Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 883 Mj Passed Away Due To Illness, Causing A Global Sensation, And Fans Committed Suicide Wi

On June 20, after Turing’s press conference.

With fruit companies and Sanxing Group investing heavily, major mainstream media around the world have reported wildly on the release of Turing.

For a while.

Turing has become the focus of the moment, attracting heated discussions among countless people.

And under the guidance of some media, Pinnacle mobile phones and Turing mobile phones were directly pitted against each other, describing it as a challenge between the new king and the old king.

As for who is the new king and who is the old king, it is self-evident.

And this conclusion naturally attracted countless netizens to participate in the discussion.

For netizens in Europe, America and other countries, they naturally support the Turing brand to become the new king.

In particular, netizens from America and Hanguo were even more crazy about their remarks.

For the netizens of Longguo, there is no need to say that they will support the pinnacle mobile phone to the end.

Some domestic UP owners even released a comparison video on this, making a detailed comparison from all aspects, and concluded that Turing is a knockoff of Pinnacle mobile phones.

As soon as this video was released, it was directly ranked on the hot search lists of major platforms by domestic netizens.

Netizens from America and Han couldn't stand it when they saw this video.

Especially netizens from the cold country, as if they were like a cat whose tail was stepped on, they immediately exploded.

Various insults and refutations were made directly under this video, saying that Long Guo stole Han Guo's kimchi, Spring Festival, Qu Yuan, etc., and then deduced that Pinnacle mobile phone stole Han Guo's design, which is a disgusting statement.

There are also a large number of extreme Korean netizens who directly and frantically reported this video.

in this case.

The popularity of Turing has remained high for several days.

This made Steve Jobs, Li Jianxi and others extremely happy.

Because under this kind of popularity, Turing became a complete hit and became famous.

This is also the effect they want.

Use the technique of touching porcelain to maintain the heat of Turing.

The media that pitted Pinnacle Mobile and Turing against each other was ordered by Jobs behind the scenes.

Just when Jobs and Li Jianxi were preparing to make another big news and continue to promote Turing's popularity.

A piece of news directly turned the attention of the world.

On June 25, superstar MJ passed away!

When the news of MJ's death came out, the whole world seemed to have lost its voice in an instant.


It was like a spring being pressed to the bottom. In an instant, the whole world was in an uproar!

same day.

First, America, both mainstream and non-mainstream media, reported MJ's death immediately.


In a very short period of time.

The media from Eagle Country, Gaul Country, Hansi Country, Nanfei, Singapore, Tianzhu, Dragon Country, Island Country, Maozi, Han Country, etc. all over the world have reprinted the signing reports.

As a world-renowned superstar, MJ's sudden death was too shocking.

MJ's fans all over the world were in disbelief after hearing the news and burst into tears.

[The ‘King of Rock and Roll’ dies at the age of 50!]——Microsoft Global Broadcasting Company

[MJ Passes Away: Genius and Tragedy!]——America Times

[Goodbye, MJ!] - New York Post

[MJ passed away!] - Los Angeles Times

[The King of Rock and Roll died of a heart attack!] - Odalia Newspaper

[MJ passed away at the age of 50] - The Guardian

[Michael Jackson dies!] - Nanfei Post Guardian

[The King of Rock and Roll Passes Away!] - The Straits Times, Singapore

[MJ’s death shocked Los Angeles!]——Longguo News Network

[MJ passed away due to illness, and many of America’s websites were paralyzed!] - Bangpai News

[MJ passed away due to illness, fans committed suicide with heartbreak!] - Squirrel Shocked Part 1


What a sensation!

After MJ's death, media organizations around the world acted quickly and reported wildly.

Even in China, even Yangshi News Channel's "Morning World" spent 4 minutes broadcasting the news of MJ's death and his life achievements.

It can be seen from this.

MJ's death has a wide impact.

But this is normal.

MJ is a legendary master who has been imitated and never surpassed.

During the same period, even if Black was ranked second behind MJ, the gap between his fame and MJ's was astonishingly large.

You can say that.

If MJ's popularity is reduced to half of its previous level, the gap between the second-place superstar and him may be as high as 10 times. That is, under these conditions, MJ is 10 times more famous than the second-place superstar.

This can be seen from MJ's concert in Bucharest in 1992.

At this concert, among the 72,000 live audience, a total of 5,000 people fainted because their idol lost control of his emotions, and 23 of them died.

Being able to hold a concert to this extent can be said to be unprecedented and unprecedented.

This shows MJ's influence around the world.

This is really not covered.

Even if Lu Yi is currently at the peak of his powers, if he wants to compete with MJ in this aspect, he may have to admit defeat.

The news of MJ's sudden death spread throughout the world on the 25th and 26th, causing a huge shock.

The media responded quickly, releasing reports on the cause of death, a fifty-year life retrospective, CD sales statistics, classic photo collections and other related content one after another.

Even the island nation's Fuji TV station issued an emergency announcement that it would broadcast a makeshift documentary on the evening of the 26th, focusing on the superstar's music career and the mystery of his sudden death.

at the same time.

People from all walks of life expressed their regrets.

Frankly speaking, MJ's death is a huge loss in the history of world music.

NBA superstars Black Mamba and Little Emperor covered their faces and cried bitterly, saying they couldn't believe it was true.

While countless people around the world were grieving the news of MJ's death, Jobs was a little dumbfounded.

Because of MJ's death, it suddenly attracted the attention of everyone around the world.


No media coverage of Turing anymore?

No one continues to talk about Turing.

Even the media that had previously taken the money to make a meal, refunded the money as soon as possible (for good reason), and turned to frantically reporting the news of MJ's death.

This situation drove Steve Jobs crazy.

just like.

Yesterday, I was still a superstar in the sky, but the next moment, I became a washed-up star and not as good as a dog.

Blue lean shiitake mushrooms!

in particular.

Jobs was also prepared to take the opportunity to add fire to Turing.


As soon as the oil was poured on, a basin of cold water doused the fire.

It's like.

A boy from a certain university confessed his love to a girl. Flowers and candles were arranged, and all the people around were here. All that was left was for the goddess to come downstairs.


While the goddess was going downstairs, the school security guard suddenly appeared, holding a fire extinguisher, and extinguished everything he had worked so hard to put together.

Then the crowd dispersed.

As for whether the final confession is successful or not, the public no longer cares.

The point of concern became that the confession was violently suppressed by the school security. .

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