Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 889 The Forecast Is Released, Causing Shock In The Industry

“The Q2 quarter results are very impressive.

Looking at this performance forecast, Lu Yi said with a smile.

"Some time ago, those guys on Wall Street cut all the leeks in America."

"If this performance forecast is released, the group's market value will really reach the 300 billion meter mark this time!"

Lu Qi naturally knows about the group's stock price.

After the Longguo Cloud Computing Conference on May 22, the vampires on Wall Street took advantage of this good news and frantically waved their sickles to cut leeks.

On June 11, the stock price reached 399 meters gold, and when it was about to touch 400 meters gold, a big blow came and the car door was welded shut.

at present.

Future Group's stock price has fallen below the 300-meter mark, and its market value has fallen below the 240 billion-meter mark.

The numbed leeks dare not leave at this moment.

So much so that in recent trading days, Future Group's trading has been very deserted.

The amount of energy has basically reached the level of the foundation.

no way.

The leeks are all afraid of being cut.

Those vampires on Wall Street are so inhuman.

It wasn't enough to get on them once, but he also ravaged them over and over again.

640No matter how strong a person is, he cannot withstand such torture.

Even some leeks who were lying on their backs cut their flesh with tears in their eyes when they saw this situation, unable to bear it.

*The reason why Q2’s performance is so impressive is due to the strong growth of online translation services and cloud computing business. "

"Nowadays, those major Internet companies should buy our products and services, and they have basically bought them."

"Some of the remaining small factories are still struggling with cost issues."

"It is expected that the performance growth rate in Q3 will not be as fast as Q2."

Lucci said.

Lu Yi agreed with Lu Qi's words.

One of the most important reasons why Q2’s performance has reached the level of tens of billions of dollars is that in this quarter, its online translation service sold like crazy around the world.

Well-known Internet companies at home and abroad, such as Microsoft, Guge, AOL, Ali, Qiandu, etc., have basically spent money to purchase this service.


Some small Internet companies that are not short of money are also following the trend and purchasing related services.

During the second quarter, more than 300 companies from all over the world chose Future Group’s enterprise-level online translation solution.

The average cost of a family is 8 million gold per year, and the revenue here is 2.4 billion gold.

It is precisely because of the crazy sales of the online translation business that the Q2 quarter performance exploded.


There are obviously far more than 300 companies in the world.

Even loosely speaking, the world's top 500 companies are all potential customers of Future Group.

There are also many large companies that are not among the Fortune 500, and these are all potential customers.

Because Future Group's online translation business can help these companies reduce IT costs and thereby increase profits.


The growth of the online translation business sector still has a lot of room for imagination.

300 customers is far from the ceiling for this business.


In terms of individual users, online browsing has shown explosive momentum.

If it comes to individual users, explosive growth can also occur.

Then the upper limit of online translation business will be higher and more imaginative.

Lu Yi put down the data in his hand and asked: "When will the official financial report be audited?"

"If it's quick, it will be at the end of this month. If it's slow, it will be August." Lu Qi replied.

Lu Yi nodded and said: "Let's issue a performance forecast to the outside world first. Stop the stock price from falling. If it continues to fall, the market value will fall below the 200 billion meter gold mark."

"Yeah." Lu Qi nodded.


The two chatted (agcd) about work again, and Lu Qi left.

at the same time.

At about 4 o'clock in the afternoon that day.

Future Group has released its Q2 quarter performance forecast.

In an instant.

It was like a meteorite falling from the lake, causing an uproar in the industry.

As a star company in the global Internet industry, every move of Future Group is watched with a magnifying glass by the outside world.

As soon as the Q2 performance forecast was released, all major mainstream financial media organizations reprinted and reported it.

Future Group released its Q2 quarter performance forecast, with total revenue expected to be 9.683 to 10.177 billion gold, and net profit of 2.07 to 2.45 billion gold, exceeding the same period last year!] - Wall Street Times

[Future Group’s Q2 quarter performance exceeds expectations and is expected to break a record of tens of billions of dollars in gold!] - Yahu Finance

[Future Group released its second quarter performance forecast, with performance increasing by more than 200% compared to the same period last year. 】——CNBC

[Future Group’s second quarter revenue exceeded expectations!]——Phoenix Finance

[The explosion of Future Group’s online translation business has helped Q2 quarterly revenue reach a record of tens of billions of dollars! ——Network Finance

With extensive coverage by major mainstream financial media.

Countless people were stunned by this performance forecast data.

"Awesome! I can only say that Future Group is awesome! The Q2 quarter revenue actually exceeded 10 billion yuan!"

"It is worthy of being the face of our Longguo Internet industry. One quarter's revenue is equivalent to two or three Kaidu, Wangyi, and Sohu."

"Don't say anything! Just based on this performance forecast, will the group's stock price rise to the sky in the future?"

"There is absolutely no problem in breaking through the 400-meter golden mark this time!"

"Smart people, you have already opened your own US stock account to study Future Group stocks, but you are still here chatting and spanking???"

"Oh shit! I have all my money in Big A. I don't have money to buy Future Group stocks. I'm crying to death!"

"Selling the house and car, my wife takes a gamble. Let's see if we can achieve financial freedom!"

Domestic netizens are very agitated.

Many people opened their stock trading accounts and watched as they were tricked by Big A.

I looked at the performance forecast released by Future Group again and shed tears silently.


There was an opportunity to get rich in front of me, but I didn't seize it.

I regretted it after I missed it. The most painful thing in the world is this.

If God could give me another chance, I would not hesitate to sell my house, car, wife, and then buy shares of Future Group!

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