Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 877 Lu Yi: 8 Points? Why Don't You Rob A Bank?

Five years.

For Gao Tong, this breath has been held in for five years.

in particular.

Every year I watch Blue Star Electronics release new phones and each model becomes a hit, which makes me feel very depressed.

Originally, the more Blue Star Electronics shipped, the more they earned.

But now it is.

The more shipments Blue Star Electronics has, the more they can only watch Blue Star Electronics eat meat. They can only drink some scraps poured on the ground and have no leftovers.

Just tell me whether you are angry or not!

According to the data disclosed by Blue Star Electronics.

Up to now.

The total shipment volume of the first generation of Pinnacle mobile phones has exceeded 7 million units, and production and sales have been stopped.

The second-generation Pinnacle mobile phone has currently shipped more than 20 million units and is still in production and sales. It is expected that the total shipment volume will exceed 25 million units.

The current shipment volume of the third generation of Pinnacle mobile phones exceeds 12 million units. As for the final shipment volume, relevant professional analysts gave a figure of 35 million units.

From 2006, Blue Star Electronics released the first generation of Pinnacle mobile phones.

Up to now. 06

The Pinnacle mobile phone brand has brought more than 200 million yuan in revenue to Blue Star Electronics.

If Gao Tong had not signed a gambling agreement with Lu Yi.

If Gaotong charges Bluestar Electronics a Gaotong tax of 4%.

In more than three years, Gaotong will receive an additional 800 million yuan in Gaotong tax from Blue Star Electronics.

But because of the gambling agreement.

In the past three years, the company has only received a high tax of 40 million yuan.

This gap is too big!

That's why.

The better Blue Star Electronics' pinnacle mobile phones sell, the more congested Gao Tongxin becomes.

Because they watched Blue Star Electronics make huge profits while losing money, their hearts were bleeding.

That’s 800 million meters of gold!

This is all net profit.

If it is taken out and distributed to its shareholders, these core executives will more or less have some shares.

At this point, it is possible to get hundreds of thousands or even millions of gold.

This is especially true for the Jacob family.

Because the founder of Gaotong is the Jacob family, or Alvin Jacob.

As the boss of Gaotong, he suffered the biggest loss because he failed to get the big deal from Blue Star Electronics.

Moreover, other major shareholders on the board of directors questioned its ability.


Everyone in Gaotong is living like the middle of the year, and the five-year agreement period is finally coming.

They finally ushered in the day of turning over and becoming the masters.

This time.

They must tear off a piece of flesh from Blue Star Electronics.

Although Blue Star Electronics is Party A’s father.

But, who allows them to master the absolute core technology.

Your top mobile phone from Blue Star Electronics doesn’t use my Gaotong baseband chip, so it’s just a brick!

Meng Pu is the chairman of Gaotong in Longguo District.

Fully responsible for Gaotong’s business and operations in Longguo District.

Including executing the company and its business strategic initiatives, further strengthening cooperation between Gaotong and Longguo in the mobile industry chain and semiconductor field.


Meng Pu came to Blue Star Electronics with the mission of Gaotong headquarters and visited Liu Hong.

I had a contact with Liu Hong regarding the baseband chip.

After all, Blue Star Electronics is a major customer of Gaotong. You can't just wait for Blue Star Electronics to come to your door when the previous agreement is about to expire.

This is not how customer maintenance is maintained.

Of course.

Meng Pu came here this time to make a front stop for the headquarters.

Check out the tone of Blue Star Electronics.

For real negotiations, the headquarters will send people to fly to Suzhou to negotiate in person.

After Liu Hong and Meng Pu talked in the conference room for more than an hour, Meng Pu left expressionlessly.

As soon as he left the Blue Star Electronics headquarters, he called the sales headquarters to report.

As for Liu Hong.

It was also the first time I came to Lu Yi's office to give a report.

Boom boom.

There was a knock on the door.

Lu Yi, who was reading documents in the office, raised his head and said, "Please come in."

Liu Hong, who was outside the door, heard the sound, opened the door and walked in.

Seeing that it was Liu Hong, Lu Yi got up from the boss's chair and walked to the sofa next to him.

He poured two cups of tea and said with a smile: "Have you finished talking to Meng Pu?"

Liu Hong walked over and sat on the sofa, picked up a cup of tea, took a sip, nodded and said: "I can only say that we are done talking.

"How do you say it?" Lu Yi picked up the tea, took a sip, and asked casually.

Liu Hongdao: "What else can I say? In 2004, you dug a big hole for Gao Tong, and Gao Tong was remembered for five years."

"The better our pinnacle mobile phones sell, the angrier Gao Tong will get."

"No, as the contract expires and the opportunity for revenge comes, they must swoop in and take a bite."

Hearing this, Lu Yi chuckled and said, "It's as expected!"

"If Gaotong had collected high taxes from us at the normal rate, in three years, they would have taken away more than 800 million yuan in high taxes from us, plus an annual tax of 30 million yuan. In terms of patent licensing fees, that’s over 1 billion in revenue.”

"As a result, they stepped into the big hole I dug for them. In three years, they only took away less than 300 million meters of gold from us. With such a difference, anyone else would have an unbalanced mentality. 17

Liu Hong frowned and said: "Gao Tong's tone is not easy to express. They are determined to eat us back. They want to eat back double the meat that has not been eaten in the past few years."

"Oh? What price did Gao Tong shout?" Lu Yi asked.

Although I was unhappy that Gao Tong was eating and drinking for free on me.

But who lets people control the technology?

If you want to use other people's products, you can only pay the price.

at this point.

In 2004, Lu Yi had already anticipated it.

As long as Gao Tong is not too aggressive, he can only endure it.

But he, Lu Yi, will also not be taken advantage of.

Liu Hongdao: "This time I shouted 10 points without opening my mouth, and it dropped by 2 points."

These words made Lu Yi's face twitch.

After a while, Lu Yi couldn't help but cursed in a low voice: "He's still a real vampire! Eight o'clock? Why don't you rob a bank!".

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