Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 891: An Army Of Retail Investors Came Running Into The Market, Rising 15 Points, Making A Lo

I can't sit still!

After learning the reason for the sudden change in Future Group's stock price today.

I was watching from the sidelines, suspecting that the main force wanted to act like their army of retail investors, and I couldn't sit still at all.

What a blessing from heaven!

Although as early as April, after the online translation service was launched, many well-known analysts on Wall Street publicly stated that the group's future Q2 quarter revenue will double on the basis of Q1 quarter.

At that time, many retail investors believed it.

So they all ran into the market to buy shares of Future Group.

The result was finally discovered.

This is the trick of the vampires on Wall Street, luring them into traps and then trapping them again.

But now we can see the Q2 performance forecast released by Future Group.

Even the retail investors who don't understand Leechive understand "750" clearly.

Those Wall Street analysts are really not just bragging, they are really right.

Q2 performance has doubled, and more than that, it is likely to exceed 10 billion yuan.

The main reason why the main force plays them crazily and harvests them is to get more chips.


As soon as the Q2 performance forecast came out, Future Group's stock price immediately moved up.

After harvesting them three times before, the main organization that has obtained enough chips is waiting for them to carry the sedan this time. It's so exciting!

Close for the day.

Future Group rose 15 points, closing at 339.39 meters gold.

Except for the half-hour opening period, when the market traded sideways for more than ten minutes, the trend throughout the day did not bring back the bullshit.

Especially at the back.

As the news of Q2 performance forecast spread.

After realizing it, I laid down the leek and no longer cut off the meat and left the market, but chose to be reluctant to sell it.


The Q2 performance forecast released by Future Group is like a shot in the arm.

This directly caused the retail investors who were afraid of being cut off by the main force and did not dare to leave the market easily. They once again charged into the market with red eyes.


The future group's Q2 performance forecast is only 8 billion yuan in revenue, which may not be the case yet.

after all.

The outside world's expectation for the future Q2 quarter of the group is about 8 billion meters of gold.

But now this is beyond expectations, and even beyond expectations.

It is precisely because of this that it stimulates investors' buying sentiment, thereby pushing up the stock price.


There are too many retail investors in Chives who failed to buy chips today.

This strong buying sentiment will also support the future group's stock price to continue to rise in the following trading days.

This can be seen from the stock comment exchange area.

"Fake! The time when Future Group released its Q2 performance forecast was four o'clock in the morning. At that time, I was still dreaming!"

"I didn't buy any chips today, I'm so sorry!"

"Future Group's performance in Q2 will explode. With the benefit of this time, the stock price will definitely break through the 400-meter gold mark!"

“I am optimistic that Future Group’s stock price will reach 450 meters gold in this wave!”

"Continue to place orders to buy tomorrow!"

"The main players are really bad! Obviously, they played us several times in the past and harvested the chips in our hands, just for today, they are making money again!"

"I cut my flesh on the floor, Shet!"

"Why didn't I search for relevant news? Otherwise, I wouldn't have sold all the chips in my hand when the stock price jumped 5 points in the morning!"

*399 meters of gold took over and stood guard, while 300 meters of gold fell before dawn...


The Future Group stock exchange area is very lively and active today.

Countless retail investors of Leek commented here.

There is joy, there is regret, there are all kinds of emotions.

And here in China.

Because the time for Future Group to release its Q2 performance forecast is four o'clock in the afternoon.

U.S. stocks had not yet opened at that time.

Therefore, many investors who have opened the U.S. stock market started buying Future Group’s stocks through their accounts after the U.S. stock market opened.

It can be said.

Today's sudden rise in Future Group's stock is basically not caused by the main force, but caused by the crazy influx of domestic investors.

The main force is still up there, waiting for Xi to come in and carry the sedan chair...


The domestic stock market is also very lively.

"Damn it! It's a big increase of 15 points, haha, that's a lot of money!"

"I have been watching since 9:30 in the evening. As soon as the U.S. stock market opened, I went directly to the Future Group and grabbed ten lots at a price of 305 meters of gold. I made a huge profit of 30,000 meters of gold in one night, equivalent to 200,000 yuan. I am numb and swollen!"

"I'll go! The brother upstairs, the boss, grabbed ten lots of 305 meters of gold, the cost must be 310,000 meters of gold, about 2 million yuan, tsk tsk, you are a rich man!"

"What kind of rich man? He only raised so much money by selling houses and cars, and he is just waiting to earn back this time from the Future Group.

"Damn it! If I had your courage, I could make 200,000 yuan in one night. It's a pity, I'm scared!"

"Humph! Last night I mortgaged my house and car to buy shares of Future Group. My wife refused and threatened me with divorce. How can I tolerate her? I gave her a big slap on the spot to block the uncle's way of getting rich. My wife can't even ask for it. !Just now, my wife came back, crying and begging me for forgiveness. Brothers, do you think I should forgive her? Waiting online, it’s quite urgent!”

"Brothers, hold on, don't get off the car easily, this time the stock price of Future Group will definitely break through 400 meters gold, I said it!"

"I remember some time ago, there was a big shot in the industry who bought the bottom when Future Group's stock price plummeted. At that time, I laughed at him for buying 4.9 to the mountainside. Looking at it now

He is the real boss and I am the clown.

"The stock god once said that when others are fearful, I will be greedy; when others are greedy, I will be fearful! Proverb! On June 11, Future Group fell sharply, American stockholders were devastated, and panic levels soared. If you entered the market at that time... ......."

"I once had an opportunity to get rich overnight, but I didn't cherish it. I only regretted it after I missed it..."

Domestic investors who bought shares of Future Group immediately made a profit of more than ten points overnight, which made them burst into laughter.

As for the stock investors who didn’t buy, or didn’t dare to buy at all, when they saw someone making 200,000 in one night, they felt so regretful that their thighs were broken and their eyes turned red with envy.

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