Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 879 Peace Is The Most Important Thing, Turing Mobile Phone Will Be Released Soon

For a while.

Gao Tong fell into an internal quarrel.

Many senior executives are holding back their anger and want to take advantage of this opportunity to take a bite out of Blue Star Electronics to avenge their deception.


There are also many people who remain awake.

They know that fairness is the basis of cooperation, and they do not say who has difficulty giving alms.

Blue Star Electronics is not a fool.

They are asking for prices all over the place. If they anger the other party, let alone revenge for being cheated, they may completely lose Blue Star Electronics, a high-quality and large customer.

That way.

Gaotong's losses will be even greater.

after all.

Gaotong also has competitors.

Opponents are also watching with eager eyes and trying every means to poach Gao Tong.

Among Gaotong's major customers, Blue Star Electronics ranks among the top three and five in terms of importance.


With the gradual popularity of smartphones, Blue Star Electronics, as the well-deserved leader in the field of smartphones, will only have more demand for baseband chips in the future, even surpassing Noma.

If you lose such a big customer in 2020 because of your impulsiveness, you will push it into the arms of your competitors.

Gao Tong not only lost his performance, but also directly gave a big gift to his opponent, cultivating an opponent who could threaten himself.

Competitors such as Intel and Texas Instruments would probably wake up from their dreams with laughter.


Never act on impulse, because of Xiaotian.


The shopping mall is like a battlefield, and intrigues behind the scenes are normal, right?

Future Group cheated them, Gao Tong, didn't Gao Tong cheat anyone else?

Listen to everyone arguing.

Paul Jacobs was silent.

He was thinking carefully in his mind.

As a qualified CEO, he will naturally not act on impulse.

Even if you are facing an enemy, you must greet them with a smile.

after all.

There are only eternal interests, no eternal friends or enemies.

My father was indeed deceived so badly by Lu Yi that he was questioned by the directors on the board of directors and had to step down from the position of CEO. He stepped in early to take over.

He also wanted to avenge his father, Ai Jacob.

But he must not be blinded by hatred.


This is not a matter of life and death.

When doing business, it is normal to be tricked by opponents or friends.

If you hold on to this and set up obstacles to cooperation between the two parties, then the structure is too small and you are not a qualified leader.

If you want to make money, make big money, and make long-term money, harmony is the most important thing.

Blue Star Electronics' pinnacle mobile phone will be the cornerstone of their unparalleled dominance in the baseband chip field, and they must firmly grasp it.

Figure this out.

Paul Jacobs also had a decision in his mind.

Dong Dong Dong~

He picked up the pen in his hand and tapped it on the table.


The quarrel in the conference room stopped, and everyone looked at Paul Jacobs.

Paul Jacobs glanced at everyone with sharp eyes, and then said: "Everyone, when doing business, peace is the most important thing!"

"Bluestar Electronics is one of our most important partners in Gaotong."

"Furthermore, based on the development of Blue Star Electronics, it is not impossible for Blue Star Electronics to surpass Nokia at a time when non-smartphones are on the decline."

"We must not lose such a big customer."

Paul Jacobs' words changed the expressions of those executives who had just fiercely wanted to bite off a piece of meat from Blue Star Electronics.

"If we, Gaotong, want to completely secure our dominance in the field of baseband chips, Blue Star Electronics will be a very critical (agfi) link."

"If we act on impulse and push Blue Star Electronics into the arms of our competitors, then I would like to ask everyone here, what would you do if you were senior officials from Intel and Texas Instruments?"

"If it were me, I would immediately invest a lot of money in the field of baseband chips for technical research and development.

"Because Blue Star Electronics is the leader and benchmark in the field of smartphones."

"If Blue Star Electronics chooses products from our competitors Intel and Texas Instruments, will other smartphone manufacturers follow suit?"

"So, we should have a longer-term vision and a bigger picture."

Paul Jacob's words made many executives present nod their heads.

Even some of the executives who were about to bite Blue Star Electronics hard just now fell into deep thought and nodded in agreement.

"Okay, let's change the theme of this meeting."

"That is, within the normal range, how many points of higher tax should we charge Blue Star Electronics?"

"After some time, I will personally fly to Suzhou City, Longguo, to negotiate with Lu Yi. We must determine the bottom line."

Paul Jacobs said.


Someone said: "Currently, the patent licensing fees we charge from various mobile phone companies are between 3% and 6%. I think we can offer Blue Star Electronics a price of 4% to 5%."

"I think the bottom line can be set at 4%. The specific amount can be discussed. It would be good to talk about even 0.1% more. There is no need to set an upper limit."

"I agree, the bottom line is set at 4%!"

The executives sitting there expressed their opinions.

Most people believe that the bottom line is set at 4%.

at last.

Paul Jacobs said decisively: "Okay, then our bottom line is set at 4%!"

4%, an increase of 20 times from the previous 0.2%.


The patent fees that Gaotong collects from Blue Star Electronics will also skyrocket 20 times next year.

Blue Star Electronics and Gaotong are preparing to negotiate intensively on patent fees.

The fruit company and Sanxing Group are also busy making final preparations for the release of Turing1.

This is a smartphone jointly built by Fruit Company and Sanxing Group. It is equipped with the TOS system and T1 processor developed by Fruit Company, and Sanxing's top Amoled screen and memory. The purpose is to challenge the top mobile phones.

Originally, the two companies had planned it last year, and they wanted to take advantage of the top mobile phones.

But as a result, Huaxing Optoelectronics made a major technological breakthrough in the screen, causing their conspiracy to go bankrupt, and they had to launch the Turing joint venture brand to the outside world in advance. .

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