Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 866 Teach Them Step By Step How To Do Cloud Computing

"For users."

“Although I like the convenience of technical implementation and platform abstraction, I also crave technical flexibility, portability and self-control.”

"Obviously, IaaS has more advantages than PaaS at this point."

"Of course."

"PaaS also has its own advantages that can be explored and will develop rapidly during this period."

“As for what it is specifically, everyone can dig and explore it themselves.

Lu Yi's words made many people present slightly disappointed.

You should just say it directly.


Let them explore and explore on their own.

What if we dig wrong?

"Okay, now let's go back to the macro perspective."

"In this exploratory period when a hundred companies are contending, whether at home or abroad, cloud computing will definitely develop in full swing."

"By then, I hope to be able to see various clouds in the sky of Longguo. The unique products and services and strong independent research and development capabilities will write a colorful chapter for the development of cloud computing in Longguo and make domestic cloud computing more popular." The computing market is even more exciting.”

Lu Yi's words also made everyone think about it.

a few years later.

In the clouds floating over the Dragon Kingdom, will there be one of them?


By then.

Countless clouds were floating in the sky above the Dragon Kingdom. Such a scene was really exciting.

After all, an industry needs everyone to work together to develop better, faster and healthier.

If there is a monopoly, there will be no benefit at all except enriching the companies involved.

"After talking about the second stage of cloud computing, I will continue to talk about what I think is the third stage of cloud computing - some views on the development era.

Lu Yi's voice resounded in everyone's ears.

Whether you are a big player in the industry or an expert in a certain niche.

At this moment, everyone has great respect for Lu Yi.

Not to mention the four eras divided by Lu Yi and whether the specific periods are correct.

Lu Yi's views on the first two eras alone are refreshing and enlightening.

If you think about the contents carefully, the more you think about it, the more you will feel that Lu Yi’s research on cloud computing is unfathomable.

“By 2014, when the entire cloud computing industry had gone through a period of faltering exploration to a certain extent, the pioneers had accumulated more and more experience and had a clearer understanding and insight into market feedback and customer needs. Business models and business Operations have also become more familiar - the cloud computing industry has finally entered an era of rapid development."

"During this period, both the overall market size and cloud computing products and services will experience great growth and enrichment."

“First of all, the IaaS side continues to make progress, which will be reflected in the specificity and diversity of services, and continues to launch virtual machines suitable for niche areas and specific scenarios.

"Behind the emergence of segmented services in the cloud, manufacturers are developing and customizing exclusive supporting hardware suitable for the cloud."

"These many developments in IaaS can further meet the segmented needs of various scenarios and reduce customers' obstacles to cloud migration."

"In terms of storage services, the pace of cloud computing is also accelerating."

“In addition to focusing on the enhancement of core object storage services, it may begin to attack some vertical markets in an integrated manner and occupy the market space of traditional manufacturers.

Having said this, Lu Yi paused, as if thinking about his thoughts.

"In the second stage, I speculate that the development of PaaS will appear a bit lonely, but in this third stage, I think PaaS will usher in an era of great development and find its own path to rise."

These words immediately made Zhang Yaqing and others narrow their eyes suddenly.

"At this stage, if PaaS no longer seeks a unified application framework, but provides more standard reusable middleware and combines and links it with other IaaS/PaaS facilities, I think this idea may be able to be achieved. Developers and architects embraced it, and as features were improved, adoption began to rise steadily.

"Okay, let's shift our perspective from technology back to the business field."

Lu Yi did not go into details. After raising a point, he directly returned to the macro level.

"As the cloud computing industry becomes larger and larger, market competition will become increasingly fierce, and price wars may continue to take place."

“Although cloud computing has a pretty good business model, it is an industry that requires heavy investment and a long cycle.

"Therefore, after rounds of waves, small and medium-sized players will inevitably be unable to do what they want and find themselves in trouble..."

"In fact, whether it is cloud computing or other industries, they all follow this business model."

"The companies that can really stand at the top must be the companies that have survived the harsh market competition after many ups and downs."

"And these companies, without exception, have one thing in common, that is, they have their own trump card."

“This trump card is also the basis for ensuring that we can gain a firm foothold and continue to grow and develop in the brutal market competition.

Lu Yi said a lot in one breath.

After picking up the mineral water on the table and taking a sip, he continued: "So far, cloud computing, which has experienced great development, has grown into a huge platform that carries almost everything and is inclusive of everything. It is a ship that provides overall solutions for enterprise informatization and digitalization. aircraft carrier."

"Cloud computing at this stage has undoubtedly reached maturity and has become an important force in participating in and promoting the development of the IT industry."

"So, cloud computing begins to move towards the next stage - the era of prosperity!"

“After experiencing the first three stages, based on the good development trend in the past ten years, I have no reason not to believe that cloud computing will not enter a boom.

"Therefore, I should be confident about the future of cloud, and I also have higher expectations."

"During this period, combined with the needs of enterprises and the investment direction of cloud vendors, we may be able to predict several trends in the development of cloud computing in the future."

"As for what the development trend will be, I hope that we can gather together again on May 8th to have an exchange and discussion."

"Okay, here are some of my current examinations and thoughts on cloud computing."

"My speech is over, thank you all."

Lu Yi put down the microphone and bowed to everyone in the audience.


In the venue, a group of heavyweights, including Zhang Yaqing, stood up from their seats and applauded wildly.

The applause resounded through the sky for a while and lasted for a long time.

no doubt.

They gained a lot of useful information from Lu Yi’s speech.

This will serve as a reference for their future development decisions.

To put it in more straightforward terms.

Lu Yi's speech today basically taught them step by step how to do cloud computing. .

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