Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 876 Gao Tong: After Five Years, I Can Finally Take Revenge!

Lu Yi only pays a little attention to the fact that major institutions are frantically harvesting retail investors in the US stock market.


There is a dedicated team to track the group's stock price trends.

after all.

What if Wall Street wants to move Future Group, such as going short or something.

If there is no team tracking and monitoring on his side, it will easily be used by Wall Street to restrict the pool.

In that case, the loss will be huge.

Although many people on Wall Street are shareholders of Future Group.


This is a group of wolves, a group of vampires, with only interests in their eyes.

If you really find an opportunity, no matter whether you are an ally or not, if you seize the opportunity, you will rush in and take a bite.

I have to guard against it!

On the U.S. stock market.

The devastated retail investors of Leechie, faced with the face-saving output of the main institutions, were angry and helpless.

But being cut repeatedly, back and forth, Xiaobai also gained some experience.

Not to mention that there is not a drop of gas in the pocket, even if there is still a little bit left, I dare not leave the game at this time.

Really scared.


On June 12, after the stock price of Future Group surged, it quickly fell again.

The reason.

First, there are no leeks coming in to take over.

The second is that the leeks that were not cut were able to resist yesterday's sharp decline. At this time, they took advantage of a slight rebound and took action quickly.

I'm afraid this is a flash in the pan.

In fact.

The early rebound was indeed short-lived.

The rebound lasted for less than three minutes before it was suppressed by the panic market.

And the trading volume is very low, obviously no one is taking the order.

In this way, if you want to sell leeks, you must set a lower price. It will go all the way down and close at negative eight points.

Two days on the weekend.

There is no big news at home or abroad.

On America's side, news broke out about more than a dozen cases of people jumping off buildings.


These people were all destitute people. They owed the securities companies an unknown amount of money and were unable to repay them, so they were forced to live on the rooftop.


The stock market is very lively this weekend, and there are constant discussions.


The heat in the butt circle goes as quickly as it comes.

after all.

It is not easy to get out of this circle, and it is only lively in one's own small area, which does not attract much attention.

Lu Yi's side.

In addition to paying close attention that day, the focus was on the upcoming negotiations with Gao Tong.

year 2004.

Lu Yi cashed out 500 million meters of gold, established Blue Star Electronics, and began to enter the mobile phone industry.

at that time.

Lu Yi personally flew to America to discuss baseband chips at Qualcomm headquarters.


When Gao Tong learned that Lu Yi was coming to negotiate, they were all very happy. They felt that a big fat sheep had arrived, and they were ready to kill him.


When Gaotong CEO Evan Jacobs was negotiating with Lu Yi, he opened his mouth like a lion.

Not to mention the annual patent licensing fee of 30 million yuan, Blue Star Electronics is also required to pay an additional 10 points of high tax for every pinnacle mobile phone sold.

To know.

At that time, high tax rates were generally only 2% to 5%.

Of course Lu Yi couldn't agree.


After some bickering, Lu Yi dug a hole for Gao Tong and proposed a gambling agreement.

That is: if Blue Star Electronics' shipments are less than 200,000 units, it will pay a high tax of 20%; if its annual shipments are 500,000 units, it will be reduced to 15%; if its annual shipments are 1 million units, it will be 7.5%. For implementation, 3% will be charged for 2 million units; if it exceeds 2 million units, the same tax will be charged at a higher rate of 0.2%.

Regarding the gambling agreement proposed by Lu Yi, Alvin Jacob looked at Lu Yi as if he were a fool.

Because at that time, the world was not optimistic about Lu Yi’s cross-border Blue Star Electronics.

Even if the shipment volume can reach 100,000 units, it is considered a top.

When Lu Yi proposed such a gambling agreement, in the eyes of Alvin Jacob and all the senior executives of Gaotong, it was just to give money to Gaotong.

There is no reason not to accept such a great gift.

After signing the agreement with Gao Tong, the news came out and the industry was shocked.

Countless people ridiculed Lu Yi's agreement as a blatant gift of money to Gao Tong.

Especially some rat shit from abroad.

They even labeled Lu Yi as transferring assets and required government departments to investigate strictly.

However, the result was such a slap in the face.

In 2006, a generation of pinnacle mobile phones was born.

On the first day, 56,000 units of the pinnacle mobile phone were sold.

Global sales in the first week were as high as 423,000 certificates.

When this sales data came out, the whole world was shocked.

How much I was not optimistic about Blue Star Electronics before, now I am being slapped in the face.

After seeing this sales data, Gao Tong was so angry that he vomited blood.

Because at that time, a well-known analyst made a sales forecast, predicting that the annual shipment volume of the top-generation mobile phone would exceed 6 million units.

And in fact.

The sales volume of the pinnacle mobile phone of the generation has indeed exceeded 6 million units, and it is far more than that.

According to the gambling agreement between Blue Star Electronics and Gaotong, this means that for every pinnacle mobile phone sold, Bluestar Electronics only needs to pay Gaotong an additional 0.2% Gaotong tax.


Gao Tong lost money with Blue Star Electronics!

Because even if calculated based on the shipment volume of 6 million units, that is 3 billion meters of gold.

Originally, the Gaotong tax was calculated at 5%, and Gaotong could get 150 million meters in gold a year.

As a result, due to the gambling agreement, the 150 million rice gold was turned into 6 million rice gold, and only a fraction was obtained.


At that time, the stock prices of listed companies related to Blue Star Electronics soared, while only Gao Tong's company fell, becoming a global laughing stock.

Although Gao Tong and others were very unhappy about this.

But there’s nothing I can do about it if I’m unhappy.

After all, the agreement is at 1.5.


This dumb guy, even if Gao Tong broke his teeth, he would still have to swallow it in his stomach.

Gao Tong also understood that the gambling agreement proposed by Lu Yi two years ago had obviously dug a hole for them.

Although I was very angry, after all, I took the initiative to jump in.


I secretly made up my mind that once the five-year agreement ends, I will get double the amount back from Blue Star Electronics.


The agreement that year expires this year. As the leader of baseband chips, Blue Star is negotiating to sign a new contract.

To this.

Gao Tong said, "It's great. The opportunity for revenge has finally arrived."

this time.

They will definitely not engage in any gambling with Lu Yi, and they must get back double the losses from Blue Star Electronics in the past few years. .

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