Blue Star Electronics Headquarters.

CEO office.

Lu Yi was stunned when he heard Liu Hong's words.

After a while, he couldn't help but cursed: "Vampire?"

"Eight o'clock?"

"Why don't they rob a bank?"

"Are you really treating me as a big bully and a fat sheep?"

He thought.

Even if Gao Tong's side opened its mouth, the bidding price would only be five or six points.


It came directly to 8 o'clock.

Don't look at it, it's just 3 or 4 points more.

But just for these 3 or 4 points, Blue Star Electronics will pay Gaotong an extra 200 million meters of gold in Gaotong tax every year.

Liu Hongshen said with approval: "Obviously, the other party does regard us as being taken advantage of and fat sheep."

"Go to hell!"

"It really pissed me off. I just chopped it off and treated it as the same thing!"

Lu Yi said fiercely.

Let alone 8 o'clock.

Even if it is 5 or 6 points, Lu Yi will not agree.

Liu Hong smiled bitterly and said: "If we really cut off Gao Tong's order, then our peak mobile phone signal will probably have a big problem."

This is true.

This is why the fruit phone in the previous life was so awesome and unparalleled.

As a result, because they couldn't stand Gaotong's high tax, they switched to Intel's baseband chips. As a result, the signals of some fruit mobile phones became very poor, and they were criticized by consumers.

This kind of thing would be the same if it were a pinnacle mobile phone.

The performance of the peak mobile phone is indeed awesome.

But what is the first function of a mobile phone?

Call up!

And making a phone call requires a good signal.

If the signal is not good, the communication quality will be very poor, and the Internet function will be greatly affected.

Can a smartphone with poor signal and slow Internet speed still win the recognition of consumers?

Obviously, it's not possible!

You can't just spend a lot of money to buy a brick and go back to play with it, right?


Lu Yi was mentally prepared to be ripped off by Gao Tong this time.


He still underestimated Gao Tong's shamelessness.

"Don't be in a hurry~".

"Meng Pu's side is just a front line for Gao Tong's headquarters."

"It won't be long before someone from Qualcomm should fly to Sioux City in person to negotiate.

"Let alone 8 points, even if it is 5 or 6 points, I won't be able to agree."

"When people from Gaotong's headquarters come, I will personally come out to talk to them.

Lu Yi took a sip of tea and said calmly.

Doing business.

It's okay to have differences, we can talk about them.

If you can't reach an agreement once, you can still talk two or three times.

Moreover, Gao Tong asked Meng Pu to shout out a sky-high price of 8 points, which was obviously just to test their side.

Gao Tong doesn't think Blue Star Electronics will agree.

In fact, this is exactly the case.

Meng Pu reported the situation to Gaotong headquarters.

Gao Tong held a relevant meeting.


Gaotong headquarters.

In the conference room.

CEO Paul Jacobs, seeing everyone here, went straight to the topic.

Evan Jacobs resigned as CEO of Gaotong in 2005.

Let his son Paul Jacobs take over.

"Everyone, our contract with Star Electronics will expire this year. Meng Pu, the person in charge of Longguo District, went to the Blue Star Electronics headquarters two days ago and had preliminary contact with Liu Hong. 11

"Obviously, Blue Star Electronics is willing to continue to cooperate with us, because our Gaotong baseband chip is the best in the world!"

"If Blue Star Electronics' top mobile phone wants to continue to dominate the smartphone market and challenge Nokia's dominance in the mobile phone industry, it cannot do without our Gaotong baseband chips."

In #04, my father signed a gambling agreement with Lu Yi, and then we lost completely. "

"In three years, we made at least 800 million gold!"

"This 800 million meters of gold is not only a loss for my Jacob family, but also a loss for everyone here. y

“This time, we will get back double the previous losses from Blue Star Electronics.

"The headquarters asked Meng Pu to propose a high tax of 8%, but Blue Star Electronics strongly rejected it. This was as expected."

"At the same time, Blue Star Electronics proposed a high tax of 1.5%."

"Obviously we cannot agree to this.

"In today's meeting, we must discuss a bottom line."

Paul Jacob's voice rang in the conference room.

The humiliation I endured from Lu Yi, as my son, I want to get back my capital and profits this time.

As soon as Paul Jacob finished speaking, someone below said: "I think 6 points is suitable."

*According to data disclosed by Blue Star Electronics, the annual shipment volume of Blue Star Electronics' peak mobile phones ranges from 10 million to 15 million units, with revenue ranging from 6 billion to 9 billion meters. "

"If we set the price at 6%, then we can collect a high tax of 360 million to 540 million meters of gold from Blue Star Electronics every year."

As soon as the executive finished speaking, someone expressed objections.

"I object to 6 points!"

"I think it should be set at 4.5 points like other customers."

“6% is too high and Blue Star Electronics will never agree to it.

said one executive.

Phew soon.

The whole conference room started to quarrel.

"They can't resist because Blue Star Electronics needs our baseband chips!"

"But this does not mean that we are the only company in the world that is making baseband chips. Don't forget that our competitors include Xantel, Jietong, and Luzhou Instruments!"

"The performance of their products is far inferior to ours!" (Nuo's Zhao) "But they can produce baseband chips, right? Our baseband chips are very important to Blue Star Electronics, but equally, Blue Star Electronics, a big customer, is very important to us. The development of Tongtong is also crucial. If Blue Star Electronics reaches cooperation with our competitors, it will definitely not be good news for us, Gaotong."

"Yes! The current situation is very clear. Traditional non-smartphones are beginning to decline. Smartphones are the mainstream now and in the future. There is no doubt that Blue Star Electronics is the leader in the field of smart phones. Such a For large customers, we cannot lose a small amount and give it to our competitors, so as to obtain funds to develop the baseband chip business.

threatens our position in the industry. "

"Are we going to take this breath?"

"If we lose a high-quality major customer just to express this, and instead send a big gift package to our competitors, I would like to ask, is it worth it?"

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