The stock exchange area of ​​Future Group is very lively.

Some posted how much money they made, and some posted how much they lost.

There are also many technical "big guys" who use indicators such as macd, kdj, RSI, etc. to provide clear and logical analysis.

It said that today's sharp drop was expected.

after all.

Flowers don’t bloom for a hundred days.

Future Group's stock has risen strongly for six consecutive trading days.

You can't just go up once and never look back.


Although Lu Yi said in his speech that cloud computing has a bright future.

But that was a few years or even ten years later.

The main reason for this wave of future group stock price rise is investor sentiment.

Now the mood has subsided and I have regained my sanity.

Then it is natural for the stock price to fall.

As for those who say they are losing money, who let you get the upper hand?

If you run during the collective bidding stage, won’t you lose money?

I was given the chance to run, but I didn't seize it. Who's to blame.

Many people are unwilling to give up, seeing that the stock price of Future 06 Group has continued to rise and its time-sharing capacity has not weakened, which shows that the main force is still selling chips wildly.


This trend continued until half an hour after the market closed.

Just when everyone thought that Future Group's stock price was about to undergo a correction, half an hour before the magical closing, large funds suddenly entered the market and started to ignite [crazy sweeps of chips on the selling market.

A red stick reaching the sky can leap up like an onion on dry land.

And corresponding.

The stock price, which had been trading sideways seven or eight points underwater, immediately turned its head and rushed upward, as if it had been given a shot of blood.

And as the main funds unabashedly entered the market to pick up chips, the time-sharing moving average, the previous high point pressure line, etc., a series of intraday pressure lines were directly and strongly broken through.

Moreover, along with the expansion of time-sharing capacity, it is confirmed to be an effective breakthrough.

With the changes in the stock price of Future Group.


Investors who had originally closed the Future Group's time-sharing chart page learned about the changes in Future Group's stock price from the change reminders sent by various securities software.


Countless Leek retail investors quickly entered the code of Future Group.

Many retail investors who are cutting meat at a low position immediately feel their blood pressure rise as soon as they see the current time-sharing trend.

at the same time.

In the stock exchange area, everyone's heated discussions became even more active.

"Fake! The main organization is so stupid, they actually launched a sneak attack in the last half hour, Shet!"

"Damn! The main funds entered the market to sweep away goods, and I once again left the market with a loss."

"I knew it! I knew that today's trend was due to the main force washing the market. It was indeed the case. Fortunately, it held firm and did not cut the flesh."

"Obviously, we have all been deceived by the main institutions. The reason why the amount of energy continued to increase in the morning is because the main institutions are competing and deliberately creating the amount of energy."

"Obviously, Future Group's rise has not ended yet. I still stick to my previous view and the target price is 375 meters gold."

"Get on the bus! I got on the bus as soon as possible, and the current profit is 2 points!"


As of the close, Future Group closed at 332.85 meters of gold, almost the same as the opening price.

It can be seen from the K-line chart.

Today, Future Group closed a hammer line with a long lower shadow, which is very eye-catching.

People who panicked and left the market in the early trading were dumbfounded when they saw this hammer with a long shadow.

Wash the dishes!

This is really a wash.

The main force was too careless. Half an hour after the market closed, they launched a surprise attack and caught them off guard.

After closing.

The stock exchange area is even more active.

Countless retail investors of Leek were discussing crazily.

"Obviously, a hammer line with a long lower shadow was closed today, which means a market washout.

"Undoubtedly, today's K-line is a golden needle that probes the bottom!"

"Future Group still has at least 10 points of growth, I will stud tomorrow!"

"Leeks are leeks for a reason! Obviously, the main force deliberately attacked in the last half hour just to seduce you. After all, if the main force wants to ship, it will never be too late."

"You're right! This is just an illusion deliberately created by the main force. Tomorrow, there will definitely be a group of people from the Future Group chasing after them. The main force can take the opportunity to continue shipping, and at the same time make the K-line more beautiful to attract more people to come in and take orders. In two or three trading days, the main force will definitely have a clue and the price will definitely plummet."

People in the communication area expressed different opinions.

Some people think today is a washout.

Some people also believe that the main force is indeed shipping today. As for the sneak attack half an hour before the closing, it is just a means for the main force to attract orders 187, deliberately creating the illusion of a quick washout.

at the same time.

Major major institutions also started taking action after the market closed.

For a while.

A lot of gossip spread.

For example.

The "Uncle Party" swore that the reason why the main force was washing the market today was because the Future Group will release its semi-annual report next month, and all major institutions were unanimously optimistic about it, so they started to make arrangements one month in advance to gain chips.

The Uncle Party also said that they learned through certain channels that in the second quarter, it took only two months for Future Group's revenue to reach the performance predicted by Wall Street analysts.

Regardless of whether it is this uncle's party or that uncle's party, the core point in summary is the same.

Be optimistic about the future group's semi-annual report and prepare for performance disclosure one month in advance.

Not surprisingly, these uncle party news information were seen by retail investors.

The various analysis inside, the retail investors of Chives looked at it and thought, oh, it's quite reasonable. No wonder the main force has to perform such a performance today, it turns out to be this reason.

Okay, then I'll catch up again tomorrow.

after all.

As a human being, you get up wherever you fall.

Make money without being shabby!

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