[Turing mobile phones will make America’s manufacturing industry re-emerge!]——ABC America Broadcasting Network

[Turing mobile phone, the fighter among mobile phones! It will launch a strong challenge to the top mobile phone in the smartphone industry!] - Fox Network

[The epoch-making smartphone Turing will surpass the top brand and become the most popular high-end smartphone in the world!] - TNT TV Network

[What, you don’t know about Turing? Then you are really out!] - Los Angeles Daily News

[Blue Star Electronics will usher in a powerful rival - Turing, and the high-end smartphone field will form a two-power struggle for hegemony!] -CNN News Network

Immediately after the press conference.

The press release that had been prepared long ago was released as soon as possible.


America's major mainstream media organizations have published Turing-related news on their front pages.

This overwhelming publicity has made people who have never heard of Turing become familiar with Turi06ng.

And in the cold country.

SBS, KBS, and MBC, the three major mainstream media organizations in the cold country, also launched a fishing offensive.

for example:

[The Turing brand, a joint venture between Sanxing Group and Fruit Company, will replace the Pinnacle brand and become the number one high-end smartphone brand!] -SBS

[Turing beats the top brand!]——KBS

[Take action! Turing is the best smartphone in the world, because Turing is half of the Han nationality!——MBC

For the people of cold countries.

It is undoubtedly exciting to see these news.

after all.

This country, when facing the Dragon Kingdom, appears to be very tough on the surface, but inside it is extremely inferior. It always likes to grab various things from the Dragon Kingdom, and likes to compare with the Dragon Kingdom, and then concludes that the Cold Country beats the Dragon Country. Conclusion comes.

In the hearts of Han people, Rang is the most awesome country in the universe.

It can be deduced that the mobile phones of Han Country are also the best mobile phones.

Can bear fruit.

Sanxing mobile phone was completely beaten by Pinnacle mobile phone.

This is unacceptable to the petty Han people, who have been longing for the emergence of a mobile phone brand that can crush top mobile phones in all aspects.


Finally appeared.

That's the Turing phone.

Although the Turing mobile phone was developed jointly by Sanxing Group and Fruit Company, and Fruit Company accounts for the majority.

But, is there a difference?

As MBC reported, no matter what, Turing has half Hanguo blood, which is enough.

In this spirit of Ah Q, the people of the cold country became angry after seeing these reports.

"Our Dahan nation is indeed the greatest nation in the universe. Turing is great!"

"This is a great victory for the cold country's mobile phone industry, we once again suppressed the dragon country!"

"Awesome! I love Turing phones and can't wait to buy one to replace the junk Pinnacle phone in my hand, which is only worthy of being used as a brick!"

"The release of the Turing mobile phone is the pride of our entire Dahan nation, because it has half of the blood of our Dahan nation!"

"Sanxing Group is indeed the greatest consortium in our cold country, and only Sanxing Group can develop such an excellent smartphone like Turing!"

"As a Hanguo native and a member of the Sanxing Group, I am proud of the release of Turing!"

Netizens from the cold country, it seems not enough to enjoy themselves in the one-third of an acre of land in their own homes.

They also jumped over the wall and went to some relevant website forums here in Longguo to brag about Turing and pull Turing to steal the top mobile phone.

No matter what the pinnacle mobile phone is, it is not worthy of being used as a meal replacement for Turing.

Domestic netizens take a look at this, can they bear this?

What kind of garbage is Turing, can it be compared with the top mobile phones?


Domestic netizens responded directly.

For a while.

The domestic Internet is quite lively.

Countless domestic netizens are quarreling with netizens from cold countries online.

Domestic aspect.

There are also many reports about the release of Turing.

Many people have expressed concerns about this.


The Turing brand, a joint venture between Fruit Company and Sanxing Group, is coming fiercely and aims at Pinnacle Mobile's leading position in the field of smartphones.


after the press conference.

Many domestic industry figures have also expressed their opinions on Turing.


Turing is very conscientious in terms of both software and hardware. Overall, it can pose a threat to Pinnacle mobile phones. Blue Star Electronics' position in the field of high-end smartphones will be challenged.

This is not because I took money from the fruit company to say this, but to tell the truth.

Because Turing is indeed very good in all aspects, not much better than Pinnacle phones.


No matter how much people at home and abroad brag about Turing, there is no response at all from Blue Star Electronics.

as if.

I don't know about Turing at all.

Of course.

Within Blue Star Electronics, many employees have also expressed concerns about this.

The reason why Blue Star Electronics has been able to maintain a firm position in the field of smartphones is that it has won the favor of consumers around the world by relying on its technology that is three to five years ahead of its competitors.

But now.

Turing, a dark horse, broke out and made them feel threatened. 853 However.

The core personnel who really understand the research and development of the fourth-generation pinnacle mobile phones are dismissive of this.

Turing is indeed good, but it's only good for the moment.

But unfortunately, I was born in the wrong era.

If it had been born a year or two earlier, it would have really threatened the status of Pinnacle mobile phones.

but now.

When the fourth-generation pinnacle mobile phone is released in October, some fruit companies and Sanxing Group will cry.

They actually set the launch date on October 9th. What a fool!

Do you really think it can cause trouble for Blue Star Electronics?

Thinking too much!

The core staff of Blue Star Electronics who learned the details wanted to laugh in their hearts at this moment.

They are thinking about what kind of collapsed expression Jobs will have after the release of the fourth-generation pinnacle mobile phone on October 10th.

The day before, I might have been excited about how many units Turing sold.

The next day, after seeing the launch of the fourth-generation pinnacle mobile phone, I was afraid that I would faint in the toilet from crying.

Turing is only comparable to the top three generations of mobile phones.

The fourth generation of pinnacle mobile phones will redefine pinnacle mobile phones.

Just like when a generation of pinnacle mobile phones are released, there will be epoch-making innovations and changes.

How can Turing compare to this?


Look at Turing dancing here, sometimes he cries!

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