Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 890 Retail Investors: Go Ahead And Pick Up The Money In The Sack!

Zhongdu time.

July 13, 4pm.

The release of Future Group's Q2 performance forecast directly caused huge waves in the capital market.

Here in the country, countless melon-eating people are talking about it.

Major financial media outlets have reprinted reports.

And at the same time.

The time here on America's side happened to be around four in the morning.

Everyone is still having sweet dreams.

So few people know that Future Group has released its Q2 performance forecast.

Time passes minute by minute.

When the sun sets on this side of the Eastern Hemisphere and it becomes evening.

The sun rises over America, and a busy day begins.

At 9:30 am America time, the U.S. stock market opens.

During the collective bidding stage, the stock price of Future Group, which had been falling continuously for more than half a month, showed abnormal movements.

A large number of buying orders appeared, causing Future Group to jump 2 points higher and open at 300.9 meters gold.

As soon as the market opened, the stock price opened directly higher.

Within one minute, the stock price rose 3 points.

In three minutes, the stock price rose 5 points.

This rising trend can be described as a rainbow of momentum.

In this case, major stock trading software also reminded of the unusual news.

It turned out that the main institutions were too harsh in cutting leeks, which resulted in the future group's stock trading being deserted for more than half a month, and there was little popularity.

But as news of the stock price changes emerged, a large number of investors soon opened the time-sharing trend chart of Future Group.

Although the Future Group ticket was badly cut off by institutions, it is a star company after all, and the attention is there.

The slightest movement will quickly attract the attention of a large number of leeks.

When investors opened the time-sharing chart of Future Group and saw this overwhelming trend, they were immediately confused.

In the comment exchange area, Riliu'?".


No one knows what happened yet.

Even many leeks who are afraid of being cut, the first thing that flashes in their minds is, the main agency wants to play me again?

It’s not that the leeks are too vigilant.

It is true that the main organization has performed this method too many times, and every time I failed to eat meat, I was beaten and failed to fall.

The retail investors of Chives who didn't understand what was going on didn't dare to act rashly.

More than half a month ago, I still vividly remember the price I bought at the top of the mountain for 399 meters gold.

Many people are still greeting the whole family of the main organization with tears in the cold wind blowing from the top of the mountain.

Just in case this is another trick used by major institutions...

at the same time.

The leeks who had already been betting on the Future Group stock were shocked when they saw the sudden change in the stock price today.

It is said that he is lying flat, but in fact he is stuck on the top of the mountain, and he does not have the courage to cut the flesh and leave it to pieces.

At this moment, I saw the stock price rise sharply, rising by 5 points in three minutes.

Many leeks who were lying flat immediately came back to life with full blood.

They didn't know what was going on. When they saw the stock price change, they immediately sold their chips.

Because they are afraid that this is another game where the main force attracts leeks to take the bait.

Taking advantage of the sharp rebound of five points now, cut the meat directly, and you can reduce the loss to some extent.

There are many retail investors in Chives who hold this idea.

So you can see it.

The time-sharing trend chart of Future Group's stock price, after rising to the position of 309.75 meters gold, began to fluctuate sideways, and the time-sharing power below it is slowly amplifying.


Many leeks that were lying flat before threw out their chips here, and the selling pressure was not small.

If Future Group's stock price wants to continue to rise, it must eat up the chips here before it can continue to rise.

At this moment.

Stock trading software constantly reminds news of stock price changes, and more and more retail investors are paying attention.

at the same time.

There are also many people who are searching for news about the stock price changes of Future Group today to see if there is any good news.

After all, they are retail investors, and their sources of information are far behind those of major institutions.

Fortunately, this is not inside information after all, but is publicly released.

Many people visited the official website of Future Group right away.

Then I saw the Q2 performance forecast released by Future Group at four o'clock in the morning.

Click in and take a look.

I was immediately shocked by the Q2 performance data.


These people realized why the stock price of Future Group suddenly changed and rose sharply today after falling for more than half a month.

Daqing is here.

No wonder they didn't receive any news.

Because when Future Group sent out the news, they were still dreaming big.


These Leek retail investors who understood the "inside story" "ran directly into the market to grab chips.

0…Please give me flowers…

They did not tell the news they knew because they wanted to grab more chips.

This is an opportunity to eat big meat.

Now the fewer people know the inside story, the fewer people are competing with them, and the more meat they can eat.

If we just scream all over the world, everyone will be out of the game, and it will be a bit difficult to grab the chips by then. "Those non-vegetarians who have cut off their flesh and left the market will not continue to cut their flesh."

The stock price of Future Group fluctuated at 309.75 meters gold for more than ten minutes.

The feeling is that there is a lot of pressure at the 310-meter gold position, and it is a bit difficult to break through.


It only fluctuated for more than 10 minutes, and all the chips here were taken by the main institutions and smart people who got the news and entered the market to grab chips.


The stock price started to rise again, reaching 310 meters gold.

Those who are still waiting and watching think that the support of 310 meters of gold will soon be stepped back.


absolutely not.

After breaking through 310 meters of gold, it continued to rise without any turning back.

And at the same time.

in the comment area below.

Finally, someone smart mentioned the news that Future Group released its Q2 quarter performance forecast at four o'clock in the morning.

Very few people noticed.

These people all went to check the specific situation.


In the communication comment area, more and more people mentioned this matter.

Some people even posted screenshots of relevant data.

All of a sudden.

Retail investors who are still waiting and watching, feeling that the main institutions want to play their role again, finally know why the stock price of Future Group has soared today.

It turns out that the Q2 performance forecast was blinding, far exceeding outside expectations.

Got the news.

The retail investors of Chives who were watching from the sidelines could not sit still.

While they were watching and doubting, Future Group had already risen six or seven points, and they lost a big bite of meat.

At this moment.

I can't sit still anymore.

With such great good news, it would be unreasonable for the stock price not to rise twenty or thirty points.


The army of retail investors is at an end.

He yelled: "Come on! Go pick up the money from the sack!"

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