Paul Jacobs was silent.


He was moved.

Very excited!

Jobs offered him an offer he couldn't refuse.

If he could become one of Turing's major shareholders, he would also defeat Blue Star Electronics.

For Gao Tong, there is absolutely no harm at all.

Not only can we get a lot of profit from Turing, but Gao Tong can also make a lot of money from Turing's baseband chip orders every year.

Of course.

The premise of all this is based on the defeat of Blue Star Electronics by Turing.

Think of this.

Paul Jacobs' eyes kept changing, thinking about whether Turing, with the cooperation of Gao Tong, could defeat Blue Star Electronics?

I’m not saying absolutely, but I’m still 60-70% sure, which is pretty high.

Although Gao Tong is not the only one making baseband chips.

But there is no doubt about it. 06

In this field, Feng Tong is the undisputed king.

Because in the field of communications, Gao Tong holds too many core patented technologies.

It is these patented technologies that have allowed Gaotong to build a thick and high patent wall.

This is also the reason why Gaotong charges high taxes.

Although it is disgusting that Gaotong has excessively imposed high taxes on global communication equipment vendors and terminal manufacturers, there is no other way. You have to admit it even if you pinch your nose. Who let Gaotong hold a large number of patented technologies?

Of course.

It was precisely because Gao Tong unscrupulously collected patent fees that it aroused everyone's resistance.

In recent years, Gao Tong has been involved in lawsuits due to high taxes.

In 2005, after receiving complaints from six companies including Nokia and Ericsson, the European Union launched an antitrust investigation into the excessive pricing of Gaotong's patent licenses.

at present.

After four years of investigation, the lawsuit ended with the Hakka manufacturer settling the case and withdrawing the lawsuit.

Not just the EU.

Hanguo also launched a three-year antitrust investigation against Gao Tong, which ended this year.


Hanguo officials believe that "Gaotong treats customers differently and charges some customers higher fees." For this reason, the Hanguo Fair Trade Commission issued a gold fine of approximately 200 million meters to Gaotong.

Of course.

Although Paul Jacobs is moved.

But he actually has a bigger appetite.

If you can invest in Turing, you can help Turing suppress Pinnacle Mobile and become bigger and stronger.

at the same time.

If you can convince Blue Star Electronics, you can suck blood from Blue Star Electronics.

That's even better.

It can not only make money from Turing, but also suck blood from Blue Star Electronics, killing two birds with one stone.

This is undoubtedly the best result.

make up one's mind.

Paul Jacobs decided to do both.

Of course.

Whether it can take it all depends on whether Blue Star Electronics will give in.

If Blue Star Electronics refuses to give in, they can only cooperate with Turing and suppress Blue Star Electronics to death!

I had a decision in my mind.

Paul Jacobs looked at Steve Jobs with a much kinder look.

The two had another in-depth exchange.

More than half an hour later.

Jobs left Gao Tong with a smile on his face.

After Jobs left.

Paul Jacobs also took action immediately and convened an emergency meeting with senior officials.

In the conference room.

The senior executives present at the meeting were a little confused.

I don’t know what happened to Paul Jacobs in convening an emergency meeting in such a hurry.

Paul Jacobs' sharp gaze swept across the audience and said: "Everyone, just now the CEO of the fruit company, Steve Jobs, came to visit me and talked to me about something very important.

It is related to the future development of Gaotong. "

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was shocked.

What happened is actually related to the future development of Gao Tong?

Everyone is waiting for the next chapter from Paul Jacobs.

Paul Jacobs did not show off and said directly: "Jobs brought about a cooperation and invited our colleagues, Gao Tong, to invest in Turing, which became a source of pressure for the Turing company!"


There is no doubt about these words, just like a bomb dropped, which shocked everyone who was not mentally prepared at all.

Invite Gao Tong to invest in Turing?


Just kidding!

"Jacob, what's going on? This is so sudden! Why did Steve Jobs suddenly invite us to invest in Turing?" Immediately, a vice president asked.

If it can really invest in Turing, it will undoubtedly be a good thing for Gao Tong.

Turing is currently very popular in the industry.

A product launch conference was held on the 20th of last month.

The first generation of Turing is amazing to everyone, comparable to the third generation of Blue Star Electronics' top mobile phones.

Countless people in the industry are saying that 880Turing will challenge Blue Star Electronics’ position in the smartphone field.

If Gaotong can become one of Turing's major shareholders, Gaotong will have a layout both upstream and downstream.

"Is there any conspiracy here? Jobs's decision was too sudden!"

"I think it's not that simple. There is no such thing as a free lunch. Jobs would have made such a decision unless his head was caught in the door."

The executives attending the meeting started talking about it.

Although I was excited to hear the news just now, my excitement immediately turned into vigilance.

There is no such thing as a free lunch.

When Jobs did this, no matter how you look at it, Gao Tong got a huge advantage, as if he was hit by a pie falling from the sky.

But there are no such good things in the world.

If there is one, then there is definitely some kind of conspiracy hidden in it.

It is possible that the so-called good thing is a poison pill.

Once swallowed, it may cause death from poison.

They would never believe that something so cheap could exist in the world.


After being excited, I immediately suspected that there was an ulterior conspiracy behind what Jobs did. .

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