Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 871 The Script Has Been Prepared For The Leeks A Long Time Ago

June 1st.

On the American stock market, retail investors holding Future Group stocks staged a life-or-death escape half an hour after the market opened.

Since May 22, the first Cloud Computing Conference of Longguo has concluded.

The scope of influence directly radiates around the world.

The one with the most intense reaction is the cloud computing industry, and the other is the stock market.

May 22, through June issue.

In just 5 trading days, the stock price of Future Group rose by 20 points, and it seemed that there was no going back.

This also made the retail investors who bought leeks in Stud on May 22 smile.

As leeks, it was rare for them to encounter such a profitable market, and they all made a fortune. "-Eighty" This kind of full happiness is rare in ten years.

after all.

In the past, they only had a share of being harvested.

This kind of profit, and the market price of making nearly 20 points at a time is really too rare.


During the call auction stage, some retail investors who were afraid of heights were frightened when they saw the low opening. They quickly handed over their chips and left the market, keeping their profits and feeling happy.

Some ambitious dog gamblers feel that the stock price of Future Group cannot be used in the battle.

Opening the market at a low price through collective bidding is nothing more than a tactic used by the main force to intimidate investors into washing the market.

They 'veterans' have experienced this kind of thing too many times and have become immune.


Never get off the car!

20 points is a lot, but their goal is 30 points!

This is still 10 points short!

No matter what, we have to wait until Future Group's stock price rises to 375 million gold, and its market value reaches the 300 billion gold mark before getting off the train!


The ideal is very full, but the reality is very skinny.

It was different from what they expected, opening low and moving high.

As soon as the market opened, Mirae Group's share price continued to fall, with no intention of looking back.

At first they could bear it.

after all.

Seeing that the time-sharing volume can rise from time to time, it shows that there is funds to support the bottom.

But the result is.

The power of the short sellers was so strong that they directly defeated the bulls who were bargain hunting.

Looking at the time-divided energy that is higher than the other mountains.

The 'old gambling dogs' who suddenly reacted suddenly woke up.

Damn it...the main institutions are really shipping!

If you just wash the market, you will definitely not be able to achieve such a high level.


All of a sudden, the 'old gambling dogs' who were as steady as old dogs were completely panicked.

They began to throw away the chips in their hands.

From a determined bull to a hastily running short.

This in turn triggered further declines in Future Group.

The old gambling dogs who had escaped from death felt their hearts bleed as they watched the profits in their accounts change from 13 or 4 points to 5 or 6 points.

Too bad!

We promised to open low and wash the market, pull up the market, and wait for the sky to rise?

Although the profit was spit out by nearly 10 points, fortunately, it still ended in profit, and I finally felt relieved.

Of course.

This is a minority.

Most old gamblers have increased their costs by constantly adding positions in the first five or six trading days.

As a result, many people's profit before the market is only 8 or 9 points, or even 5 or 6 points.

As a result, after such a drop, not only all the profits were thrown back, but also a loss of three to five points, which made me depressed to death.


The retail investors who lost money were depressed, but the main institutions operating behind the scenes were happy.

They are indeed shipping like crazy, but they are just beating the right hand with their left hand.

Because of this, when the time-sharing volume can increase, huge amounts will burst out from time to time, giving some old technical gamblers the illusion that the main force is crazily shipping, thus causing panic among these people.

This is not...

The effect is overwhelming.

During the pre-market call bidding stage, he directly opened low, scaring away a group of retail investors.

After the market opened, it opened low and moved low, and released a huge amount to create the illusion of major shipments. The old gamblers couldn't stabilize their mentality, and they cut off their meat and handed over their chips one after another.

What a pleasure.

Regarding how to deal with these retail investors, the main institutions have already prepared a script and are currently acting it out.

at the same time.

In the communication area of ​​Future Group, countless retail investors are also discussing.

"Fake! You ran too late. Not only did you give back the 5 points you made in profit, but you also lost three points, Shete!"

"Sure enough, as I judged, the wave of Future Group has come to an end. Today, the stock price has officially corrected. Fortunately, it ran away during the call auction stage and made a profit of 15 points. Nice!

"Xie Te, I must have accepted your offer!"

"Don't have any illusions anymore. The main force will definitely run away today. Those who are still going to take over now, be prepared to stand guard on the top of the mountain."

"Since May 22, Future Group has had 6 consecutive positive lines, rising 20 points. The 0.6 increase in this wave is already very high, and today's correction is also reasonable.

"In fact, when the price opened low during the collective bidding stage, signs of weakness were already showing."

"Not bad! It didn't continue to pull up as expected, which already shows that the upward momentum is insufficient."

"You can look at the macd indicator. The red pillar is constantly shortening and the indicator has formed a high dead cross."

in the communication area.

Countless old leeks are discussing the future trend of Future Group.

There are those who make money, and there are those who lose blood.

There are also many technical groups who jump out to analyze indicators such as macd and kdj, intending to show that today's callback is expected. .

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