Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 868 Lingering Thoughts Of Self-Doubt

[On May 22, the "2009 Cloud Computing Dragon Country Forum" was grandly held in Zhongdu. 】——Renren Daily

[Lu Yi said, grasp the pulse of cloud computing and lead the arrival of the cloud era! Domestic entrepreneurs, are you ready to welcome the arrival of the cloud era?]————

[Lu Yi, Chairman of Future Group, said at the Cloud Computing Conference that you must not wait for cloud computing technology to mature before considering its application. Long Guo cannot wait. 】——Titanium Media

[IBM Global Vice President and General Manager of Longguo Development Center Wang Yang showed everyone IBM’s understanding of cloud computing. He believes that "cloud computing is not only IT computing, but more importantly platform capabilities, and applications can be built on the platform."] - Xinlang News

[The four eras of cloud computing: budding era, exploration era, development era and prosperity era!] - Wangyi News

[Lu Yi affectionately called on domestic enterprises at the Cloud Computing Conference to seize the opportunity and jointly welcome the arrival of the cloud computing era. ——Sohu News

on that night.

The major domestic mainstream media worked overtime to write press releases.

Early the next morning.

There is overwhelming news on the Internet about the first cloud computing conference.

For a while.

Countless melon-eating people are talking about this.

"I watched the live video of the conference. As a cloud computing practitioner, I have to say that this conference was very successful, and the speeches about cloud computing by those industry giants were also refreshing. Especially the finale speech by the richest man, Lu, was absolutely amazing. To put it bluntly, this is teaching us step by step how to play with cloud computing. No wonder Future Group is the well-deserved leader in the field of cloud computing. With such a helmsman, I can already imagine that the big guys in Silicon Valley are... After watching Lu Yi’s speech, what kind of frustrated expression will you have?”

"If we want to find the person who knows the most about cloud computing, there is no doubt that I will vote for Mr. Lu. The research and understanding of cloud computing by those industry experts is not even close to that of Mr. Lu. In other words, These industry experts are only at the level of primary school students, while the richest man, Lu, is at the level of a doctoral student.

"The richest man, Lu, calls on domestic companies to seize the time and take action. His sincerity is beyond words!"

"To be honest, Mr. Lu's speech revealed a lot about the future group's strategic layout in cloud computing! I really can't figure out why Mr. Lu would do this? Yes.

Can the elder come out and explain?"

"This shows how big the structure of Lu's richest man is! Doesn't the richest man Lu know the content of his speech and is there a risk of leaking the company's strategic secrets? He knows! But why did he do it anyway? Think about it at the beginning, the richest man Lu Did you suddenly become enlightened when you said, 'Don't wait until cloud computing technology matures before considering its application, Long Country can't wait'?"

"Damn it! That's it! I understand, I understand, I have to say that the richest man Lu really has good intentions."

"What is the pattern? What the richest man Lu does is the pattern!"

"Some domestic enterprises are like a man who cannot be helped, but the richest man Lu never gives up. If it doesn't work once, he will do it twice, and if it doesn't work twice, he will do it three times. I burst into tears...

"Qiandu: I suspect you are following me!"

"I just laughed, can Lu Chui stop being so self-motivated? What a shame! Everything is just profit! Why does Lu Yi call on domestic companies to join cloud computing? Isn't it for the sake of his WisdomStack platform? Don't you guys? Do you really think that a capitalist would be so kind? No way! No way? No way...

"Ouch, whose dog was not tied up properly and you jumped out!"

"I'm sorry, everyone, this is my dog. I accidentally let this beast slip out. I took it back and killed it right away. I'm going to eat dog meat hot pot tonight!"

Domestic fishing boats are very popular.

The evaluation of Lu Yi is also one-sided.

Even if a few mouse droppings occasionally jumped out, they were mercilessly drowned by everyone's saliva.

at the same time.

Some mainstream media organizations in Europe and the United States are also vigorously reporting on the signing, which has also aroused widespread heated discussion in Europe and the United States.

Just like on Reddit.

This topic has soared to the top of the popularity list in a short period of time.

On the VideoSpace platform, the number of people who clicked to watch related live videos also exceeded one million in a short period of time.

Although everyone doesn’t understand Chinese, it doesn’t matter.

The blogger who posted the video has already thoughtfully translated the subtitles.

"`"Oh my God! I finally know why the Silicon Valley Alliance lost to the Future Group. Just look at the speech of Lu Yi, chairman of the Future Group, and you will know! The understanding of cloud computing by the people in the Silicon Valley Alliance is better than that of Lu Yi It looks like it is at the level of a primary school student. "

"Yes! The people in the Silicon Valley Alliance haven't even understood the embryonic era yet, but Lu Yi from Future Group has already seen the prosperous era more than ten years later. This is really too ahead of its time!"

"With Future Group at the helm of such a figure, can our country's enterprises really defeat him?"

“After watching Lu Yi’s speech, I realized that our country lags far behind the East in the field of cloud computing.”

“I like Lu Yi’s speech and his division of the four stages of cloud computing! He is indeed a son of the Internet. Time will prove whether what he said is correct.


at the same time.

Guge headquarters, in the conference room.

Eric Schmidt, Larry, Page and other core management members of the group turned pale after watching Lu Yi's speech.


"This is just his speculation, his speculation!"

Eric Schmidt couldn't help but swear.

"We should have confidence in the launched Google-App-Engine service!"

Eric Schmidt added.

But it didn't work.

Everyone looked ugly.

If anyone else said this, they would definitely laugh it off, or even laugh at the other person for not understanding cloud computing.

But if this person is Lu Yi...

The thoughts of self-doubt have arisen in their minds and they can’t get rid of them!

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