Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 865 Some People Are Afraid That They Won’T Be Able To Sleep.

Lu Yi's words made many people at the scene feel embarrassed and their faces trembled.

Because they are the people Lu Yi mentioned.

We equate cloud computing and big data and think that the two are the same thing.


Now Lu Yi directly popularizes the science on the spot, saying that these are two different things.

Damn it.

After working on it for a long time, it turned out that they didn’t even understand what cloud computing and big data were.

Especially among these people, there are those who have already entered the market, and some are so-called industry experts.

This is even more embarrassing.

As for questioning Lu Yi?

Don't make trouble.

Lu Yi has already clearly explained the basic meaning of cloud computing and big data.


Is there anyone who understands cloud computing and big data better than Lu Yi?

If you stand up and question this.

It's not a joke.


From the corner of their eyes, these people saw the people around them. Some were as embarrassed as him, but some were smiling.

It's obvious.

It’s not Lu Yi who is talking nonsense.

It's really because they don't understand cloud computing and big data.

Because those who sit with them know the difference.


Lu Yi, who was on the stage, naturally noticed a slight change in the expressions of many people in the audience.


The people whose expressions became a little unnatural are the people he said in China who did not understand the nature of cloud computing and big data.

No wonder these people.

After all, cloud computing has just started, and the two do overlap in some aspects, so it is understandable that there are mistakes in understanding.

With the continuous development of cloud computing, this kind of low-level mistake will definitely not be made again in the future.

Lu Yi continued: "Now that I have finished talking about the budding era, I will now talk about my thoughts on the second phase of exploration of cloud computing. This is just my personal opinion. Just listen to it."

Although he said that, no one at the scene smiled.

Especially Zhang Yaqing and Fan Chenggong, the real big guys in the field of cloud computing, have become more serious.

According to the stages divided by Lu Yi, cloud computing is still in its infancy, and this stage has not yet been completed.

In the next stage of exploration era, there is no clue at all.

Lu Yi, on the other hand, is already thinking and has obviously made certain inferences.

This had to surprise them.

Future Group deserves to be a leader in the field of cloud computing.

Faced with such a powerful opponent and a powerful leader, Zhang Yaqing, Fan Chenggong and other heads of Longguo District of Silicon Valley giants all felt unprecedented pressure and were worried about their companies.

Can it really catch up with Future Group in terms of technical strength?

They felt hopeful before, but now they are a little worried.

"In the second stage, the exploration era, in my opinion, after the first stage of the budding era, the number of cloud computing players who want to enter and are willing to enter is basically the same.

"And during this period, the big cake of cloud computing has been initially divided.

“So, when cloud computing players entered the market one after another and confirmed their strategy of massive investment, the industry entered a wonderful era of exploration.

Lu Yi's voice sounded in the venue in an orderly manner.

People like Zhang Yaqing listened very seriously and did not dare to skip the slightest step for fear of missing something.

"During this period, various clouds should have made many useful attempts at the product technology level.

“Although it is inevitable to take some detours and even suffer setbacks in individual directions, overall the capabilities and quality of cloud services have made considerable progress and improvements, and have also won more and more attention and applause for cloud computing.

"First of all, I think that at the IaaS level, we will continue to make steady progress and enhancements around virtual machines as the core."

0......Please give me flowers......

“Stronger and newer CPUs will bring about improvements and upgrades in virtual machine computing capabilities.

"The problem of relatively small memory in early models will be gradually solved with the launch of new models. The new SSD disk in the cloud will make the machine performance even more powerful."

"By then, manufacturers will invariably form multiple virtual machine series such as general-purpose, computing, and memory types. By putting models with different CPU/memory ratios on the shelves, they will give more choices to different application loads."

"Storage services that are also infrastructure services will also usher in great development after being welcomed and recognized by the market in the early stages."

“The original functions have been refined, and the cost advantages have been further highlighted by introducing various levels of stratification such as cold, hot and even archive.

"At the same time, I personally think that compared with the rapid development of IaaS, the development of PaaS will appear a bit lonely during this period."

“Because PaaS hopes to promote the cloud approach by starting from the top-level application framework, it may not get much attention.

Fortunately, Gu Ge did not send anyone to attend the cloud computing conference this time.

If someone comes and hears Lu Yi's words, their expressions may change drastically.

Because Guge’s Google-App-Engine” falls into this category.

Although there was no representative of Gu Ge at the scene, Zhang Yaqing and others' eyes suddenly shrank when they heard this.

But soon, they settled down again.

After all, this is just Lu Yi's speculation and a family opinion.

What will happen in the future will take time to prove.

But Zhang Yaqing and the others knew it very well.

By the time the conference is over, Lu Yi's speech will inevitably cause a huge sensation in the industry if it spreads.

Especially over Guge, I'm afraid some people may not be able to sleep. .

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