Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 875: Face-Riding Output: Officer, Come In And Play!

This trend on Friday, June 12th.

This made the retail investors of Chives who were bored yesterday very angry.

Come again!


Come endlessly!

This really makes them look like fools.

You don’t even hide your ridicule?!!

Take a look at the intraday trend of Future Group today.

It fell with the trend at the opening, but soon stopped falling, and then turned up~.

Familiar or not?

Just asking if you are familiar with it?

I still remember that on May 22, the stock price opened low and moved low. Half an hour before the closing, the main institutions entered the market to steal the tower, directly pulling up the stock price in a short period of time.


What the hell are you doing again?

Moreover, not long after the opening, he didn't even try to cover up, and directly faced the numbed leeks - output.

What a bully!

Countless retail investors who were choked with blood yesterday burst into tears.

As promised, we want to hit the 400-meter golden mark?


Just come and eat noodles with the lights off.

The wound has not yet scarred, and everyone is still hurting in silence.

The main organization just acted like this and yelled, "Officials, come in and have some fun."

Even if you want to continue to end up, there is really no drop left!

Future Group's stock comment section.

Countless suffocated leeks were scolding their mothers crazily.

"Fake! Shet! Bichi!"

"It's so shameless! The main force is so shameless! Yesterday they harvested us in a bloody way, and today they are directly attacking us, a bunch of bitch!"

"Hey guys, I have warned you a long time ago that this is a trap set by the main force, believe it now.

"Xie Te, you Bitchi! I remember that you sent a transaction order to chase Gao Future Group yesterday."

"No! I didn't! It's not me!"

"In just one day, I was harvested 15 points, and I owe the bank more than 100,000 meters in gold. Is there anyone who will queue up on the rooftop with me?"

"I will never believe the words of those so-called big V analysts again. They are the lackeys of the vampires on Wall Street!"

The countless cut leeks were cursing angrily.

Two days ago.

They also watched with joy as their account profits continued to increase.


After only two days of happiness, a sword fell from the sky.

Not only was the profit accumulated in the past few days wiped out in one fell swoop, but he also lost six or seven points.

The thought of this.

There is no leek that is not angry!

This time I was really beaten by the dog master.

after all.

There are many dog ​​gamblers who use leverage in order to make a big fortune and achieve financial freedom.

As a result, in one day, not only the principal was lost, but also the position was directly deposited, so that the broker owed a lot of money.

at the same time.

The leeks in the U.S. stock market were smothered by major institutions on the Future Group ticket, which also made the big A-share investors in China very happy.

Seeing Future Group rising step by step in half a month.

Many big V analysts in the market jumped out and shouted that Future Group would break the 400-meter golden mark.

This not only exaggerates the sentiment of US stocks, but also the big A side.

So much so.

There are many gambling dogs on Big A's side who are ready to take action. They opened a US stock account and rushed forward.

Those days when I make money, I feel proud, and profit charts are posted on various stock trading groups, stock bars, ice hockey and other platforms.


Wake up in the morning.

When you open the stock trading software, you will see that the amount in your account is completely gone.

I was dumbfounded on the spot.

What's going on? What's going on?

Is there something wrong with the stock trading software?

Stealing my money?

When I opened the K-line chart of Future Group again, I almost died on the spot.

Damn it!

It was really like going back to before liberation overnight!

On June 1st, I entered the market at the bottom with 33 meters of gold.

On June 12, the closing price was 333 meters gold.

This is the real A-word killing!

Killed in one day!

For half a month, I felt lonely.

Share it.

Countless big A-share fans are talking about this, and their emotions are even higher than those cut leeks in the US stock market.

after all.

I didn't cut myself, so I felt full of happiness.

"It's so miserable! America's stock investors are really miserable! I started paying attention to the trend of Future Group on June 1st. It rose from 332.85 meters gold in half a month to a maximum of 399 meters gold. The sentiment of US stocks is leek." Everyone was ignited, shouting that they would break the 400-meter golden mark. As a result, overnight, they returned to the starting point on June 1st. This wave of US stocks, driven by emotions to chase higher, was really cut off. .

0...Please give me flowers.

"Not bad! The U.S. stock market last night was simply a human tragedy."

"By the way, where are the stock traders in the group who are speculating in U.S. stocks? Weren't you still showing off profit charts in the group a few days ago? Why are there no voices today?"

"Ahem~ don't rub salt into other people's wounds.

"It is said that our stock market is a big A, because the main force will often make A-word sales, but compared with the U.S. stock market, there is a real A-word sales, and the sales are in place overnight.

"I think now is a good time to enter the market to gain chips! Why do you say that? Listen to my analysis! There is still more than half a month to go, and it will be the interim report season. In the future, the group's semi-annual report performance will definitely rise sharply, because FF online translation software The sales are so hot, and with the addition of cloud computing, I predict that the group's Q2 quarter performance may exceed 10 billion yuan in the future. Last night, the main players of the US stock market directly killed a number of retail investors, obviously to collect more chips. , and at the same time harvest more profits from retail investors. Therefore, when the stock price of Future Group collapsed yesterday, I carried out bargain hunting at the low point, delivery order.jpg!"

"Damn it! The brothers upstairs are warriors!"

"That makes sense! Then I'm going to take some money and bet on the future group's semi-annual report performance!"

Although in the stock market, 99% of those who make money are major institutions.

But there are also a handful of people who are smart and very critical.

When everyone is afraid, enter the market bravely.

It is in line with the stock god’s words: I am greedy when others are fearful, and fearful when others are greedy.

the other side.

for the group’s trends.

Lu Yi also pays attention from time to time.

He naturally paid attention to what happened to the main Wall Street institutions last night.

have to say.

These people are really ruthless.

They don't bring blunt knives to cut the meat, they just cut it all the way to the end.

Wherever you get up, you fall down.

However, he only paid attention to this.

after all.

The stock market is like a casino, bet and accept defeat!

Why are some people able to put meat in the main banker's bowl?

Luck and strength are part of it.

But more importantly, these people can remain rational and not greedy. .

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