Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 874 No More, Really Not A Drop Left!

Those who said that major institutions deceived people into entering the market to cut leeks were slapped in the face.

From Monday, June 1st, institutions made a late-day sneak attack.

Through Thursday, June 4th.

After the "threat wash", Future Group's stock price has experienced three consecutive rises, with an increase of more than 6 points.

If we include June 1st, it will go from seven or eight points underwater to one point underwater.

If you had bought it at the lowest point on June 1, your profit would have been as much as 12 points by now.


It can be seen that in the stock market, some people who asked everyone to be clear-headed and not fall into the main force's tricks were scolded by everyone.

Many people thought that these people were right. There was no end on June 2, no end on June 3, and no end on June 4.

The result is.

They watched the stock price of Future Group rise from 332.85 meters to 355 meters.


June 5th, the last trading day of this week.

These "empty" Leek retail investors could no longer hold back and rushed out of the market one after another.


Today in the call auction stage, due to the large number of retail investors' buying, Future Group opened higher by 0.73 percentage points, which shows how unhappy the retail investors were at the end.

People who urge people to be rational are heartbroken when they see this.

They are very sure that this is definitely a trick played by major institutions.

The main institutions behind the scenes burst into laughter when they saw the retail traders pounce on them like vicious dogs.

Everything is on the established track.

Two days over the weekend, no big news.

However, the Future Group stock comment area is in full swing.

There is no 943 news, which is the best news.


Wednesday, June 8th.

U.S. stocks open.

The stock price of Future Group is still rising in small steps.

This pleased retail investors who couldn't help but exit the market on Friday.

This is really not the main scammer.

after all.

In the past, every time they came off the field, they would be served a bowl of noodles by the main force the next day.

This time.

They ended the market, but they still went up on the second trading day, which is rare.

It seems that the main force has high aspirations and is really not trying to kill dogs by tricking them.

In this case.

Then you can increase your position and wait for other retail investors to come in and carry the sedan chair.


Today's trading volume is higher than that of the previous trading day.


There are also many retail investors in leeks who have come to an end.


Even Lao Jiucai, who had been advising everyone to be sensible before, now has some doubts about life after seeing today's trend.

Could it be that... on June 1st, the main force in making the market was really just to grab chips?

June 9th.

Future Group’s share price is still high.

This time.

The sensible old leeks couldn't help but chase the rise.

As for a slap in the face?

Make money without being shabby!

6 on Wednesday the 10th.

During the collective bidding stage, Future Group directly opened a point higher.

After opening.

It was a 90-degree upward surge, and the short-term target price of 375 meters of gold was quickly reached.

Perhaps the price is too strong psychologically. (agee)

Many people threw away their chips when they reached this price.

So you can see it.

Because the selling pressure was not small, the upward momentum fell back after encountering obstacles.


The magnitude of the drop was not even 0.5 points, and it was quickly beaten by the bulls.

In just one minute after the market opened, Future Group's stock price rose by 2 points, and the stock price directly exceeded the 375-meter gold level.

After the breakthrough, it did not fall back, but continued to rise, which can be said to be extremely strong.

All of a sudden.

The stock comment section was completely blown away.

375 meters gold is the short-term target price of many analysts.

Now it is directly broken through by heavy volume.

Then the pressure becomes support.


Many retail investors who threw away their chips after touching 375 meters of gold and prepared to wait and see suddenly regretted the situation and broke their thighs.

Then at the first moment of the breakthrough, they placed orders one after another and bought them back using the S-B strategy.

Within 5 minutes of the opening, the stock price rose by 3 points. The stock price hit 382 meters of gold, and it looked like it was going to touch the 400 meters of gold today.

At this moment.

The popularity of Future Group has completely exploded.

Seeing this situation, many retail investors went crazy to chase prices higher.

The pressure level of 375 meters gold has been broken through, which is a strong support level.

If we don’t chase the highs now, when will we wait?

Those who are afraid of heights are miserable people.


"Today's situation, it is obvious that the main force has broken through 375 strongly, and the next target is 400."

"Those who are afraid of heights are poor people. I don't want to be a poor person!"

"What a profit! I entered the market on June 2. So far, I have made a profit of 15 points. I am ready to continue the pattern [I am optimistic about selling above 400 meters of gold."

Retail investors are very happy today.

Equally happy are the major institutions.

While retail investors are striding into the market, major institutions are quietly shipping.

As for breaking through the 375 position.

When it comes to acting, naturally you have to perform a full set.

Close for the day.

Future Group closed up 5.3%, with a closing price of 389.61 meters gold.

During the period, the highest increase reached 6.5%, and the highest price hit 395 meters of gold.


The stock circle of Future Group is very lively.

Many leeks are shouting that they are making money, breaking through 400, and so on.

In the excitement of Leek retail investors.

Thursday, June 11th.

After the market opened, Future Group's share price went straight up.

After touching the 400-meter gold butt, it started to fall back.

This time the decline was very large, and the stock price fell back to around 380 meters gold.


This time not only did they not scare away the leeks.

On the contrary, the leeks took advantage of the counterattack and frantically added positions to follow up.

Because that's what they think.

This time back, it is obvious that the main force wants to wash away a batch of profits, so as to go into battle lightly, and then hit the 400-meter golden mark.

That being the case.

Then I can't even get out of the car. Instead, I have to take advantage of the opportunity of going back to wash the market and add positions crazily to maximize profits.

After adding positions, many people directly took screenshots and sent them to the communication area, leaving the sentence "Sitting in the Lotus and Flying in the Sky".

The main institutions behind the scenes were a little confused when they saw this situation.

I was still preparing to show off, but in the end, you just rushed up on your own regardless of it?

Then I won't be polite.


The main institutions waved their sickles wildly.

Do you think that I have to travel lightly to clean up my profits, or that you have predicted my next move?

Haha, too young.

The main institutions are frantically distributing chips, and the trading volume is rapidly increasing.

at this time.

Already hot-headed retail investors have not yet realized that the crisis is coming.

Wait until they find out.

The stock price of Future Group not only failed to stop falling at 380 meters gold, but also continued to drop.


It broke the strong support point of 375 meters gold.

Don't panic yet, the quality of your purchases will definitely come back again.

Many retail investors are frantically covering their positions, thinking this is a good opportunity to pick up the slack.

Can bear fruit.

The more retail investors crazily squeezed in, the main institutions burst out laughing and shipped crazily.


The stock price plummeted.

375 meters gold.

370 meters gold.

360 meters gold.

In just a few minutes.

The stock price dropped from the highest of 399 meters gold to 350 meters gold, with a range of 12.3%.

It immediately bored the retail investors who were 'buying the bottom' in the gold range of 375~385 meters in the past two days.


This downward trend shows no sign of stopping.

By the time retail investors came to their senses, it was already too late.

Close for the day.

Future Group closed at 333 meters gold, plummeting 17 points throughout the day, with a maximum amplitude of 20% during the day.

Seeing this closing price, countless retail investors were stunned.


On June 1st, the main institution stole the tower, and the closing price that day was 332.85 meters of gold.

That is to say.

In the past half month, they, the retail investors of Leeks, have been completely lonely.


If you didn't enter the game on June 2, you would definitely be losing blood if you play till today.

And even for those who entered the market on June 2, if they can leave the market with a loss of 1 point, it is considered a profit.

Today's closing price seems highly insulting no matter how you look at it.

Friday, June 12th.


Future Group continues to move forward.

But soon, he stopped falling, turned his head upward, and went from underwater to above water.

Leek, who had already been cut numb, burst into tears when he saw this scene.

Damn it!

Come again!

there is none left!

There really isn’t a drop left!

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