Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 885 The Scale Of The Memorial Service Was Unprecedented, With 3 Billion People Watching The

It has been more than ten days since the news of MJ's death.

But the popularity remains unabated and remains high.

Every day, new news about MJ's death is unearthed.

Various speculations and conspiracy theories are also spreading rapidly on the Internet.

at the same time.

From time to time, the media reports that a certain MJ fan committed suicide because of excessive sadness.

According to Xiangjiang Wenwei Po, Taylor, the owner of, the largest MJ fan network, said that after MJ's death, at least 12 fans around the world have committed heartbroken suicide.

O'Neill, CEO of the suicide counseling hotline "Australian Lifeline", said in an interview that although the number of calls for help did not increase significantly after MJ's death, they received about 50 calls a day, and most of them said they were devastated by MJ's death.

This also makes those people on the Internet feel incredible~.

It even makes the melon-eating people in the country dumbfounded.


People who eat melon in China said that they are all numb.


MJ's death made MJ's fans heartbroken.

In addition to these people, there are two other people who are also very heartbroken.

That is Steve Jobs and Li Jianxi.

Of course.

The two of them were not heartbroken over MJ's sudden death.

What makes them sad is that their popularity has been robbed by MJ.


during this time.

The focus of global attention should be on the release of Turing.

Can bear fruit.

After Turing was released, they were not happy for two days.

All plans were disrupted by the news of MJ's sudden death.


The whole world's focus is on MJ's death, and no one pays attention to Turing anymore.

This caused Jobs and Li Jianxi to cry and fainted in the toilet.


The only thing that gives them some comfort is that Turing's release was on the 20th, while MJ's death was on the 25th.

More or less, Turing was exposed to the outside world for three or four days.

Fortunately, they did not schedule the press conference on the 24th or 25th.

If it takes these two days.

no doubt.

The release of Turing will not cause the slightest splash in the face of the news of MJ's death.

can only say.

There is still some comfort in my heart.

But this still makes Jobs and Li Jianxi very heartbroken, as if they were wrong.

But what can they do in the face of this kind of thing?

Can we still shout to everyone, stop caring about MJ and come and see our Turing?

If you do this, I'm afraid you will be sprayed to death by the whole world.


No matter how bitter this bitter pill is, Jobs and Li Jianxi can only grit their teeth and swallow it.

Time passes day by day.

Not only has the popularity of MJ's affairs not dropped, but it has actually increased as the date of MJ's memorial service approaches.

The eyes of countless people around the world are focused on the Staples Center in Los Angeles, America.

Because MJ's memorial service will be held here at 10 a.m. local time on the 7th (1 a.m. Beijing time on the 8th).

Of course.

For some of MJ's global fans, they can only watch their idol's memorial service through live broadcast.

Only a small number of people have the conditions to attend the memorial service on site.

At 1:10 a.m. Zhongdu time, the memorial ceremony officially began.

MJ's coffin was decorated with red roses.

Flowers filled the stage and fans began to enter.

After the memorial ceremony began, his coffin circled around the place and then stopped in front of the stage to satisfy the audience to witness MJ for the last time.


Mariah Carey sang MJ's famous song with her partner.

Change the lyrics to express my memory of MJ.

The audience at the scene chanted MJ's name to express their reluctance and sorrow for MJ.

The atmosphere was sad.

"There were also countless celebrities who came to attend MJ's funeral.

At the memorial service, many music celebrities took to the stage to pay tribute to MJ.

Recall MJ's contribution to music, and recall that MJ's music cannot conceal his talent and beauty of life.

0…Please give me flowers…

It tells about MJ's great contribution to charity and the hardships from debut to fame. Whether it is music or charity, MJ's achievements are almost unmatched.

At the end of the memorial service, MJ's friends sang "WE-ARE-THE-WORLD" together.

After MJ's funeral.

Relevant news spread all over the world in an instant.

no doubt.

MJ's funeral was unprecedentedly grand.

It can be known from the situation reported by various media.

Nearly 100,000 people gathered in downtown Luoshanji to commemorate the King in different ways.

In order to ensure safety, the local police have added police force many times.

In addition to the nearly 100,000 people attending the funeral.

Hundreds of millions of people watched MJ's funeral through live broadcast.

Because many people are unable to go to see him off in person, watching the funeral live is the only way to see the genius for the last time.

According to the statistics.

The total number of people around the world watching live broadcasts of funerals on television reached approximately 3 billion.

This number is staggering.

after all.

The total population of the world at this time is basically 6 billion.

If 3 billion people are watching, it can be said that basically everyone in the world has watched the funeral live broadcast directly or indirectly.

This further reflects everyone's reluctance and love for MJ.

Although MJ's sudden death was difficult for many people to accept.

But this world does not mean that it cannot continue to function without someone.

You still have to live the day.

Gao Tong also held several meetings in succession.

Meng Pu also visited Liu Hong several times to discuss the contract renewal.

The other side.

Jobs didn't know where he got the news, and he suddenly felt like Xiao Jiujiu in his heart.


On this day, he visited the head of Gaotong, Paul Jacobs. .

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