Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 886 Steve Jobs Is Going To Cause Trouble Again

Gaotong headquarters.

In the reception room.

Paul Jacobs looked at Jobs with a little doubt in his heart.

I don’t know what happened to Steve Jobs’ sudden visit today.

Fruit Company and Sanxing Group jointly released the Turing mobile phone, which has been a hot topic in the industry.

Although it was released just a few days ago, the popularity was suppressed by the news that MJ passed away due to illness.

But many people in the industry are paying attention to Turing.

Gao Tong is also one of them.


Gaotong is also the baseband chip provider for Turing mobile phones.

"Mr. Jobs, your sudden visit surprised me." Paul Jacobs said with a smile.

Jobs said seriously: "Mr. Jacobs, please forgive my rashness."

"There there."

Paul "597" Robert Jacobs smiled with a smile on his face and asked: "Is there something wrong with Mr. Jobs? Is there something wrong with the baseband chip provided by our Gaotong side?"


This possibility is very low.

after all.

Gaotong’s baseband chips are the most powerful in the world.

Even his opponent Intel was just a younger brother in front of Gao Tong.

Jobs shook his head and said: "That's not true. The baseband chip solution provided by your company is excellent, and it is worthy of being a leading company in the industry."

"Mr. Jobs is overly praised." Paul Jacobs smiled modestly.

At this time.

Jobs said seriously: "I heard that your company is currently in contact negotiations with Blue Star Electronics about baseband chips?"

As soon as these words came out, Paul Jacobs was immediately stunned.

How did Steve Jobs know?


This is an internal matter within my high school. You, Steve, are an outsider. What do you mean by telling me this now?

Paul Jacobs said calmly: "I wonder where Mr. Jobs heard this news?"

"Mr. Jacob, please rest assured, I have no other intentions."

Jobs explained, then changed the topic and said: "I came to visit Mr. Jacobs today because I want to cooperate."

These words made Paul Jacobs raise his eyebrows and asked: "Cooperation? What do you mean? Aren't we both cooperating?"

"What do Mr. Jacobs think of the Turing phone?" Jobs asked with a smile.

Paul Jacobs didn't understand what Jobs meant by this, but he still said: "Turing is a great smartphone, comparable to Blue Star Electronics' pinnacle mobile phone. If there is no pinnacle phone, then Turing is the number one in the industry!"

"So, I wonder if Gao Tong is interested in becoming a shareholder of Turing Company?" Jobs said with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, Paul Jacob was shocked.

He now has no idea what Jobs meant?

"Mr. Jobs, please tell me directly, what kind of cooperation is it? I'm very busy." Paul Jacobs frowned.

Jobs explained: "Be patient, Mr. Jacobs. I came today because I really want to cooperate with Gao Tong and invite Gao Tong to join the Turing company."

Become one of the shareholders. "

"Why?" Paul Jacobs was very puzzled.

He couldn't figure it out at all, why did Jobs do this?

Gao Tong's entry into Turing Company means that the fruit company and Sanxing Group will share some of their interests.

What would the fruit company and Sanxing Group do that would benefit themselves and others?

Your brain was caught in the door!

“To be honest, I want to make Turing the world’s unique high-end smartphone leader!”

“Blue Star Electronics’ pinnacle mobile phone is the only obstacle on Turing’s path to dominance.

"To be honest, before this, we used some means to stop Blue Star Electronics, but failed."

Jobs said.

Paul Jacobs' eyes narrowed.

I didn't expect that Jobs' ambition would be so big.

at the same time.

He also knew what Jobs meant by failure.

At this moment.

After hearing this, Paul Jacobs vaguely understood why Jobs came to the door.

On the LCD screen, Jobs seemed to be a stumbling block for Blue Star Electronics, and it failed.

The R-IPS screen of Huaxing Optoelectronics was born, shattering the conspiracy of the fruit company and Sanxing Group.

But obviously.

Jobs still didn’t give up...

So the attention was directed to Gao Tong's head.

Because Gaotong's baseband chip is a powerful weapon against Blue Star Electronics.

If Pinnacle mobile phones do not have the support of Gaotong's baseband chip, the mobile phone signal quality and Internet speed will be greatly affected.


Word of mouth will inevitably deteriorate during consumption.

In that case, it will be time for Turing to rise and replace the top mobile phones.

"You mean, you want me to stumble Blue Star Electronics on the baseband chip?" Paul Jacobs said with a faint look.

If Jobs hadn't made the condition, he would have called the security guards to beat Jobs out.

Jobs nodded and said, "That's right!"

"Gaotong's baseband chip has the strongest performance, and this is also the key to Bluestar Electronics' neck."

"Without the support of Gaotong baseband chips, will Pinnacle mobile phones still be Pinnacle mobile phones?"

Paul Jacobs said: "But why should I do this? Taking the initiative to give up a high-quality large customer is obviously not a wise choice."

Jobs smiled and said, "So let's go back to the beginning."

"My goal is to replace Blue Star Electronics' top mobile phone and make Turing the world's top high-end smartphone."

"If Gao Tong becomes one of the shareholders of Turing Company, then Mr. Jacob 4.1 can think about what Gao Tong can gain by then? Is it greater than the order from Blue Star Electronics?"

have to say.

Paul Jacobs was moved by the pie that Steve Jobs drew.

If Turing can really replace Pinnacle Mobile, Gaotong will not only be able to get a large number of orders from Turing, but also share dividends from Turing's profits.

This income indeed far exceeds Blue Star Electronics' order income.

in particular.

The better Turing does and the more it sells, the more revenue Gaotong will make.

If Turing wants to sell better, it must first solve the obstacle of Pinnacle mobile phones.


The premise is that Gao Tong becomes a shareholder of Turing Company!.

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