foundation for the survival of a new innovation. Although not many people can succeed, there are definitely a group of people who will succeed!"

Lu Yi's impassioned words made many people's eyes flicker.

Lu Yi's speech continues.

His sonorous and powerful voice still resounded in the venue.

"Like any new thing, the development of the cloud computing industry is destined to not be smooth sailing."

“For example, cloud computing was initially criticized by 607 as a concept of ‘old wine in new bottles’, but now everyone is beginning to worry about data privacy issues on the cloud.”

"I think in the future there will be ridicule and ridicule of accidental accidents on various public cloud lines."

"As cloud computing grows, it will inevitably face various challenges and doubts."

"Some of the negative feedback is actually caused by improper use or deviation from best practices, which has caused cloud computing to bear a lot of injustice and infamy."

“But I firmly believe that the advancement of cloud computing will eventually make the main theme of development overcome the interference and noise. With its own continuous improvement, it will be recognized by more and more customers, and the market size will continue to expand. "

"In this regard, I would like to say something to everyone here and even other domestic companies."

"Don't wait until cloud computing technology matures before considering its application. Long Guo cannot wait.

"I think there are already clouds in the sky above Dragon Kingdom. I believe we have such innovation ability and motivation. We have the courage and courage to make the wonderful cloud computing come true in Dragon Kingdom."

The words "Longguo can't wait" made many people at the scene feel their souls (agda) tremble.

When the leaders of the relevant departments heard this, there was something more in their eyes.

At this point in the speech, Lu Yi has basically finished what he wanted to say.

no doubt.

There was too much useful information in his speech, and there are many things worthy of careful exploration.

"I've basically finished what I want to say."

"But next, I want to tell you about my additional views on cloud computing.

"Of course, it's not really useful stuff."

"I just want to talk to you about some of my personal views on the development process of cloud computing.

Hearing this, everyone looked interested.

"I personally divide the development of cloud computing into four stages, the budding era, the exploration era, the development era and the prosperity era."

"There is no doubt that cloud computing is currently in its infancy.

"My personal view of this stage is from 2008 to 2011."

"In fact, the beginning of the cloud computing industry is difficult to accurately define."

"Although Future Group is the current leader in the cloud computing industry, one thing I must admit is that Amazon's AWS publicly released S3 storage service, SQS message queue and EC2 virtual machine service in 2006, officially announcing the modern cloud computing s arrival."

"Of course, from an industry perspective, we might as well regard 2008 as the first year of cloud computing in another sense, which may be more representative."

“Because this year, when Future Group’s Smart Cloud and Amazon’s AWS proved that cloud is a viable business, more and more industry leaders and players noticed this market and began to enter the market.”

"Microsoft announced the technical community preview version of Windows-Azure at PDC2008, officially starting Microsoft's attempt to host and bring many technologies and services online."

"Guge also happened to launch a preview version of Google-App-Engine in 2008, which allows developers to develop web applications and deploy them on Google's infrastructure through a proprietary web framework. This is a cloud computing that is more towards the PaaS level. Ways of entry.”

"Domestic flower factories have also begun to increase investment in Petal Cloud."

"It can be seen that since 2008, the era of cloud computing has gradually opened, and a truly diversified market has begun to form, and healthy competition has begun with the participation of many giants."

"Before the rise of cloud computing, for most enterprises, self-purchase of hardware and leasing of IDC computer rooms were the mainstream methods of building IT infrastructure."

"In addition to the server itself, many underlying matters such as cabinets, bandwidth, switches, network configuration, software installation, virtualization, etc. generally require very professional people to be responsible for, and the response cycle when making adjustments is also relatively long - I believe many R&D leaders We all have the experience of waiting for the server to arrive.”

"The arrival of the cloud suddenly provides another way that is much more efficient."

“With just a click of a fingertip or through a script, the demander can build the software and hardware environment required for the application by himself, and it can be expanded on demand and billed according to business changes at any time. In addition, many functions on the cloud are ready to use out of the box. Component-level services are very attractive to many enterprises."

“From the perspective of technical products, although the early cloud product portfolio is still relatively thin and has some limitations, the core concept of separation of computing and storage has been initially established.

And profoundly affects the architectural pattern of cloud-based applications.

“During the nascent period of cloud computing, I discovered an interesting phenomenon, which is that many people are somewhat confused about the relationship between ‘cloud computing’ and ‘big data’.

"Maybe it's because they emerged almost at the same time in the development process, and there is indeed an overlap in capabilities in large-scale data storage and computing, so the concepts and definitions of the two are easily confused with each other."

"I would like to make a correction here."

"Cloud computing refers specifically to an integrated software and hardware technology resource platform that provides various cloud services and components. It is a comprehensive carrier with a clear business model."

“Big data is the methodology and implementation of technically processing large amounts of data, and it is mainly a technical system.

"Cloud computing and big data are independent but interdependent."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of most people present immediately became a little unnatural.

Because they have always equated cloud computing and big data.

Results now.

Lu Yi told them that these are two independent things.

Ah this…………

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