Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 867 The Conference Ends, And The Online Fishing Boat Begins To Ferment

Lu Yi's keynote speech ended, bringing a successful conclusion to the first Longguo Cloud Computing Conference.

And at this moment in the venue.

The applause was loud, long-lasting, and deafening.

no doubt.

If you want to say whose keynote speech has the most useful information and is the most rewarding, it is undoubtedly Lu Yi’s speech.

And the reason why Lu Yi is willing to come up with so much useful information.

It is also hoped that this opportunity will be used to stimulate domestic companies to enter cloud computing.

Although so far.

In the last wave of wind, many domestic companies rushed to enter the market.

But it's not enough.

More powerful companies are still holding back and hesitating.

And just as Lu Yi said in his speech - don't wait for cloud computing technology to mature before considering its application. Longguo can't wait.

Domestic companies can no longer continue to wait and see, and must act immediately.

Amidst deafening applause, Lu Yi slowly walked off the stage.

In everyone's eyes, there is admiration and admiration. 06

Even ‘opponents’ like Zhang Yaqing paid Lu Yi the highest respect at this moment.

What Lu Yi just said is equivalent to sorting out the development path of cloud computing for everyone, which can help everyone avoid detours and wrong paths.

Does Lu Yi not know that what he said will cause Future Group to lose its first-mover advantage and face challenges from its opponents?


But he said it anyway.

This shows Lu Yi’s selflessness.

even if.

Lu Yi did this to promote the development of domestic cloud computing, but it also deserves the admiration of his ‘opponents’.

Because they did get huge benefits from this conference and from Lu Yi.

Others may still be confused before their eyes.

However, through Lu Yi's speech, Silicon Valley giants such as Microsoft, Intel, and IBM, pioneers in the field of cloud computing, were able to clear away the fog and see clearly how the road ahead should be taken.


The figure of the Future Group was getting farther and farther away in the fog ahead, and it began to become hazy, and they were a little bit unable to see clearly.

but now.

They cleared away the fog, and the figure of Future Group clearly appeared in sight again.

They have the confidence to continue catching up!

After Lu Yi stepped down.

A leader from the Ministry of Information Industry came to the stage to give a final concluding speech.

Around 21:00.

The first Cloud Computing Conference came to a successful conclusion under the leadership of this leader.


That is, everyone goes to the banquet restaurant and enjoys the delicious food.

The lunch organizer just made some simple preparations.

But dinner was a very sumptuous feast.

Before eating, Lu Yi had to stand up and say a few words amidst everyone's booing.

"Cloud computing has historically standardized, abstracted and scaled IT hardware resources and software components. In a sense, it has subverted and reconstructed the supply chain of the IT industry. This is a huge innovation and progress."

"Today, cloud computing is ushering in the best era, especially in the vast land of Dragon Kingdom."

“I sincerely hope that the cloud computing industry will not only achieve commercial success, but also provide solid services to all walks of life and provide a digital engine and powerful driving force for social and economic development.

"Let us continue to walk with cloud computing and the great digital era."

After Lu Yi finished speaking, the leader of the Ministry of Information Industry raised his glass and said: "Comrade Lu Yi said it very well. Let us raise our glasses to the fact that the cloud computing era of Jinglong Country is getting better and better."

After the leader of the Ministry of Information Industry finished speaking, a leader from the organizer also stood up and raised his glass: "I hope all entrepreneurs present will seize the opportunity, grasp the pulse of the times, and respect cloud computing!"


Everyone raised their glasses.


The atmosphere of the entire dinner was very relaxed.

Everyone began to gather together in twos and threes and chat.

Some are building relationships, some are talking about today's gains, and some are talking about their own views on cloud computing.

And so on, to name a few.

Lu Yi first chatted with several leaders from the official and organizer sides for a while, and then left on the pretext of having something to do.

He has done everything he can do.

As for how many domestic enterprise leaders actually listened, he had no control over it.

The opportunity is already in front of us.

It is impossible for Lu Yi to force everyone to get on the bus by pressing their heads.

But if you don't catch this, it means you really have no chance.

no doubt.

Today's cloud computing conference has a far-reaching impact.

Shortly after the conference ended, relevant news information appeared on the Internet.


This information attracted the attention of people who eat melons.

For a while.

A large number of melon-eating people began to discuss.

Especially for the keynote speeches of those big names, they expressed their own opinions.

at the same time.

The news also traveled across the ocean and came overseas.

Naturally, Europe and the United States are very concerned about Longguo's first cloud computing conference.

after all.

Cloud computing is currently a world-class trend, and it is also the hottest emerging technology. Whoever can take the lead may lead the development direction of the global Internet in the future.

As the two major fronts in the field of cloud computing, Longguo held a huge conference to discuss the development of cloud computing. It would be impossible not to attract the attention of the West.

In particular, the heads of Silicon Valley Alliance members such as Microsoft, Google, Intel, and Amazon immediately asked their subordinates to collect live videos and watch them immediately.


At home and abroad, at this cloud computing conference, online fishing has begun to ferment. .

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