Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 869 Cloud Computing, The Brightest Kid Ever!

Word spread quickly.

Especially within the industry, it has spread with lightning speed.

at the same time.

Countless people in the industry also took out Lu Yi's keynote speech to watch and study it repeatedly.

They don't care what other industry tycoons and industry experts say.

But the entire industry dared not ignore Lu Yi's speech on cloud computing.

Who makes Future Group the leader in cloud computing?

Who makes Lu Yi the helmsman of the future aircraft carrier?

Every word or deed will have a huge shock to a certain industry.

This is influence!

Here at Guge headquarters.

Eric Schmidt and other senior executives also watched and studied repeatedly.

He kept cursing his mother.


Because in the second stage Lu Yi said in his speech, PaaS will become popular but not popular, which is almost directly in the name of their Google-987pp-Engine.

This service hasn't been launched for a long time.

As a result, Lu Yi jumped out in front of everyone and poured cold water on them, which made them quite upset.

If it were anyone else, they wouldn't be like this.

But this person happened to be Lu Yi.

It’s annoying, it’s annoying!

However, it was troublesome, and Gu Ge quickly came up with a solution.

Didn’t you say that the development potential of PaaS in the second stage is not as good as IaaS?


It's okay for the two of us to develop together.

Anyway, you Lu Yi also said that in the third stage of cloud computing, PaaS will shine and find a way to rise.


Nothing to be afraid of!

At most, they can walk on two legs together.


We also want to thank you Lu Yi for pointing it out.

Good man!

Word is spreading.

The fishing boat is fermenting.

Major mainstream media at home and abroad have devoted a great deal of space to reporting on the first Cloud Computing Minister of the Dragon Kingdom.

In particular, Lu Yi's keynote speech "Grasping the Pulse of Cloud Computing and Leading the Arrival of the Cloud Era" was reported as the core of the conference.

What Lu Yi said is undoubtedly a shot in the arm and a reassurance for many companies that are still hesitant to move forward.

According to Lu Yi's division of the four eras of cloud computing, the first stage of the budding era will not be until 2011.

They are indeed not far behind and still have time to catch up.


Almost on the second day after the conference, the number of new players applying to join WisdomStack increased dramatically.

Both domestic and foreign.

Although there are currently two open cloud platforms.

But obviously.

Whether in terms of technical strength or strategic planning, the WisdomStack platform must surpass the OpenStack platform.

For your own benefit, choosing which platform to join is almost a no-brainer.

This also made the Silicon Valley Alliance jump on the bandwagon.

But they can do nothing but rage with impotence.

Is it possible to force new players to join their OpenStack platform?

At this moment.

The Silicon Valley Alliance sadly discovered that more than a dozen of their powerful giants joined forces and thought they could beat the Future Group to a pulp in the field of cloud computing (ageb).

But now it seems.

They really can't defeat the Future Group, even if they join forces.

Are they really going to tremble in the shadow of Future Group in the future?


Within the industry, there is a lot of discussion.

Countless people were studying Lu Yi's speech.

As for the stock market, there was a change as early as the next day.

no doubt.

Longguo’s Cloud Computing Conference is a huge benefit to the cloud computing industry.

In particular, Lu Yi's speech has already looked forward to the development of cloud computing for several years and more than ten years, and the several stages have been clearly divided.

Lu Yi almost said what should be done at which stage.

This is equivalent to putting all the food in your mouth.

From Lu Yi's words, we can also see how big the cloud computing market is.


What are the leeks waiting for?

Go ahead~


Whether it is Big A or US stocks, the concept of cloud computing has surged for several days in a row.

Not to mention authentic cloud computing stocks, even miscellaneous stocks that have something to do with cloud computing have been pulled out by hot money and speculated, and their prices have skyrocketed.

after all.

The market of miscellaneous stocks is small, and it can be popular with very little capital, attracting enough leeks.

Nothing to say.

Cloud computing has become the brightest thing at the moment.

She was already very pretty before.

But this time Lu Yi's speech at the Cloud Computing Conference is equivalent to polishing cloud computing again, making it more polished and bright, which can blind the public's eyes.

At a time when cloud computing is in full swing.

A prospective graduate named Xu Yi from Zhongdu University of Posts and Telecommunications was very troubled.

He is a standard otaku who is passionate about two-dimensional culture and is a die-hard fan of the virtual singer Luo Tianyi.

There are not many two-dimensional websites in China that can satisfy Xu Yi, but AcFun is the only one.

Moreover, Xu Yi, a post-90s generation, was one of the earliest members of the AcFun website.


Due to internal conflicts and technical problems at Site A, its servers often went down. This made Xu Yi miserable on the road to chasing fans, and he often faced the situation of having no website to go to.

So on May 10th, after going to Su City to watch Luo Tianyi’s anniversary concert, Xu Hui, who had just returned to school not long ago, came up with ideas one after another - why couldn’t she create a stable barrage? What about video sharing platforms?

Once this thought occurs, it will never go away!

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